- I can infer the topic of this module from the resources. (RI.8.1)
- I can select a research reading text that I want to read. (RI.8.10)
Focus Standards: These are the standards the instruction addresses.
- RI.8.1, RI.8.10, L.8.4b
Supporting Standards: These are the standards that are incidental—no direct instruction in this lesson, but practice of these standards occurs as a result of addressing the focus standards.
- RI.8.2, RL.8.4, SL.8.1, L.8.4a, L.8.4c, L.8.5a, L.8.5b, L.8.6
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Opening A: Entrance Ticket (L.8.4b)
- Work Time A: Infer the Topic: I Notice/I Wonder note-catcher (RI.8.1)
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Engage the Learner - L.8.4b (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Infer the Topic - RI.8.1 (20 minutes) B. Introduce the Performance Task and Module Guiding Questions (10 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Launch Independent Research Reading - RI.8.10 (10 minutes) 4. Homework A. Read and Reflect: Students read and reflect on the guiding questions for the module and discuss them with their families. They should consider how the guiding questions make them feel. They can sketch or write about their ideas. B. Independent Research Reading: Students read for at least 20 minutes in their independent research reading text. Then they select a prompt and write a response in their independent reading journal. |
Alignment to Assessment Standards and Purpose of Lesson
“How is what _____ said the same as/different from what _____ said?”
“Do you agree or disagree with what your classmate said? Why?”
“Who can add on to what your classmate said?”
“Who can explain why your classmate came up with that response?” Opportunities to Extend Learning
How It Builds on Previous Work
Support All Students
Assessment Guidance
Down the Road
In Advance
- Prepare Entrance Ticket: Unit 1, Lesson 1.
- Post the Infer the Topic resources around the room, or print materials and provide multimedia access to each small group.
- During the Infer the Topic protocol, display the cover of Maus I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History as an infer the topic resource.
- Ensure there is a copy of Entrance Ticket: Unit 1, Lesson 1 at each student's workspace.
- Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).
Tech and Multimedia
- Work Time A: Create a multimedia station of video clips for the Infer the Topic protocol. Use video clips that contain information about the Holocaust:
- http://eled.org/0198
- http://eled.org/0199
- http://eled.org/0200
- http://eled.org/0201
- http://eled.org/0202
- Work Time A: Students complete their Infer the Topic: I Notice/I Wonder note-catchers in a word-processing document such as http://eled.org/0158.
- Work Time A: Students complete their note-catchers in a word-processing document using speech-to-text facilities activated on devices or using an app or software such as http://eled.org/0103.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 8.I.B.6 and 8.I.B.8.
Important Points in the Lesson Itself
- To support ELLs, this lesson establishes an environment of respect for diverse perspectives through the use of an I Notice/I Wonder note-catcher to record observations and questions about varied resources, pairs students to support each other in carrying out tasks, and allows time for discussion. Students engage with the topic through the use of images, videos, and maps that portray elements of the topic of this module (the Holocaust) and are introduced to independent research reading.
- ELLs may find it challenging to navigate the text-based Infer the Topic resources because of the volume of potentially unfamiliar new language. Encourage students to focus on the gist of select resources and language that is familiar. Encourage them to take pride in what they do understand. Before the lesson, add translations in students' home languages to the Work to Become Ethical People anchor chart to make these important principles accessible to all students and to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for those students whose home language is not English.
- adversary, consolidating (A)
- genocide, Nazi, upstander (DS)
(A): Academic Vocabulary
(DS): Domain-Specific Vocabulary
Materials from Previous Lessons
- Academic word wall (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 2, Opening A)
- Close Readers Do These Things anchor chart (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 4, Opening B)
- Directions for Infer the Topic (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Work Time A)
- Work to Become Ethical People anchor chart (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Work Time D)
- Domain-specific word wall (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 2, Opening A)
- Model performance task from former student (one for display; optional)
- Independent Reading Sample Plans (for teacher reference) (see Tools page)
- Vocabulary logs (one per student; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 2, Opening A)
- Directions for Infer the Topic (one per student and one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Work Time A)
- Independent reading journal (one per student; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 6, Work Time B)
New Materials
- Entrance Ticket: Unit 1, Lesson 1 (answers for teacher reference)
- Infer the Topic resources (one for display)
- World map (one for display)
- Performance Task anchor chart (one for display; see Performance Task download)
- Module Guiding Questions anchor chart (one for display; see Teaching Notes)
- Homework Resources (for Families) (see full module or unit download)
- Entrance Ticket: Unit 1, Lesson 1 (one per student)
- Entrance Ticket: Unit 1, Lesson 1 ▲
- Infer the Topic: I Notice/I Wonder note-catcher (one per student)
- Infer the Topic I Notice/I Wonder note-catcher ▲
- Online or paper English or translation dictionary (for ELLs in home language; one per student)
- Homework Resources (for Families) (see full module or unit download)
Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening | Levels of Support |
A. Engage the Learner – L.8.4b (5 minutes)
For Lighter Support
For Heavier Support
Work Time
Work Time | Levels of Support |
A. Infer the Topic – RI.8.1 (20 minutes)
“I can infer the topic of this module from the resources.”
"What do you think you will be learning about in this module?"
“Now that you have looked at some resources, what do you think this module might be about?” (Responses will vary, but may include the following: Nazis, Hitler, concentration camps.) “What does this topic mean to you at this point? Why might it be meaningful to study this topic?” (Responses will vary, but may include the following: to understand what Jewish people experienced during the Holocaust, to learn how people suffered this tragedy.) “From what you know so far, what are you looking forward to about this topic?” (Responses will vary, but may include the following: learning about the cause of the Holocaust, how Hitler could influence so many people, how people fought the Nazis.)
“How is what _____ said the same as/different from what _____ said? I’ll give you time to think and write.” (Responses will vary.)
For Lighter Support
For Heavier Support
B. Introduce the Performance Task and Module Guiding Questions (10 minutes)
“What does this mean? If you’ve heard of this word or know what it means, share with your partner.” (Responses will vary.)
“What do you notice about the task?” (Responses will vary, but may include the following: we will read a graphic novel, we get to create a mini-graphic novel, we will display our graphic novel for visitors.) “What do you wonder about the task?” (Responses will vary, but may include the following: How will we create the graphic novel? Why were Jewish people targeted?) “Now that you have analyzed the performance task, has your inference of what this module might be about changed? How?” (Responses will vary.)
“Why do we have guiding questions for each module?” (Responses will vary, but may include the following: to help focus our learning, to help us think about the performance task.)
“What do you notice?” (Responses will vary, but may include the following: I notice the Holocaust is an event that happened in history because the question is written in past tense.) “What do you wonder?” (Responses will vary, but may include the following: What happened to these people who are victims and survivors? How did it start and end?) “Now that you have analyzed the guiding questions and performance task, has your inference of what this module might be about changed?” (Responses will vary.)
“What does this topic mean to you at this point? Why might it be meaningful to study this topic?” (Responses will vary, but may include the following: racism is still so current and it would be meaningful to study its roots.) “From what you know so far, what are you looking forward to about this topic?” (Responses will vary, but may include learning about how Hitler was able to convince millions of people to hate and commit violence.) "From what you know so far, how does this topic connect to habits of character?" (Responses will vary, but could include references to becoming ethical people as they seek to show empathy as they learn about the people who suffered this tragedy and respect as they discuss sensitive topics and experiences.)
Closing & Assessments
Closing |
A. Launch Independent Research Reading - RI.8.10 (10 minutes)
"I can select a research reading text that I want to read."
Homework |
A. Read and Reflect
B. Independent Research Reading
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