Opportunities to Lead Change: Common Factors That Contribute to Success in Leading Social Change | EL Education Curriculum

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ELA G5:M3:U3

Opportunities to Lead Change: Common Factors That Contribute to Success in Leading Social Change

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Students begin this unit by reading about Jim Abbott, another professional athlete who effectively led social change in the acceptance of athletes with disabilities in professional sports. They then compare and contrast the factors that contributed to Jim Abbott's success as a leader of social change with those of Jackie Robinson. Students then work in expert groups to research an athlete leader of social change of their choice. As with Jim Abbott, they compare and contrast the factors that contributed to their expert group athlete's success as a leader of social change with those of Jackie Robinson, and write an essay describing the similarities and differences.

For the mid-unit assessment, students read about a new athlete leader of social change and write an essay comparing and contrasting the factors that contributed to their expert group athlete's success as a leader of social change with those of Jackie Robinson. In the second half of the unit, students look across all of the athlete leaders of change they have read about and choose three common factors to highlight in a presentation about factors that contribute to the success of leaders of social change. They deliver their presentations in pairs for the end of unit assessment. For the performance task, students create a poster highlighting one of the personal qualities that leaders of social change need to have for a display.

Big Ideas & Guiding Questions

  • How have athletes broken barriers during the historical era in which they lived?
  • What factors can contribute to an individual's success in changing society?
  • Athletes are presented with unique opportunities to lead change.
  • Individuals are shaped by and can shape society.
  • A variety of factors can influence an individual's ability to effect change.

The Four Ts

  • Topic: Common factors that contribute to success in leading social change
  • Task: Students write an on-demand essay comparing and contrasting factors that contribute to the success of leaders of social change (mid-unit assessment). Students deliver a presentation (end of unit assessment).
  • Targets (standards explicitly taught and assessed): RI.5.1, RI.5.3, RI.5.7, RI.5.9, RI.5.10, W.5.2, W.5.4, W.5.6, W.5.7, W.5.8, W.5.10, SL.5.4, SL.5.5, SL.5.6, and L.5.1e
  • Texts: "Jim Abbott"


Each unit in the 3-5 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.

Content Connections

This module is designed to address English Language Arts standards and to be taught during the literacy block of the school day. However, the module intentionally incorporates social studies content that many teachers may be teaching during other parts of the day. These intentional connections are described below.

College, Career, and Civic Life C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards:

  • D2.Civ.12.3-5
  • D2.Eco.2.3-5
  • D2.His.2.3-5
  • D2.His.3.3-5
  • D2.His.16.3-5
  • D3.3.3-5
  • D3.4.3-5
  • D4.1.3-5
  • D4.3.3-5
  • D4.6.3-5

Habits of Character/Social-Emotional Learning Focus

Central to EL Education's curriculum is a focus on "habits of character" and social-emotional learning. Students work to become effective learners, developing mindsets and skills for success in college, career, and life (e.g., initiative, responsibility, perseverance, collaboration); work to become ethical people, treating others well and standing up for what is right (e.g., empathy, integrity, respect, compassion); and work to contribute to a better world, putting their learning to use to improve communities (e.g., citizenship, service).

In this unit, students work to become effective learners. They practice showing initiative, responsibility, perseverance, and collaboration as they work together collaboratively, and manage their own time.

Students also work to become ethical people, treating others well and standing up for what is right (e.g., empathy, integrity, respect, compassion). They practice respect, compassion, and empathy in response to the potentially diverse views of different students after reading the texts, and integrity when completing research reading for homework each night.

Students also work to contribute to a better world, putting learning to use to improve communities (e.g., citizenship, service). They using their strengths to help others as they highlight the factors that contribute to the success of effective leaders of social change.


Each unit is made up of a sequence of between 5-20 lessons. The “unit at a glance” chart in the curriculum map breaks down each unit into its lessons, to show how the curriculum is organized in terms of standards address, supporting targets, ongoing assessment, and protocols. It also indicates which lessons include the mid-unit and end-of-unit assessments.

Accountable Independent Reading

The ability to read and comprehend texts is the heart of literacy instruction. Comprehension is taught, reinforced, and assessed across both components of this curriculum: module lessons and the Additional Language and Literacy block. Refer to the 5M3 Module Overview for additional information.

