Reading Like a Writer: Revising Scenes from Peter Pan | EL Education Curriculum

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In Unit 3, students revise a scene of Peter Pan and then prepare a presentation explaining how and why they revised that scene. They begin the unit by analyzing a model revised scene from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. They then select a scene to revise from Peter Pan, using the reasons they wouldn't recommend the text, generated in Unit 2, and determine why they want to revise their chosen scene. They then map out the original scene on a Narrative Planning graphic organizer and determine which parts of the scene can be revised without changing the outcome. Students then draft their revised scene before revising dialogue and description, possessives, word and phrase choice, and temporal words and phrases. For the mid-unit assessment, students revise a new scene from Peter Pan, following an already completed Narrative Planning graphic organizer.

In the second half of the unit, students prepare a presentation explaining how and why they chose to revise their scene. They prepare prompt cards for their presentation and practice the cards to present. Students also practice reading new excerpts of text aloud for fluency, in preparation for reading their revised scene aloud in the performance task presentation and in preparation for the end of unit assessment, during which they read a new text aloud for fluency. For the performance task, students perform their presentations for an audience.

Big Ideas & Guiding Questions

  • How do writers capture a reader's imagination?
  • Authors show, not tell, how a character feels through dialogue and description.
  • Authors choose words and phrases for effect to help a reader imagine they are in the story.
  • What can we learn from reading literary classics?
  • Literary classics are told in different ways over time.
  • Literary classics can show how things have changed since the time they were written.

The Four Ts

  • Topic: Reading like a writer
  • Task: Students revise a scene from Peter Pan (mid-unit assessment). Students read aloud a new excerpt from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens and orally summarize the passage (end of unit assessment).
  • Targets: RF.3.3, RF.3.4a, RF.3.4b, RF.3.4c, W3.3, W.3.4, W.3.6, L.3.2a, L.3.2c, L.3.2d, L.3.3a.
  • Texts: Peter Pan and Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, "Tilin, the Rice Bird," "The Hawk and the Hen," "The Story of the Lightning and the Thunder"


Each unit in the 3-5 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.

Content Connections

This module is designed to address English Language Arts standards and to be taught during the literacy block of the school day. However, the module intentionally incorporates social studies content that many teachers may be teaching during other parts of the day. These intentional connections are described below.

College, Career, and Civic Life C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards:

  • D2.Civ.10.3-5
  • D2.Geo.3.3-5
  • D2.Geo.5.3-5
  • D2.His.2.3-5
  • D2.His.5.3-5
  • D2.His.6.3-5
  • D3.4.3-5
  • D4.2.3-5

Habits of Character/Social-Emotional Learning Focus

Central to EL Education's curriculum is a focus on "habits of character" and social-emotional learning. Students work to become effective learners, developing mindsets and skills for success in college, career, and life (e.g., initiative, responsibility, perseverance, collaboration); work to become ethical people, treating others well and standing up for what is right (e.g., empathy, integrity, respect, compassion); and work to contribute to a better world, putting their learning to use to improve communities (e.g., citizenship, service).

In this unit, students work to become effective learners, developing the mindsets and skills for success in college, career, and life (e.g., initiative, responsibility, perseverance, collaboration). They collaborate and persevere throughout the writing process as they develop a revised scene and work towards the module performance task.

Students also work to become ethical people, treating others well and standing up for what is right (e.g., empathy, integrity, respect, compassion). They show respect and integrity as they engage in the peer critique protocol throughout the unit and use their peers' feedback to revise their work.


Each unit is made up of a sequence of between 5-20 lessons. The “unit at a glance” chart in the curriculum map breaks down each unit into its lessons, to show how the curriculum is organized in terms of standards address, supporting targets, ongoing assessment, and protocols. It also indicates which lessons include the mid-unit and end-of-unit assessments.

Accountable Independent Reading

The ability to read and comprehend texts is the heart of literacy instruction. Comprehension is taught, reinforced, and assessed across both components of this curriculum: module lessons and the Additional Language and Literacy block. Refer to the 3M3 Module Overview for additional information.

