Agenda | Teaching Notes |
Total Time: 2.5 hours of instruction Section 1 1. Opening A. Reviewing Learning Targets (10 minutes) 2. Obtaining and Communicating Information A. Jigsaw Part I: Reading in Ecosystem Expert Groups (40minutes) B. Jigsaw Part II: Sharing in Ecosystem Expert Groups (20 minutes) Section 2 1. Defining a System A. Creating the Concepts Scientists Think About Anchor Chart (20 minutes) 2. Engaging in Argument A. Collecting Data (35 minutes) B. Constructing an Argument: Organisms and Ecosystems (25 minutes) Optional Extension: Our Human Habitats |
Purpose of lesson sequence and alignment with NGSS standards:
How it builds on previous work in the Life Science Module:
How it reinforces the CCSS Standards and EL Education's Language Arts Grade 4 Module 2:
Possible student misconceptions:
Possible broader connections:
Areas where students may need additional support:
Down the road:
Lesson Sequence 2: Overview
Total Time: 2.5 hours of instruction (divided into two sections)
In this lesson sequence, students focus on how the place in which an organism lives can influence how well the organism survives. They become "experts" on an ecosystem and construct a scientific argument about how well the organism can survive in a grassland, tundra, or desert ecosystem.
Long-Term Learning Addressed (Based on NGSS)
Construct and support an argument with evidence to defend the claim that the characteristics of a habitat--such as food and water availability, temperature, and shelter from predators--determine if an animal or plant will survive well, survive less well, or not survive at all. (Based on NGSS 3-LS4-3)
This lesson sequence explicitly addresses:
Science and Engineering Practices:
- Engaging in Argument from Evidence: Construct and/or support an argument with evidence, data, and/or a model. Students construct an argument that an organism will survive well, less well, or not at all in an ecosystem. They use evidence gathered from reading about their assigned ecosystem and assigned organisms to construct an argument using evidence and reasoning.
Crosscutting Concepts:
- Systems and Systems Model: A system can be described in terms of its components and their interactions. Students are introduced to the concept of systems and begin an anchor chart to chart their learning over the module. They also learn the basic components of an ecosystem and begin to see how organisms interact with the biotic and abiotic features of an ecosystem.
Disciplinary Core Ideas:
- LS4.C Adaptation: For any particular habitat, some kinds of organisms survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all. Students study a variety of organisms to determine how well they will survive in a particular habitat.
Lesson Sequence Learning Targets
- I can make an argument about whether an organism will survive well, will survive less well, or not survive in an ecosystem (desert, tundra, or grassland) based on the organism's needs and the ecosystem's characteristics.
- I can support my argument with evidence and reasoning.
Ongoing Assessment
- Student science notebook: Ecosystems entry
- Ecosystem Characteristics note-catcher
- Making a Claim
In Advance
- Read each section and complete the Preparing to Teach: Self-Coaching Guide.
- Assign students to three evenly distributed ecosystem expert groups: Grassland, Tundra, or Desert. Each group will need five students. (Duplicate groups according to class size.) Within each group, assign students one of the five characteristics
- In Section 2, reconfigure the students into triads for the "Collecting Data" step. Intentionally form triads so each consists of one student from each of the tundra, desert, and grassland groups. Students will represent their ecosystem as the three students try to determine the ecosystem in which the plants and animals live.
- Review the Jigsaw protocol (see the Classroom Protocols pack).
- Prepare:
- Plant and animal cards (see supporting materials). Consider making at least three sets since students will use the animal cards again in Lesson Sequences 6 and 11, and need multiple sets. Consider printing the cards in color and laminating them. To print in color, click the URL under each picture.
- Create the Concepts Scientists Think About anchor chart and the Scientists Do These Things anchor chart.
- Post: Lesson sequence learning targets, Life Science Module guiding question, Concepts Scientists Think About anchor chart, Scientists Do These Things anchor chart.