In this unit, students continue to read research texts independently for homework, and engage in frequent research reading shares during the module lesson for accountability.

Supporting English Language Learners

The Meeting Students' Needs column in each lesson contains support for both ELLs and Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and some supports can serve a wide range of student needs. However, ELLs have unique needs that cannot always be met with UDL support. According to federal guidelines, ELLs must be given access to the curriculum with appropriate supports, such as those that are specifically identified as "For ELLs" in the Meeting Students' Needs column.

  • Prioritizing lessons for classrooms with many ELLs: To prepare for the Unit 3 assessments, consider prioritizing and expanding instruction in Lessons 2-5, which introduce internet research, include a whole class Language Dive, and focus on writing an essay; and in Lessons 8-10, which focus on analyzing, creating, and practicing a presentation, and also include a whole class Language Dive. If necessary, consider placing less focus on and condensing instruction in Lesson 1 and the combined Lessons 12 and 13, all of which provide helpful background, practice, and repetition but don't introduce as many new concepts.
  • Language Dives: All students participate in Language Dives in Lessons 4 and 9. These Language Dives support ELLs and all students in deconstructing, reconstructing, and practicing the meaning and structures of sentences from "Jim Abbott," the Model Essay: Comparing and Contrasting Jacking Robinson and Jim Abbott, and the model presentation. Many lessons in the first half of the unit also include optional Mini Language Dives for ELLs. The Language Dive goals remain the same as in previous modules; however, the new format goes beyond those goals by encouraging students to take more of a lead in the conversations and to build greater independence by taking an inquiry-based approach to language in general, and the selected sentence in particular. See the Tools page for additional information.
  • Conversation Cues: Encourage productive and equitable conversation with Goals 1-4 Conversation Cues, which are questions teachers can ask students to help achieve four goals: (Goal 1) encourage all students to talk and be understood; (Goal 2) listen carefully to one another and seek to understand; (Goal 3) deepen thinking; and (Goal 4) think with others to expand the conversation (adapted from Michaels, Sarah and O'Connor, Cathy. Talk Science Primer. Cambridge, MA: TERC, 2012. Based on Chapin, S., O'Connor, C., and Anderson, N. [2009]. Classroom Discussions: Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn, Grades K-6. Second Edition. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications). See the Tools page for the complete set of cues.
  • Diversity and inclusion: Investigate the routines, practices, rituals, beliefs, norms, and experiences that are important to ELLs and their families. Integrate this background into the classroom as students discuss texts that raise issues of discrimination against people with disabilities as well as women. Be sensitive to students' experiences and perspectives on these topics, and foster inclusive action by creating space for students to express their feelings about issues embedded in the texts and videos, while being aware that these discussions may unearth trauma or social stigma. Consult with a guidance counselor, school social worker, or ESL teacher for further investigation of diversity and inclusion.
  • Internet research: Students receive explicit instruction in how to conduct internet research, including how to choose and use reliable internet sources. Students work in groups to research, so they may share information that they gather. Consider modeling and thinking aloud conducting research and choosing reliable sources before inviting students to do so. Additionally, remind students of the importance of citing sources, ensuring that they are telling the reader where they found the information they are gathering.
  • Correlative conjunctions: In the first half of the unit, students are introduced to correlative conjunctions, which are words that are used together to connect words, phrases, or sentences. Additionally, students continue to use linking words and phrases learned in the previous modules to connect their ideas. This instruction will benefit ELLs by preparing them with language to connect ideas when they write informational essays in the first half of the unit, as well as to connect their ideas in their presentations in the second half of the unit. Support students by providing additional practice with correlative conjunctions throughout the unit, encouraging them to use them in their speaking as well as in their writing.
  • Formal and informal English: In the second half of the unit, students examine how language use varies depending on the situation and the task. They discuss the characteristics of formal and informal English, and a hybrid of both, and in which contexts each version can and should be used. This instruction will benefit ELLs by preparing them to vary their language when creating and delivering their presentations. Invite students to notice language often, both written and spoken, and challenge them to categorize the examples as formal, informal, or a hybrid, encouraging them to consider how they might vary language in a different situation or to complete a different task.
  • Celebration: Celebrate the courage, enthusiasm, diversity, and bilingual assets that ELLs bring to the classroom.

