Students begin this unit by reading about Jim Abbott, another professional athlete who effectively led social change in the acceptance of athletes with disabilities in professional sports. They then compare and contrast the factors that contributed to Jim Abbott's success as a leader of social change with those of Jackie Robinson. Students then work in expert groups to research an athlete leader of social change of their choice. As with Jim Abbott, they compare and contrast the factors that contributed to their expert group athlete's success as a leader of social change with those of Jackie Robinson, and write an essay describing the similarities and differences.
For the mid-unit assessment, students read about a new athlete leader of social change and write an essay comparing and contrasting the factors that contributed to their expert group athlete's success as a leader of social change with those of Jackie Robinson. In the second half of the unit, students look across all of the athlete leaders of change they have read about and choose three common factors to highlight in a presentation about factors that contribute to the success of leaders of social change. They deliver their presentations in pairs for the end of unit assessment. For the performance task, students create a poster highlighting one of the personal qualities that leaders of social change need to have for a display.