- I can determine the gist of Waiting for the Biblioburro. (RL.3.1, RL.3.3)
- I can identify the central message, lesson, or moral of Waiting for the Biblioburro. (RL.3.2)
These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:
- RL.3.1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
- RL.3.2: Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text.
- RL.3.3: Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Reading for Gist and Recounting the Story: Waiting for the Biblioburro (RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3)
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Reading Aloud: Waiting for the Biblioburro (20 minutes) B. Reviewing Learning Targets (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Say Something: Reading for Gist and Determining the Message, Lesson, or Moral: Waiting for the Biblioburro (30 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Overcoming Learning Challenges (5 minutes) 4. Homework A. Read your research book for at least 10 minutes. |
Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards:
- After any question that requires thoughtful consideration: Teacher: "I'll give you time to think and write or sketch." Teacher: "I'll give you time to discuss this with a partner." - To help students share, expand, and clarify thoughts: Teacher: "Can you say more about that?" Student: "Sure. I think that _____." T: "Can you give an example?" S: "OK. One example is _____." T: "So, do you mean _____?" S: "You've got it./No, sorry, that's not what I mean. I mean _____."
How it builds on previous work:
Areas where students may need additional support:
Assessment guidance:
Down the road:
In Advance
- Consider whether any students may be sensitive to the issues that this book raises based on cultural background and family history. Consider explaining to families that this book will be read aloud to students so that they can appropriately prepare them and discuss it afterward.
- Prepare:
- Experiences with Overcoming Challenges anchor chart, Close Readers Do These Things anchor chart, Strategies to Answer Selected Response Questions anchor chart, and Overcoming Learning Challenges anchor chart (see supporting materials).
- Large class world map showing the countries of the world and pins for the class to begin adding the countries of the people they encounter in the texts they read. Place a pin in your location.
- Small label with the book title and author to attach to a pin and place on the world map. This needs to be large enough to see, but not too large to cover up too much of the map.
- Equity sticks by gathering Popsicle sticks and writing one student name on each.
- Review the Think-Pair-Share and Say Something protocols. (Refer to the Classroom Protocols document for the full version of the protocol.)
- Post: Learning targets.
Tech and Multimedia
- Work Time A: Students complete their note-catchers in a word-processing document, such as a Google Doc, using speech-to-text facilities activated on devices or using an app or software like Dictation.io.
- Work Time A: Depending on the time you have available, consider showing students the following video about the real biblioburro: Ruffins, Ebonne. "Teaching Kids to Read from the Back of a Burro." CNN. Cable News Network, 26 Feb. 2010. Web. 14 Mar. 2016. Consider that YouTube, social media video sites, and other website links may incorporate inappropriate content via comment banks and ads. Although some lessons include these links as the most efficient means to view content in preparation for the lesson, preview links and/or use a filter service, such as www.safeshare.tv, for viewing these links in the classroom.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standard 3.I.B.6
Important points in the lesson itself
- The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs with opportunities to celebrate cultural, linguistic, and educational diversity; ease into a new complex text, Waiting for the Biblioburro, by reading for gist using a supportive graphic organizer; notice and enjoy how Monica Brown, the Peruvian-American author of Waiting for the Biblioburro, sprinkles the English language with Spanish words; and develop test-taking ability and strategies as part of showing what they understand about the book.
- ELLs may find it challenging to understand the gist of Waiting for the Biblioburro after the first two reads in class and then complete the note-catcher. See levels of support and the Meeting Students' Needs column for specific suggestions.
- Explain the purpose and goals of Conversation Cues to students and that they should listen closely for them, as they will respond to Conversation Cues throughout this curriculum.
Levels of support
For lighter support:
- Invite students to investigate how and why the author uses Spanish in Waiting for the Biblioburro. (to celebrate bilingualism, reflect Ana's home language, and provide translation for English words in another language, making the story more interesting and meaningful)
- Before providing sentence frames or additional modeling, observe student interaction and allow students to grapple. Provide supportive frames and demonstrations only after they have grappled with the task. Observe the areas in which they struggle to target appropriate support.
- Encourage students to independently create their own graphic organizer or story map to frame the character, setting, motivation, challenge, and solution in Waiting for the Biblioburro.
For heavier support:
- During the reading for gist, distribute a partially filled-in copy of Reading for Gist and Recounting the Story: Waiting for the Biblioburro. This will provide students with models for the kind of information they should enter, as well as reduce the volume of writing required.
- During the reading for gist, stop often to check for comprehension. When necessary, paraphrase the events in more comprehensible language. Dictate lines for students to recite so that they practice using verbal language.
- Show a brief video or a series of photographs to set the stage for the reading. (Example: Show this video about the real biblioburro). Briefly discuss Soriano's challenges and solutions.
Universal Design for Learning
- Multiple Means of Representation: This lesson requires students to use the Reading for Gist and Recounting the Story note-catcher to help to guide their reading. Ensure that the note-catcher is accessible to all students by offering multiple formats of representation. For instance, repeat, rephrase, or elaborate on the questions in the note-catcher to provide verbal representation in addition to textual representation. Additionally, consider including lines within the boxes of the note-catcher to support students who may need additional help with fine motor skills.
