In Unit 3, students use the research they have gathered throughout Units 1-2 about three water issues--access to water, demands on water, and water pollution--to create a video public service announcement (PSA). In the first half of the unit, they analyze an authentic model PSA to generate criteria for an effective PSA before choosing one of the water issues as their PSA topic. In pairs, they then write a script and create a storyboard outlining their PSA.
Students launch their PSAs for a live audience for the performance task in Lesson 13, so they write an invitational letter to a potential guest for the mid-unit assessment. Students pay particular attention to using capital letters and commas appropriately in the letter's mailing address. In the second half of the unit, students plan and create their video PSAs using technology tools for the end of unit assessment. They then prepare presentations to precede their PSAs for the PSA live launch during Lesson 13.