- Opening A: I can retell the events from the story "Sam's Throat Hurts!"
- Opening B (optional): Using evidence from the text, I can answer questions about the story "Sam's Throat Hurts!"
- Work Time A: I can read high-frequency words and words that "don't play fair." (RF.1.3)
- I can read first-grade words that "don't play fair" in isolation.
- I can decode regularly spelled one-syllable words by mapping graphemes to phonemes.
- Work Time B: I can read the decodable text: "Sam's Throat Hurts!" (RF.1.3)
- I can decode regularly spelled one-syllable words by segmenting phonemes and blending them to pronounce a word whose meaning I recognize.
- I can use what I know about the types of syllables to decode (read) a two-syllable word.
- I can read first-grade words that "don't play fair" (irregularly spelled words) in a text.
- I can decode a word with a vowel in the middle and a silent "e" at the end.
- I can read words with an "-s," "-ed," and "-ing" ending.
- I can decode words with other vowel patterns like "igh" and r-controlled vowels.
- I can decode a word with a vowel team (two vowels that make a long vowel sound) in the middle.
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Observe students during Work Time.
- Determine whether they can independently find a given word.
- Determine whether they can decode words with vowel teams from this cycle and identify familiar sounds in or automatically read high-frequency words.
Agenda |
1. Opening (3-5 minutes) A. Engagement Text Read-aloud: "Sam's Throat Hurts!" B. Comprehension Conversation (optional) 2. Work Time (10 minutes) A. High-Frequency Words: "good," "only," "very," "would," "should," "eat," "after" B. Decodable Reader: Partner Search and Read 3. Closing and Assessment (2 minutes) A. Reflecting on Learning 4. Differentiated Small Group Instruction and Rotations (40-45 minutes) |
In Advance
- Prepare:
- Comprehension Conversation questions (if different from suggested questions)
- High-Frequency Word Cards
- Interactive Word Wall (one to display)
- Snapshot Assessment (optional; one per student)
- Predetermine partnerships for retelling during Opening A and Work Time B.
Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T)
- decode, proficient, skills, high-frequency (L)
- tonsils, doctor, throat (T)
- Enlarged Decodable Reader: "Sam's Throat Hurts!" (one to display)
- Engagement Text: "Sam's Throat Hurts!" (one for teacher read-aloud)
- Movable letters (from Lesson 96)
- High-Frequency Word Cards (one of each; for teacher to place on Interactive Word Wall)
- Interactive Word Wall (one to display)
- Decodable Reader: "Sam's Throat Hurts!" (one per student)
- Highlighters (one per student and one for teacher)
- Highlighter tape (optional; for the teacher to use to highlight the Decodable Reader)
- Snapshot Assessment (optional; one per student)
Opening | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Engagement Text Read-aloud: "Sam's Throat Hurts!"
"Gather round together, together, together. It's time to hear a story, a story, a story. It's time to hear a story and say what you've learned."
1. Teacher reads the story aloud once or twice without interruption, pointing to the illustrations in the Enlarged Decodable Reader for each section. 2. Students turn to a partner and retell the story in their own words. | |
B. Comprehension Conversation (optional)
"How did Sam feel when he woke up?" (His throat hurt.) "Why was Sam scared?" (He was scared of having his tonsils taken out.)
"What did Dad mean when he said Sam was 'burning up'?" (He had a fever.)
"Why did Sam feel like he was in a dream?" (He was tired from surgery.) "Do people need their tonsils out every time they have a sore throat?" (no) "What from the story helped us know this?" (The doctor said this sore throat was different. Sam's tonsils had been giving him problems a lot, so even though most of the time it is just a sore throat, only the doctor can tell you if you need your tonsils out.) |
Work Time
Work Time | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. High-Frequency Words: "good," "only," "very," "would," "should," "eat," "after"
"Now it's time to learn high-frequency words together, it's time to learn about words readers and writers use a lot."
| |
B. Decodable Reader: Partner Search and Read
"Now you will read a story, a story, a story. Now you will read a story with words that you know."
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Reflecting on Learning
"What did you do today that is helping you become a more proficient reader?" (Responses will vary. Example: "I remembered the part of the word that doesn't play fair.") |
Differentiated Small Groups: Work with Teacher
Suggested Plan: Teacher works with students in the Pre-Alphabetic, Partial Alphabetic, and Full Alphabetic groups. Students in the Consolidated Alphabetic group do not work with the teacher today.
Note: Groups not working with the teacher at a given time should be engaged in purposeful independent rotation work. Refer to the Independent and Small Group Work Guidance document for more details (see K-2 Skills Resource Manual).
- Aim small group instruction at building students' knowledge and skills of letter identification and phonological awareness.
- Use the Assessment Conversion chart to determine appropriate Kindergarten lessons and Activity Bank ideas to use in daily small group instruction.
- Consider using the Decodable Reader from the whole group lesson as a resource during this time. Example:
- Teacher identifies a grapheme or phoneme (from the current cycle or based on the needs of the group). Students look for grapheme. Student volunteer identifies the grapheme, makes the sound, and possibly practices proper formation (skywriting or whiteboard).
Partial Alphabetic:
- Students in the early to middle Partial Alphabetic (PA) phase may need to spend more time with each long vowel pattern than the whole group lessons provide. Those working within the middle to late PA phase may be comfortable using the vowel team pattern introduced in this cycle. If so, small group work may include extended practice of work time.
- Suggestions for working with students at the Partial Alphabetic phase:
- Use the Decodable Reader from the current cycle and Cycles 13-17 to examine spelling patterns for long vowel sounds.
- Use the Word List from Lesson 106 to work with vowel team patterns from this cycle.
- Spend time on lessons and/or patterns from a previous cycle that may need more practice. Consider using the Assessment Conversion chart to determine an appropriate previous cycle.
- Related Activity Bank suggestions:
- An Activity Bank activity from the High-Frequency Word category (HF) or from the Decoding and Encoding category (DE)
Full Alphabetic:
- Check in with Accountable Independent Reading.
- Follow up with Word Lists and exit tickets. Analyze words that were more challenging and discuss why.
- Consider working with an appropriate common text, making connections to the vowel team patterns introduced, and holding text-based comprehension conversations.
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