In this unit, students continue to read research texts independently for homework, and engage in frequent research reading shares during the module lesson for accountability.

Supporting English Language Learners

The Meeting Students' Needs column in each lesson contains support for both ELLs and Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and some supports can serve a wide range of student needs. However, ELLs have unique needs that cannot always be met with UDL support. According to federal guidelines, ELLs must be given access to the curriculum with appropriate supports, such as those that are specifically identified as "For ELLs" in the Meeting Students' Needs column.

  • Prioritizing lessons for classrooms with many ELLs: To prepare for the Unit 3 assessments, consider prioritizing and expanding instruction in Lessons 3-6, which focus on the conventions of standard English as well as their application to students' revised scenes from Peter Pan, and the fluency instruction in Lessons 8-10, which provide students with important oral language practice for the end of unit assessment and performance task presentations. If necessary, consider placing less focus on peer feedback and allowing more time for students to work on their revised scenes.
  • Language Dives: All students participate in Language Dives in Lessons 4 and 6. Lesson 6 also includes an optional Mini Language Dives for ELLs. These Language Dives support ELLs and all students in deconstructing, reconstructing, and practicing the meaning and structures of sentences from Model Narrative: Revised Scene from Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. The Language Dive goals remain the same as in previous modules; however, the new format goes beyond those goals by encouraging students to take more of a lead in the conversations and to build greater independence by taking an inquiry-based approach to language in general, and the selected sentence in particular. Refer to the Tools page for additional information.
  • Conversation Cues: Encourage productive and equitable conversation with Goals 1-4 Conversation Cues, which are questions teachers can ask students to help achieve four goals: (Goal 1) encourage all students to talk and be understood; (Goal 2) listen carefully to one another and seek to understand; (Goal 3) deepen thinking; and (Goal 4) think with others to expand the conversation (adapted from Michaels, Sarah and O'Connor, Cathy. Talk Science Primer. Cambridge, MA: TERC, 2012. Based on Chapin, S., O'Connor, C., and Anderson, N. [2009]. Classroom Discussions: Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn, Grades K-6. Second Edition. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications). Refer to the Tools page for the complete set of cues.
  • Diversity and inclusion: Continue to investigate the routines, practices, rituals, beliefs, norms, and experiences that are important to ELLs. Integrate this background into the classroom as students choose scenes to revise from Peter Pan, supporting them in making revisions to scenes that may have contained issues that are more sensitive for them. Build on the discussions from Units 1-2 that focused on the connections between Peter Pan and the historical context, encouraging them to draw on these discussions as they make their revisions. Additionally, investigate the routines, practices, rituals, norms, and experiences that ELLs may have in relation to peer critique, as there is a substantial amount of time dedicated to peer critique in the first half of Unit 3. Consult with a guidance counselor, school social worker, or ESL teacher for further investigation of diversity and inclusion.
  • Reading phones: Consider providing a reading phone, a reading and speech practice tool, to each student as they read, write, revise, and sketch. Whether students are using them to read text independently or review their own writing, reading phones allow students to hear themselves as they read aloud, without others hearing them. Increased privacy while reading aloud can help lower the anxiety that students might experience as they attempt to master new skills.
  • Writing narratives: Students receive explicit instruction on how to organize and draft a revised narrative scene from Peter Pan. They map out an original scene using a graphic organizer, choose a scene to revise, and add descriptive language and dialogue to "show rather than tell" in their scene. Students also receive explicit instruction on English writing conventions, including choosing words and phrases for effect, to support the process of revising their scenes. (L.3.3a) While this language standard is not explicitly focused on until Lesson 6, it is essential for ELLs to begin to build adjective and adverb vocabulary and structure in earlier lessons, allowing them to have words and phrases to choose from. An interactive Descriptive Language Construction Board is suggested in Lesson 2, focused on the development of adjective and adverb vocabulary throughout the module. Also, this essay structure may be different from the text structure students are familiar with in their home languages. Compare and contrast home language text structure whenever possible.
  • Presentation structure and prompt cards: Students receive explicit, scaffolded instruction in how to craft and deliver a presentation of their revised scenes from Peter Pan, describing how and why they revised the scene using prompt cards. Some students may need additional support with organization, as they may still be learning to comprehend English on a sentence level. Use color-coding and manipulatives, such as sentence strips, to support this skill. In classrooms with many ELLs, work closely with groups to create their prompt cards. Also, this presentation structure may be different from the structure students are familiar with in their home language. Compare and contrast home language text structure whenever possible.
  • Celebration: Celebrate the courage, enthusiasm, diversity, and bilingual assets that ELLs bring to the classroom.