Optional extensions:
- Our Human Habitat: Invite students to construct an argument about humans being able to survive well in an assigned ecosystem. Pose the question: "How do we meet our needs? How is it similar to or different from the animals studied in the lesson?"
habitat = the natural home of an organism where its needs for food, water, shelter, and space are met
surviving well = being able to grow and reproduce
surviving less well = being able to survive
ecosystem = the living and non-living things that make up an environment
grassland = a large, open area of land covered mainly by grass
desert = a dry or arid land area with very little rainfall and sparse plant life
tundra = a land area that is very cold and has a short growing season with very little rainfall and sparse plant life
characteristics = a description of a person, place, or thing
organism = a living thing, including plants and animals
system = a set of parts that work together
claim = a statement or conclusion that answers the original question
evidence = scientific data, including observations, that support the claim
evaluation of evidence = process of deciding whether or not the data is good enough to support the claim
reasoning using evidence = explaining how the evidence or data support the claim
Grassland text
prairie, steppe, savannah = other names for a grassland
resilient = able to recover quickly
root system = a group of roots that anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients
pollinators = animals that carry pollen from one flower to another
average = a math term; the amount calculated by adding several quantities and then dividing this amount by the number of quantities.
temperate grassland = have a warmer season than most grasslands
dormant season = a season when the plants don't grow
Tundra text
precipitation = rain, snow, sleet, and hail
Arctic tundra = a tundra found in the Arctic
topsoil = layer of soil on the surface of the ground
Alpine tundra = a tundra found at the tops of mountains
unpredictable = unable to predict
permafrost = a thick layer of soil that is frozen most of the year
clusters = groups
migrate = moving from place to place
hibernate = to sleep for a long period of time
insulates = to protect from losing heat
habitat = the natural home of an organism where its needs for food, water, shelter, and space are met
taproot = the root of a plant that grows directly down
Desert text
precipitation = rain, snow, sleet, and hail
adaptations = a structure that aids in survival
General Materials
- Student science notebook (from Lesson Sequence 1; one per student)
- Ecosystem entry (page 6 of student science notebook)
- Researching the Grassland Ecosystem (one per student in Grassland expert group)
- Researching the Tundra Ecosystem (one per student in Tundra expert group)
- Researching the Desert Ecosystem (one per student in Desert expert group)
- Life Science Module guiding question (from Lesson Sequence 1; one to display)
- Concepts Scientists Think About anchor chart (new, teacher-created; added to by students in Section 2; see Teaching Notes)
- Animal cards (two per triad)
- Plant cards (one per triad)
- Needs of the Organism Checklist (one per student)
- Scientists Do These Things anchor chart (new, teacher-created; added to by students in Section 2; see Teaching Notes)
- Model Argument: The Snowshoe Hare and the Tundra (one to display)
Science-Specific Materials
- Object to represent a system (pencil, clothes pin, bicycle, etc.)
Section 1: Opening | Preparing to Teach: Self-Coaching Guide |
A. Reviewing Learning Targets (10 minutes)
"What are examples of animals that survive in one place well, but would not be able to survive in another place so well?" (springbok, armadillo, polar bear) "Why do some animals survive well in some places but not others?"(Use specific animal examples from student responses or organisms that students are familiar with from the Language Arts module to model thinking.) "What do you already know about the ecosystems from your Google Earth tour in Lesson Sequence 1?" (Responses will vary. Possible responses include: The tundra is cold, the desert is hot and dry, the grasslands don't have a lot of trees.) "What other characteristics of an ecosystem do we need to know about to decide if an animal will survive well; survive less well; or die in a desert, grassland, or tundra?" (temperature, precipitation or water availability, types of plants (for food), types of animals (for food), types of animal shelters)
"You will now use a text to become an expert about one of three ecosystems: desert, tundra, or grassland." "You will learn about the characteristics of your ecosystem--like how much it rains, how hot or cold it is, and the types of plants and animals that live in the ecosystem and typical animal shelters in the system." "In your ecosystem expert group, each person will focus on one characteristic of the ecosystem at first." "You will share your learning so everyone learns about all the characteristics of the ecosystem." "Then you will argue how those characteristics affect the survival of an organism." |
(1) What new or important vocabulary do I want to highlight from the learning targets? (2) What do I predict students will respond to in these learning targets? (3) Remember that at this point I do not need students to say the right answers. I want to collect information about what they already know and ensure they can use scientific reasoning. (4) What kinds of examples do I predict my students will come up with? How will I use those examples to demonstrate the thinking that some animals are better adapted to survive well in specific ecosystems than others? For example: "Look at this snowshoe hare and this desert. Would this animal be able to survive in this ecosystem?" (5) How will I use those examples to stimulate student thinking about the characteristics of an ecosystem? For example: "What would we have to know about the desert to answer this question? What would we have to know about the hare?" (6) If after some questioning, students don't name the characteristics of the ecosystem, I will name them. (temperature, precipitation or water availability, types of plants, types of animals, types of animal shelters) |
Work Time
Work Time | Preparing to Teach: Self-Coaching Guide |
Section 1: Obtaining and Communicating InformationA. Jigsaw Part I: Reading in Ecosystem Expert Groups (40 minutes)
1. (5 minutes) Study some pictures of the ecosystem and record your findings. 2. (5 minutes) Share initial observations about all of the characteristics of the ecosystem with one member of your group. 3. (10 minutes) Read your expert group text for gist. 4. (15 minutes) Reread your expert group text, focusing on your assigned characteristic of the ecosystem (temperature, precipitation or water availability, types of plants, types of animals, or types of animal shelters) and take notes on the Ecosystem Characteristics note-catcher.
