In Unit 3, students connect their learning about the process of ratifying the 19th Amendment to their own lives. Recognizing that Violet and the other characters in The Hope Chest took action against inequality to cause social change, students focus on how kids can make a difference. In the first half of the unit, students read informational texts and watch videos to research how kids around the United States have addressed issues in their communities and made a difference. As they research, they learn about issues people face around the country and see real-life examples of how kids contributed to a better world. For the mid-unit assessment, students read a new text and watch a new video to add to their research.
In the second half of the unit, students take action! As a class, they identify an issue in their community that they want to address and make a plan for how they will take action--through service, advocacy, or philanthropy. They also plan and write a public service announcement to raise awareness about the issues. For the end of unit assessment, students write a new PSA about the importance of making a difference. The last several lessons of the unit focus on the module performance task: planning and writing a press release that shares with the local media what the class did to take action and the impact of their work.