Writing an Opinion Essay: Drafting Proof Paragraph 1 | EL Education Curriculum

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ELA G3:M4:U2:L9

Writing an Opinion Essay: Drafting Proof Paragraph 1

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These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:

  • RI.3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
  • W.3.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons.
  • W.3.1a: Introduce the topic or text they are writing about, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure that lists reasons.
  • W.3.1b: Provide reasons that support the opinion.

Daily Learning Targets

  • I can write Proof Paragraph 1 of my opinion essay using evidence from my research to support one reason for my opinion. (RI.3.1, W.3.1a, W.3.1b)

Ongoing Assessment

  • Proof Paragraph 1 of Opinion Essay: Water Pollution (RI.3.1, W.3.1a, W.3.1b)


AgendaTeaching Notes

1. Opening

A. Reviewing Learning Target (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. The Painted Essay: Sorting and Color-Coding the Parts of Proof Paragraphs 1 and 2 (25 minutes)

B. Independent Practice: Writing Proof Paragraph 1 (25 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Reflecting on Learning (5 minutes)

4. Homework

A. Complete the Plural Nouns II practice in your Unit 2 homework.

B. Accountable Research Reading. Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal

Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards: 

  • In this lesson, students write the first proof paragraph for their essays. Similar to Lesson 8, they begin by analyzing the model opinion essay, looking at both proof paragraphs and comparing them to the proof paragraphs of the book review written in Module 3. They then use their planning from Lesson 7 to draft their Proof Paragraph 1 (RI.3.1, W.3.1a, W.3.1b).
  • In this lesson, students work to become effective learners by focusing on a characteristic of their choice as they draft their first proof paragraph.

How this lesson builds on previous work:

  • In Lessons 5-8, students analyzed the structure of the Model Opinion Essay: Access to Water using the Painted Essay
  • template, planned their essays, and wrote their introductory paragraph. They build on those foundations in this lesson.
  • The proof paragraphs of this opinion essay follow a similar structure to the proof paragraphs of the informational essays students learned to write in Modules 1-2. In this lesson, students learn a more specific way of structuring an opinion essay, using a problem and solution structure.

Areas in which students may need additional support:

  • Students may need additional support with writing. Consider providing sentence frames or starters for students to use as they draft.
  • Consider allowing students to work with a partner or grouping students who may need additional writing support together while you guide them through writing the first proof paragraph.

Assessment guidance:

  • Review students' Proof Paragraph 1 to ensure that they have included all the necessary information. Use common issues as teaching points for the whole group.
  • Refer to the characteristics related to W.3.1a and W.3.1b on the Opinion Writing Checklist when assessing students' work in this lesson (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
  • Consider using the Writing Process Checklist for Writing and Language Skills during the independent writing in Work Time B (see the Tools page).

Down the road:

  • In the next lesson, students will write the second proof paragraph of their essays.

In Advance

  • Pre-determine pairs for work throughout the lesson.
  • Post: Learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see materials list).

Tech and Multimedia

  • Continue to use the technology tools recommended throughout Modules 1-3 to create anchor charts to share with families; to record students as they participate in discussions and protocols to review with students later and to share with families; and for students to listen to and annotate text, record ideas on note-catchers, and word-process writing.

Supporting English Language Learners

Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 3.I.C.10, 3.I.C.11, 3.I.C.12, 3.II.A.1, 3.II.A.2, 3.II.C.6, 3.II.C.7

Important points in the lesson itself

  • The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs with opportunities to work closely with essay structure, building on their understanding one paragraph at a time. In this lesson, students focus exclusively on Proof Paragraph 1 of their opinion essay. Students continue to benefit from the color-coding system established in prior lessons for visual support and from building on the work in previous lessons of analyzing a model, planning an essay, and drafting an introductory paragraph.
  • ELLs may find it challenging to keep pace with the class as they work through each sentence of Proof Paragraph 1. Additionally, they may find it challenging to follow the problem and solution structure of the proof paragraphs, as it deviates from the structure of previous Painted Essay models. Consider working with a small group after working with the class and help them create their paragraph together. The group can begin writing as an interactive writing experience and finish independently.

Levels of support
For lighter support:

  • Challenge students to use varying linking words and phrases to expand their sentences during Work Time B and to connect evidence that supports their first point. Provide a word bank for support (e.g., for example, for instance, additionally, furthermore).

For heavier support:

  • During Work Time B, consider providing an outline for students to organize Proof Paragraph 1 and make connections between the information on the research note-catchers and information they need to include in their paragraphs. (Example: [Point 1 for opinion, from Impact box] __________. [Evidence] ___________. [Evidence] ___________. [Evidence] ___________. [Conclusion] ___________.)