(1) Knowing that students will be working with assigned peers for the remainder of the module as they design their animals together, how will I assign groups? (2) Do my students know the terms biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living)? (3) How can I support students who find gaining information from text challenging? Which students might benefit from hearing the text read aloud? |
B. Jigsaw Part II: Sharing in Ecosystem Expert Groups (20 minutes)
1. Number your group members 1-5. 2. Group member 1 shares the information he/she recorded in his/her Ecosystem Characteristics note-catcher. The other group members record this information in the corresponding box on the note-catcher. 3. Repeat Step 2 for group members 2-5.
(1) Would it be helpful for me to work with one group in particular? |
Section 2: Defining a SystemA. Creating the Concepts Scientists Think About Anchor Chart (20 minutes)
"Where have you heard the word system before?" (Responses will vary.)
"What are the different parts?" "How do the parts work together?" "What job does the object do?" "Could any part of the object do that job by itself?"
"Identify another system and consider all the ways the different parts of the system work together. Record your ideas in your Ecosystem entry under the "Systems" section."
"What are the different parts of the ecosystem you studied?" (temperature, precipitation, types of animals, types of plants, types of animal shelters) "How do these parts work together to create the ecosystem?"
(1) What systems are students familiar with? (solar system, gaming system, human body systems like muscular, circulatory, skeletal systems, etc.) (2) What other objects are students familiar with that I could use to demonstrate a system? (3) What kinds of questions can I ask to stimulate student thinking about systems? (4) When checking for student understanding, what questions could I ask? (For example, if students find this task challenging, ask them to think of the body parts that work together to jump, eat, wave, etc.) Note: The parts of an ecosystem are complex. An entry point for students may be just thinking about how the biotic parts, such as the plants and animals, work together. The animals eat the plants, the animals use the plants as shelter, the animals eat other animals, the plants use animals to spread their seeds, etc. Plants and animals also use abiotic features, such as the water available, to grow. Remember, you are only introducing this concept at this point. Students will have an opportunity to work with systems throughout the module. |
Section 2: Engaging in ArgumentA. Collecting Data (35 minutes)
1. Read your plant card to determine its needs. 2. Record your findings on your Needs of the Organism Checklist. Do not complete the final two rows of the checklist. 3. Repeat Steps 1-2 with your animal cards.
"I see from the Ecosystem Characteristics note-catcher that the tundra is very cold and snowy. I also see that there are a lot of woody plants." "I see from the animal card that the hare needs plants to eat and it has teeth to chew woody plants. It needs shelter, but it has white fur to blend in with the snow and thick fur to keep it warm, so a snowy place would be a good place to hide." "Therefore, I think the snowshoe hare will survive well in the tundra, so I am going to write, 'Yes, I think it would survive well' in the 'Animal #1 column."
(1) How familiar are my students with using charts? How can I further support students as they collect data in their student science notebooks about the characteristics of an ecosystem and the needs of their assigned organism? (2) Explain habitat. Consider this definition: "In ecosystems, such as the desert, tundra, and grasslands, animals and plants make their homes there. We call the home a habitat. In a habitat, animals and plants have needs that must be met, like the need for food, water, shelter, and space." (3) Would my students benefit from having an additional model? (4) What questions can I ask to help students identify the needs of the organisms? |
B. Constructing an Argument: Organisms and Ecosystems (25 minutes)
(1) How can I explain the difference between a scientific argument and an argument that students make socially? Remember in an argument, students must do the following:
(2) How familiar will students be with constructing an argument? How might I use the Scientists Do These Things anchor chart to introduce or review the steps to constructing an argument and the vocabulary used to describe each step? (3) What support might my students need beyond what is offered in the lesson and the student science notebook to construct an argument? (4) If time is short, consider having one or two students make an oral argument and decide as a class if they completed the steps to making an argument. |
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