- I can determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud. (SL.3.2)
- I can explain the function of nouns and pronouns. (L.3.1a)
- I can use the text to answer questions about pages 8-9 of One Well. (RI.3.1, RI.3.4, RI.3.7, L.3.4)
These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:
- RI.3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
- RI.3.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area.
- RI.3.7: Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).
- SL.3.2: Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally.
- L.3.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
- L.3.1a: Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.
- L.3.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
- L.3.4a: Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
- L.3.4b: Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable, comfortable/uncomfortable, care/careless,heat/preheat).
- L.3.4c: Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g., company, companion).
- L.3.4d: Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Mid-Unit 1 Assessment: Answering Questions about an Informational Text (RI.3.1, RI.3.3, RI.3.4, SL.3.2, L.3.1a, L.3.4)
- Tracking Progress: Reading, Understanding, and Explaining New Text (R.1, R.4, R.10, L.4)
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Reviewing Learning Targets (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Mid-Unit 1 Assessment: Answering Questions about an Informational Text (40 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Tracking Progress (15 minutes) 4. Homework A. Accountable Research Reading. Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal. |
Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards:
How this lesson builds on previous work:
Assessment guidance:
Areas in which students may need additional support:
Down the road:
In Advance
- Prepare the Mid-Unit 1 Assessment (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
- Gather Tracking Progress folders.
- Post: Learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see materials list).
Tech and Multimedia
- Continue to use the technology tools recommended throughout Modules 1-3 to create anchor charts to share with families; to record students as they participate in discussions and protocols to review with students later and to share with families; and for students to listen to and annotate text, record ideas on note-catchers, and word-process writing.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 3.I.A.1, 3.I.B.5, 3.I.B.6, 3.I.B.7, 3.I.B.8, 3.II.A.2, 3.II.B.4, 3.II.C.6
Important points in the lesson itself
- The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs by inviting them to complete assessment tasks similar to the classroom tasks completed in Lessons 1-4.
- ELLs may find the assessment challenging. Encourage students to consult classroom resources and give them specific, positive feedback on the progress they've made learning English.
- Allow students to review note-catchers, the Academic and Domain-Specific Word Walls, and vocabulary logs and other classroom resources.
- Ensure that ELLs understand the assessment directions. Answer their questions, refraining from supplying answers to the assessment questions themselves (see additional support in the lesson).
- After the assessment, ask students to discuss which assessment task was easiest and which was most difficult, and why. Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning
- Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): To set themselves up for success for the mid-unit assessment, students need to generalize the skills that they learned from the previous sessions. Similar to Modules 1-2, before administering the assessment, activate their prior knowledge by recalling the learning targets from the previous lessons. Also, present the directions for the assessment both visually and verbally and display a map of the assessment parts.
- Multiple Means of Action and Expression (MMAE): In this lesson, students read from One Well and answer selected-response questions as the mid-unit assessment. Continue to support students in setting appropriate goals for their effort and the level of difficulty expected.
- Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): Continue to support students in limiting distractions during the mid-unit assessment. Also, continue to provide variation in time for completing the assessment as appropriate. Consider breaking the assessment into parts and offering breaks at certain times.
Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T); Vocabulary Used in Writing (W)
- Do not preview vocabulary for this assessment lesson.
- Mid-Unit 1 Assessment: Answering Questions about an Informational Text (one per student and one to display; see Assessment Overview and Resources)
- One Well (from Lesson 2; one per student)
- Working to Become Effective Learners anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
- Strategies to Answer Selected Response Questions anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
- Tracking Progress: Reading, Understanding, and Explaining New Text (one per student)
- Tracking Progress folders (from Module 1; one per student)
- Sticky notes (three per student)
Materials from Previous Lessons
New Materials
Each unit in the 3-5 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Reviewing Learning Targets (5 minutes)
"I can determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud."
Work Time
Work Time | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Mid-Unit 1 Assessment: Answering Questions about an Informational Text (40 minutes)
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Tracking Progress (15 minutes)
Homework | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Accountable Research Reading. Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal. |
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