Universal Design for Learning

  • Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): Continue to reduce barriers to metacognition in this lesson by providing a visual reminder of the focus for each activity.
  • Multiple Means of Action and Expression (MMAE): Continue to support students' ability to appropriately express knowledge about the content by varying the options for composition and communication. Match students' abilities and the demands of the writing task by offering alternatives for students to express their ideas (e.g., partial or full dictation during independent writing).
  • Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): Continue to provide additional support in linking the information presented back to the learning target. Invite students to make this connection by explicitly highlighting the utility and relevance of each activity to the learning target. Include opportunities to refocus students' attention to the learning target throughout the lesson and invite students to respond to how the activities are supporting their instructional goal


Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T); Vocabulary Used in Writing (W)

  • evidence, proof paragraph, reason (L)
  • pollution, affects, well, sicknesses, unsafe, unclean, threatens (W)


  • Opinion Essay: Water Pollution Prompt (from Lesson 1; one per student and one to display)
  • Working to Become Effective Learners anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
  • Organizing the Model: Proof Paragraphs 1 and 2 strips (one strip per pair)
  • Construction paper (blue, yellow; one of each per pair)
  • The Painted Essay(r) template (from Module 1; one per student)
  • Model Opinion Essay: Access to Water (from Lesson 5; one to display)
  • Characteristics of Opinion Essays anchor chart (begun in Lesson 8; added to during Work Time A; see supporting materials)
  • Characteristics of Opinion Essays anchor chart (begun in Lesson 8; example, for teacher reference)
  • Opinion Writing Checklist (from Lesson 5; one per student and one to display; see Assessment Overview and Resources)
  • Opinion Essay: Water Pollution (begun in Lesson 8; added to during Work Time B; one per student)
  • Research Note-catcher: Water Pollution (from Unit 1, Lesson 11; one per student)
  • Paper (lined; one piece per student)
  • Domain-Specific Word Wall (begun in Unit 1, Lesson 1)


Each unit in the 3-5 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.


OpeningMeeting Students' Needs

A. Reviewing Learning Target (5 minutes) 

  • Direct students' attention to the posted learning target and read it aloud:

"I can write Proof Paragraph 1 of my opinion essay using evidence from my research to support one reason for my opinion."

  • Tell students that today they will continue drafting their opinion essays, writing their first proof paragraph.
  • Underline the word evidence and review its definition (facts or information to prove that something is true).
  • Circle the words proof paragraph and reason. Remind students that the purpose of Proof Paragraph 1 is to give evidence and reasons to support Point 1, and that reasons are a cause or explanation for something.
  • Invite students to retrieve their Opinion Essay: Water Pollution Prompt and briefly review it.
  • Focus students on the Working to Become Effective Learners anchor chart and invite them to read the habits of character on the chart to themselves. Tell students to choose a habit to focus on as they continue drafting today.
  • For ELLs: (Practicing Linking Words and Phrases) Remind students that reasons are often introduced by the word because, and evidence is often introduced by linking words and phrases such as for example and for instance. Invite students to turn to a partner and list one reason for their opinion and one piece of evidence that supports their opinion, using linking words and phrases to do so. Provide sentence frames for support. (Example: My opinion is _______ because_____ [reason]. For example, _______ [evidence].)

Work Time

Work TimeMeeting Students' Needs

A. The Painted Essay: Sorting and Color-Coding the Parts of Proof Paragraphs 1 and 2 (25 minutes) 

  • Move students into pre-determined pairs and invite them to label themselves A and B.
  • Distribute Organizing the Model: Proof Paragraphs 1 and 2 strips and construction paper.
  • Invite students to refer to their Painted Essay(r) template to remember the parts of a proof paragraph and where they fit in the structure of an opinion piece.
  • Invite pairs to:
    • Read and organize the strips, putting the strips for Proof Paragraph 1 on the yellow construction paper and the strips for Proof Paragraph 2 on the blue construction paper.
    • Organize each set of strips in the correct order.
    • Check their work against the Model Opinion Essay: Access to Water.
    • After 15 minutes, refocus whole group and invite students to help you record the parts of Proof Paragraphs 1 and 2 on the Characteristics of Opinion Essays anchor chart. Refer to the Characteristics of Opinion Essays anchor chart (example, for teacher reference) as necessary.
  • Think-Pair-Share:

"Think back to the book reviews you wrote in Module 3. How will the proof paragraphs of our opinion essays be similar to the proof paragraphs of the book reviews? How will they be different?" (Similarities: They will give reasons and evidence that support our opinion. Differences: Our opinion essay proof paragraphs will explain the problem our essay is focused on and possible solutions, and the book review proof paragraphs each gave a reason to read the book we were recommending.)

Conversation Cue: "Can you figure out why the proof paragraphs of the opinion essay will be different from the book review, even though they are both opinion pieces? I'll give you time to think and discuss with a partner." (Responses will vary, but may include: Proof paragraphs give reasons that support the opinion, and for this opinion essay one reason is because the problem affects everyone, and the other reason is we can act now to help solve the problem.)