Texts to Buy

Texts that need to be procured. Please download the Trade Book List for procurement guidance.

Text or Resource Quantity ISBNs
Promises to Keep: How Jackie Robinson Changed America
by Sharon Robinson
1 per student
ISBN: 9780439425926

Preparation and Materials

  • Consider inviting an audience for students' end of unit presentations in Lesson 11.
  • Prepare technology necessary to complete research in Lessons 2 and 3, type essays in Lesson 5, and give presentations in Lessons 9 and 10.
  • Practice delivering the presentation (or practice delivering the presentation while projecting the Model Presentation provided in Microsoft Word format in the Lesson 8 supporting materials).
  • Consider collaborating with media specialists (e.g., art or technology experts) to support students in creating their performance task posters.
  • The Effective Presentations anchor chart will be referred to again in Module 4.
  • Gather the following materials from previous modules for use in this unit:
    • Close Readers Do These Things anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
    • Working to Become Effective Learners anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
    • Working to Become Ethical People anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
    • Working to Contribute to a Better World anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
    • Painted Essay(r) template (from Module 1)
    • Painting an Essay lesson plan (from Module 1)
    • Linking Words and Phrases handout (from Module 1)
    • Academic Word Wall (from Module 1)
    • Vocabulary log (from Module 1)
    • Discussion Norms anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
    • Peer Critique Protocol anchor chart (from Module 1)

Technology and Multimedia

  • Baseball Hall of Fame - Additional reading and research: Students read additional texts and look at resources about Jackie Robinson.
    • Note: Please preview before sharing with students and determine which are appropriate for this age.
  • Society for American Baseball Research - Additional reading and research: Students read additional texts and look at resources about Jackie Robinson.
    • Note: Please preview before sharing with students and determine which are appropriate for this age.
  • Jackie Robinson.com - Additional reading and research: Students read additional texts and look at resources about Jackie Robinson.
    • Note: Please preview before sharing with students and determine which are appropriate for this age.
  • History.com - Additional reading and research: Students read additional texts and look at resources about Jackie Robinson.
    • Note: Please preview before sharing with students and determine which are appropriate for this age.
  • American Studies Resource Center - Additional reading and research: Students read additional texts and look at resources about racial segregation in sports.
    • Note: Please preview before sharing with students and determine which are appropriate for this age.
  • The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History - Additional reading and research: Students read additional texts and look at resources about racial segregation in sports.
    • Note: Please preview before sharing with students and determine which are appropriate for this age.
  • Prezi - Creating a multimedia presentation: Students use Prezi to create their multimedia presentations instead of slideshow software.

Additional Language and Literacy Block

The Additional Language and Literacy (ALL) Block is 1 hour of instruction per day. It is designed to work in concert with and in addition to the 1-hour Grades 3-5 ELA "module lessons." Taken together, these 2 hours of instruction comprehensively address all the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.

The ALL Block has five components: Additional Work with Complex Text; Reading and Speaking Fluency/GUM (Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics); Writing Practice; Word Study and Vocabulary; and Independent Reading.

The ALL Block has three 2-week units which parallel to the three units of the module.

Optional: Community, Experts, Fieldwork, Service, and Extensions


Invite members of the community, family members, or teachers to come into the classroom to share their experience of segregation and/or their experiences of listening to or watching Jackie Robinson's baseball games.


  • Invite a professional baseball player or a professional athlete from another sport to come into the classroom to talk about his or her life, particularly how the athlete uses his or her position to make changes in society.
  • Invite a local leader of social change to come in to talk to the students about the factors that contributed to him or her being an effective leader of social change.


  • Visit a local baseball stadium or professional sports facility to watch a game.
  • Visit an exhibition about segregation.


  • Students present their End of Unit 3 presentations to an audience of community members.
  • Create the performance task display somewhere out in the community rather than just in school.

Extension opportunities for students seeking more challenge:

  • Invite students to watch movies and documentaries about Jackie Robinson, gathering additional evidence of factors that led to his success.
  • Invite students to research Jackie Robinson by using internet sources to find and read primary source documents.
  • Invite students to research an additional athlete in Unit 3 and to write their compare and contrast essay about two athletes as well as Jackie Robinson.
  • Invite students to research gender segregation in sports.

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