- I can recognize inappropriate shifts in verb tense. (L.5.1d)
- I can summarize an informational text. (RI.5.1, RI.5.2)
These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:
- RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
- RI.5.2: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.
- L.5.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
- L.5.1d: Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense.
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Summary: "A Black and White World" (RI.5.1, RI.5.2)
- Exit Ticket: Summarizing a Text (RI.5.1, RI.5.2)
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Engaging the Reader: Oral Summaries (5 minutes) B. Reviewing Learning Targets (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Language Dive: Promises to Keep, Pages 8-9 (15 minutes) B. Summarizing the Text: Promises to Keep, Pages 8-9 (25 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Exit Ticket: Summarizing a Text (10 minutes) 4. Homework A. Complete Language Dive Practice I: Promises to Keep in your Unit 1 homework. B. Accountable Research Reading. Select a prompt to respond to in the front of your independent reading journal. |
Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards:
How it builds on previous work:
Areas in which students may need additional support:
Assessment guidance:
Down the road:
In Advance
- Strategically pair students for Opening A and Work Time B, with at least one strong reader per pair.
- Preview the Language Dive Guide from Lesson 2 and consider how to invite conversation among students to address the language goals for Day 2.
- Post: Learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).
Tech and Multimedia
- Continue to use the technology tools recommended throughout Modules 1 and 2 to create anchor charts to share with families; to record students as they participate in discussions and protocols to review with students later and to share with families; and for students to listen to and annotate text, record ideas on note-catchers, and word-process writing.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 5.I.A.2, 5.I.B.6, 5.I.B.7, 5.I.C.10, 5.I.C.11, and 5.II.B.3
Important points in the lesson itself
- The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs with opportunities to review the section of Promises to Keep read in the previous lesson, orally summarize the text, examine inappropriate shifts in verb tense, and apply their learning in a written summary.
- ELLs may find it challenging to write a summary of Promises to Keep in the amount of time allotted. Encourage students to refer to their Determining Main Ideas and Key Details note-catcher and allow them to discuss and rehearse their summaries with a partner before writing (see "Levels of support" and the Meeting Students' Needs column).
Levels of support
For lighter support:
- Challenge students to rephrase the questions in the lesson for those who need heavier support.
For heavier support:
- During Work Time B, consider introducing a Summarizing the Section anchor chart to support students in writing their summaries. On the top half of the chart, write the following bullet points:
- Include three or four key details to support each main idea.
- Use linking words and phrases to connect key details in the paragraph.
- Use correct verb tense.
- Create a bank of linking words and phrases by writing For example, Also, and In addition under the second bullet, and encourage students to add to the bank during the unit.
- Leave space on the bottom half of the chart to write a shared summary to serve as a model for students throughout the unit.
- During Work Time B, consider providing an outline for students to organize their summary and make connections between the information on their note-catchers and information they need to include in their summaries. Example:
[Book title, author, and big idea]__________. [First main idea] _______________. [Key detail]____________. [Key detail]__________. [Key detail]____________.
[Second main idea]____________________. [Key detail]__________. [Key detail]_______________________. [Key detail]_____________. [Concluding statement]______________________________________.
Universal Design for Learning
- Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): To facilitate effective learning during this lesson, ensure that all students have access to the directions in each activity and feel comfortable with the expectations. Continue to vary the ways in which you convey expectations for each activity or task.
- Multiple Means of Action and Expression (MMAE): When introducing the writing in this lesson, support a range of fine motor abilities and writing needs by offering students options for writing utensils. Also consider supporting students' expressive skills by offering partial dictation of student responses. Recall that varying tools for construction and composition supports students' ability to express knowledge without barriers to communicating their thinking.
- Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): Continue to remind students of the goal for the work they are doing with Promises to Keep. Returning to the learning goals lifts up their value and relevance to students.
Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T); Vocabulary Used in Writing (W)
- summarize (L)
- segregated, existed, color barrier, race relations, enslaved, amendments, violate, favoring, opposed, demeaning (T)
- background, colonies, slaves, amendments, illegal, citizens, segregated, Jim Crow, demeaning (W)
- Finding the Gist and Unfamiliar Vocabulary: Promises to Keep, Pages 6-9 (from Lesson 2; one per student and one to display)
- Promises to Keep (from Lesson 1; one per student and one to display)
- Criteria for an Effective Summary anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
- Timer (one to display)
- Close Readers Do These Things anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
- Academic Word Wall (begun in Module 1; added to during Opening B)
- Domain-Specific Word Wall (begun in Lesson 1; added to during Opening B)
- Language Dive Guide: Promises to Keep (from Lesson 2; for teacher reference)
- Questions We Can Ask during a Language Dive anchor chart (begun in Lesson 2)
- Language Dive Chunk Chart: Promises to Keep (from Lesson 2; for teacher reference)
- Language Dive Note-catcher: Promises to Keep (from Lesson 2; one per student and one to display)
- Language Dive Sentence Strip Chunks: Promises to Keep (from Lesson 2; one to display)
- Verb Tenses handout (from Lesson 2; one per student and one to display)
- Determining Main Ideas and Key Details: "A Black and White World" note-catcher (from Lesson 2; one per student)
- Determining Main Ideas and Key Details: "A Black and White World" note-catcher (from Lesson 2; answers, for teacher reference; one to display)
- Summary: "A Black and White World" (example, for teacher reference)
- Working to Become Effective Learners anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
- Paper (lined; one piece per student)
- Exit Ticket: Summarizing a Text (one per student and one to display)
- Exit Ticket: Summarizing a Text (answers, for teacher reference)
Each unit in the 3-5 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Engaging the Reader: Oral Summaries (5 minutes)
B. Reviewing Learning Targets (5 minutes)
"I can recognize inappropriate shifts in verb tense." "I can summarize an informational text."
"What does it mean to summarize?" (It means to give a short explanation of something that has been read, viewed, or heard.)
Work Time
Work Time | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Language Dive: Promises to Keep, Pages 8-9 (15 minutes)
"What is one question you can ask during a Language Dive?" (Responses will vary.)
B. Summarizing the Text: Promises to Keep, Pages 8-9 (25 minutes)
"What is one main idea of this chapter?" (African Americans were slaves in the United States until the Civil War ended slavery.) "What is another main idea of this chapter?" (After the Civil War, African Americans were still treated badly, and they were segregated from white people.) "What is the big idea of this entire chapter? Why did Sharon Robinson write it?" (to give background about how African Americans were treated in the United States before telling the specifics of Jackie Robinson's story)
"How is what _____ said the same as/different from what _____ said? I'll give you time to think and write." (Responses will vary.)
"Where can you see evidence of this main idea on pages 8-9?" "How would you retell this part of pages 8-9 for me?" "How would you summarize it?"
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Exit Ticket: Summarizing a Text (10 minutes)
Homework | Meeting Students' Needs |
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