  • For students who may need additional support with strategy development: Provide differentiated mentors by purposefully pre-selecting student partnerships. Consider meeting with the mentors in advance to encourage them to share their thought processes with their partner. (MMAE)
  • For students who may need additional support with self-regulation: As students work sorting and color-coding, support time management strategies by using a visual timer. (MME)
  • For ELLs: (Modeling and Thinking Aloud: Paragraph Organization) Consider modeling and thinking aloud the process for organizing proof paragraph strips and inviting students to organize Proof Paragraph 1 strips as an interactive experience before they organize Proof Paragraph 2 in pairs. Alternatively, consider color-coding the text on the strips to represent each proof paragraph, supporting students in their organization.
  • For ELLs: (Paragraph Organization: Explaining Structure) After students have organized the strips, invite them to chorally read Proof Paragraphs 1 and 2. Then, invite them to explain the function of the sentences in each paragraph, reinforcing their understanding of each paragraph's structure. Consider modeling this process for Proof Paragraph 1. Ask:

"The first sentence in Proof Paragraph 1 states a problem, the middle sentences support this problem with evidence, and the last sentence concludes why solving the problem is important. What is the function of the sentences in Proof Paragraph 2?

B. Independent Practice: Writing Proof Paragraph 1 (25 minutes) 

  • Display and invite students to retrieve their Opinion Writing Checklist. Remind them that this checklist is something they have been using to help them ensure that they have included everything they need to write a successful opinion essay.
  • Read aloud the following criteria, pausing after each to invite students to turn and talk with an elbow partner to restate the criterion in their own words:
    • "RL.3.1, RI.3.1: My opinion is supported by reasons and evidence from the text(s) and shows a clear understanding of the topic."
    • "W.3.1b: I give evidence and reasons to support my opinion."
  • Invite students to mark these criteria on their checklist.
  • Focus students on the other criteria one at a time and invite them to consider anything specific to this piece of writing they might want to record in the Characteristics of My Opinion Essay column.
  • Invite students to retrieve their Opinion Essay: Water Pollution they started in Lesson 8 and to read their introductory paragraphs to themselves to remind them of their opinion and focus for their essay.
  • Invite students to retrieve their Research Note-catcher: Water Pollution.
  • Turn and Talk:

"Share the focus statement of your essay and the sentence in your introduction that tells the two points you are making in your essay." (Responses will vary.)

"What is the first point you are making in this essay? Where can you find information to support this point on your research note-catcher?" (that water pollution affects us all; in the Impact box on our Research Note-catcher: Water Pollution) 

  • Remind students that this first point will be the focus of their first proof paragraph: telling how the problem related to water affects us all.
  • Distribute paper and remind them that the proof paragraph is a new paragraph, so they should start it on a new line and leave a line in between each line of writing to make revisions and edits later in the unit.
  • Remind students to use the displayed Model Opinion Essay: Access to Water, the criteria recorded on the Characteristics of Opinion Essays anchor chart, the Opinion Writing Checklist, and the Domain-Specific Word Wall to write their first proof paragraph.
  • Circulate to support students as they write and to identify common issues for whole group teaching points.
  • For students who may need additional support with fine motor skills: Consider offering supportive tools for written expression (e.g., pencil grip, slanted desk, or use of a word processor). (MMAE)
  • For ELLs: Mini Language Dive. "Access to water/affects people worldwide."
    • Deconstruct: Discuss the sentence and each chunk. Language goals for focus structure:
      • "What does this chunk tell us?" This chunk tells us that the information in the previous chunk impacts everyone. Worldwide means all over the world; everyone is affected by their access to water. (verb phrase)
      • Students can take 30 seconds in pairs to discuss how the meaning of the sentence would change if worldwide were replaced with nowhere. Then, they can switch pairs and discuss how the meaning would change if worldwide were replaced with in some places.Add worldwide as an adverb in the Examples column of the Parts of Speech anchor chart.
    • Practice: Students can practice using this structure to speak or write about their own work or lives: _______ [noun phrase] affects people _________ [adverb].
    • Reconstruct:

"What is another way to say this sentence?"

"How does your understanding of this sentence add to your understanding of the big idea that freshwater is not distributed equally around the world?"

    • Practice: Students can practice using this structure to write their first sentence for Proof Paragraph 1: _________ [noun phrase] affects people ____________ [adverb].

"How can we use this sentence structure to help us convey Reason 1 for our opinion?"

  • For ELLs: (Verbal Writing Practice) Give students an opportunity to verbally recount the first point that supports their opinion and provide supporting evidence from their Research Note-catcher: Water Pollution. Then, invite students to rehearse their sentences with a partner before writing.

Closing & Assessments

ClosingMeeting Students' Needs

A. Reflecting on Learning (5 minutes) 

  • Use a checking for understanding technique (e.g., Red Light, Green Light or Thumb-O-Meter) for students to self-assess against the learning target and how well they worked to become effective learners in this lesson.
  • Invite students to record "Y" for "Yes" and the date in the final column of their Opinion Writing Checklist if they feel the criteria marked on their checklist have been achieved in their writing in this lesson.
  • For ELLs: (Sharing Specific Examples) Invite students to share specific examples of criteria they achieved during their writing in this lesson. Encourage them to use linking words and phrases as they share (e.g., for example, for instance).


HomeworkMeeting Students' Needs

A. Complete the Plural Nouns II practice in your Unit 2 homework.

B. Accountable Research Reading. Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

  • For ELLs: (Oral Response) Read aloud, discuss, and respond to your prompt orally, either with a partner, family member, or student from grades 2 or 4, or record an audio response

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