- Multiple Means of Action and Expression: The focus of this lesson is to support students' comprehension of a new text, Waiting for the Biblioburro. Consider ways to support them as they grapple with this new text. Examples: Provide prewritten sticky notes with various options of the gist that they can match on Reading for Gist and Recounting the Story: Waiting for the Biblioburro. Encourage students who are still unsure of the text to paraphrase their peers' answers in Closing and Assessment A.
- Multiple Means of Engagement: Build student excitement about the new text by introducing information from multiple media sources about Colombia. This can include representations of Colombian culture such as art, music, dance, or literature. This will help build engagement so that students are invested in tackling a challenging text. Furthermore, it will provide another means of representation to build background knowledge and facilitate greater comprehension.
Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T); Vocabulary Used in Writing (W)
- gist, moral (L)
- Guiding Questions anchor chart (begun in Lesson 1)
- Waiting for the Biblioburro (book; one to display; for teacher read-aloud)
- World map (one to display)
- Labeled pin (one to display; see Teaching Notes)
- Compass points (one to display)
- Working to Become Ethical People anchor chart (begun in Lesson 2)
- Experiences with Overcoming Challenges anchor chart (new; co-created with students during Opening A)
- Equity sticks (class set; one per student)
- Close Readers Do These Things anchor chart (new; teacher-created; see supporting materials)
- Reading for Gist and Recounting the Story: Waiting for the Biblioburro (one per student and one to display)
- Reading for Gist Guide: Waiting for the Biblioburro (for teacher reference)
- Reading for Gist and Recounting the Story: Waiting for the Biblioburro (example, for teacher reference)
- Strategies to Answer Selected Response Questions anchor chart (new; co-created with students during Work Time A)
- Strategies to Answer Selected Response Questions anchor chart (example, for teacher reference)
- Overcoming Learning Challenges anchor chart (new; teacher-created; see supporting materials)
- Overcoming Learning Challenges anchor chart (example, for teacher reference)
Each unit in the 3-5 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Reading Aloud: Waiting for the Biblioburro (20 minutes)
"Where is Colombia on the map?" (Responses will vary.)
"Which continent do we live on?" (Responses will vary.) "Where are we in relation to Colombia?" (Responses will vary, but students should use the compass points.) "Has anyone had any experience with Colombia that you would like to share?" (Colombia or neighboring countries may be the country of origin for some students.)
"What did this story make you think about?"
- challenge=meydan okuma - C-H-A-L-L-E-N-G-E - challenger, challenging - problem, difficulty - a situation that tests someone's abilities - face a challenge, overcome a challenge, a serious challenge
"This story makes me think about _____." "One challenge Ana faced was _____." (MMAE) |
B. Reviewing Learning Targets (5 minutes)
"I can determine the gist of Waiting for the Biblioburro." "I can identify the central message, lesson, or moral of Waiting for the Biblioburro."
"What is the gist of a text?" (what the text is mostly about) "Why is it important to understand the gist of a text or what it is mostly about?" (so you can retell it and remember the structure)
"Read small chunks of text slowly and think about the gist (what the text is mostly about)."
"What is a moral?" (a lesson)
"I know what the author of Waiting for the Biblioburro is trying to teach me." (MMR)
Work Time
Work Time | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Say Something: Reading for Gist and Determining the Message, Lesson, or Moral: Waiting for the Biblioburro (30 minutes)
"Use your Reading for Gist and Recounting the Story note-catcher to think about what happened in this story. What message, lesson, or moral relevant to the real world and outside of the story do you think the author wants you to learn from this story? What details make you think that?" (Responses will vary, but may include: Books are important.)
"So, do you mean _____?" (Responses will vary.)
"Which answer(s) do you think is definitely incorrect? Why? Cross it out." "Which answer do you think is correct? Why?"
"How did you answer these questions? What strategies did you use?"
"Can you give an example?" (Responses will vary.)
"From what you heard in Waiting for the Biblioburro, why are books and reading important to Ana?" (because she enjoys the stories) "Are books and reading important to you? Why?" (Responses will vary, but may include: because reading helps me to learn about the world; it helps me to escape when I read fiction books about other people and other worlds)
"Can you give an example?" (Responses will vary.)
"How did this strategy help us to better understand this text?"
"Why are we using this Reading for Gist and Recounting the Story note-catcher?" (to focus on the character, setting, motivation, challenge, and solution in Waiting for the Biblioburro, which will help us talk about overcoming learning challenges and succeed on the Mid-Unit 1 Assessment; to focus on how details convey the moral; the note-catcher format Someone/In/Wanted/But/So can be used as a sentence frame to explain the focus) (MMR, MME)
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Overcoming Learning Challenges (5 minutes)
"What challenge did Ana face?" (no teacher and no access to books) "How was the challenge overcome?" (A man brought a traveling library to the village on his burros.)
"What is one thing you like about the book Waiting for the Biblioburro?" For students who may need heavier support, provide sentence frames: "One thing I like about Waiting for the Biblioburro is _____." (the beautiful pictures; the way Ana works hard to learn; how the librarian uses donkeys to travel to Ana) (MMAE)
Homework | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Read your research book for at least 10 minutes. |
- Chunk the text into manageable amounts, e.g., sentences or paragraphs. - Underline important people, places, and things. - Read aloud. - Read repeatedly. - Silently paraphrase the chunks. - Summarize what you read for someone else, perhaps first in your home language. |
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