Texts to Buy

Texts that need to be procured. Please download the Trade Book List for procurement guidance.

Text or Resource Quantity ISBNs
Peter Pan (Classic Starts)
by J. M. Barrie
1 per student
ISBN: 9781402754210

Preparation and Materials

  • Invite students, teachers, families, and community members to student presentations of their revised scenes in Lesson 13.
  • Prepare the model presentation to present to students in Lesson 8.
  • Gather the following materials from previous modules for use in this unit:
    • Working to Become Ethical People anchor chart
    • Working to Contribute to a Better World anchor chart
    • Working to Become Effective Learners anchor chart
    • Close Readers Do These Things anchor chart
    • Peer Critique Protocol anchor chart
    • Parts of Speech anchor chart
    • Irregular Verbs handout
    • Regular Verbs handout
    • Linking Words and Phrases handout
    • Strategies to Answer Selected Response questions anchor chart
    • Tracking Progress folders
    • Vocabulary logs
    • Discussion Norms anchor chart
    • Fluent Readers Do These Things anchor chart
    • World map
    • Compass points
    • Affix List

Technology and Multimedia

  • Project Gutenberg - Additional reading and research: Students read excerpts of the original stories and view some of the images. Students read literary classics from around the world.
    • Note: Please preview before sharing with students and determine which excerpts and images are appropriate for this age.
    • Barrie, J.M. Peter and Wendy. New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons. Project Gutenberg, 2008. Web. 25 Jul 2016.
    • Barrie, J.M. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910. Project Gutenberg, 2008. Web. 25 Jul 2016.
  • J.M. Barrie - Additional reading and research: Students read more about J.M. Barrie.
    • "J.M. Barrie: Biography." Random House Kids. Web. 26 Jul 2016.
  • DOGObooks - Reading and analyzing book reviews and writing book reviews: Students read, analyze, and potentially write their own book reviews.

Additional Language and Literacy Block

The Additional Language and Literacy (ALL) Block is 1 hour of instruction per day. It is designed to work in concert with and in addition to the 1-hour Grades 3-5 ELA "module lessons." Taken together, these 2 hours of instruction comprehensively address all the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.

The ALL Block has five components: Additional Work with Complex Text; Reading and Speaking Fluency/GUM (Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics); Writing Practice; Word Study and Vocabulary; and Independent Reading.

The ALL Block has three 2-week units which parallel to the three units of the module.

Optional: Community, Experts, Fieldwork, Service, and Extensions


  • If you have a number of ELLs speaking the same home language, invite family members to come into the classroom to talk with them about traditional stories in their home countries.
  • Invite family members or teachers to come into the classroom to read their favorite traditional stories to the class.


  • Invite authors of children's literature in to speak to the students about writing stories.
  • Invite a professional review writer, for example a music journalist, to come into the classroom to talk to students about the process of writing a balanced review.


  • Visit a live performance of Peter Pan or another traditional story.


  • Identify local people who may enjoy hearing traditional stories--for example, a senior citizens home--and go to read traditional stories for them or send them recordings of students reading traditional stories.

Extension opportunities for students seeking more challenge:

  • Invite students to write book reviews of other traditional stories or other independent reading books.
  • Invite students to revise scenes from other traditional stories.

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