In Unit 3, students continue to reflect on where the sun and moon appear in the sky and what happens when the sun and moon are at different places in the sky. They read the book What the Sun Sees, What the Moon Sees by Nancy Tafuri first to understand the content as readers, and then again as a mentor text to study the author's craft. Students also closely view images and videos of urban, suburban, and rural areas at night and during the day to strengthen their schema around what the sun might "see." Students work with one another to draft a class narrative poem titled "What the Moon Sees," which describes the moon, its position, and what is happening with animals and people during that time of night.
In the second half of the unit, students begin the Unit 3 Assessment as they plan and write their own individual narrative poem, "What the Sun Sees" (with a beginning, middle, and end) (W.1.3, W.1.8, L.1.1f, L.1.1j, L.1.2b, L.1.15d). The assessment is broken up into three lessons, during which students draft and write each of the three verses. For their final performance task, students revise and edit their poems based on teacher feedback. They then prepare for a celebration of learning as they practice reading their original narrative poems as well as presenting the songs and Sky notebooks from previous units. In the final lesson, students share what they have learned with families and friends during the celebration.