Interactive Writing | EL Education Curriculum

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Daily Learning Targets

  • Opening A: I can read, identify the syllable type, and spell words with r-controlled vowels. (RF.2.3, L.2.2)
    • I can decode a word with r-controlled vowel patterns.
    • I can use knowledge of vowel sounds to help me decode words with different spelling patterns.
    • I can identify spelling patterns based on syllable type.
  • Work Time A: I can write a sentence using words with the spelling patterns "or," "ar," "ir," "er," and "ur." (RF.2.3, L.2.2d)
    • I can identify spelling patterns based on syllable type.
    • I can use spelling patterns I know to spell words correctly.
    • I can read second-grade words that "don't play fair" in isolation.

Ongoing Assessment

  • Observe students sharing the pen (or following along) during Work Time A. Determine whether they can write the given sentence, following basic concepts of print such as directionality and spacing.
  • Observe students during Work Time A.
    • Determine whether they can identify part of word with the r-controlled syllable type of words spelled with "or," "ar," "ir," "er," and "ur."
    • Also determine whether they can apply spelling patterns in writing words on white boards.
  • Exit ticket (see Differentiated Small Groups: Work with Teacher).



1. Opening (3–5 minutes)

A. Words Rule Review: Two-Syllable r-Controlled Words: “for-bid,” “trans-form,” “pat-tern,” “oc-cur,” “whim-per,” “ant-ler,” “dis-turb,” “sub-urb,” “con-firm,” “trac-tor,” “in-tern,” “blis-ter”

2. Work Time (10 minutes)

A. Interactive Writing: Writing a Silly Sentence with /ər/, /ar/, and /or/ Words

3. Closing and Assessment (2 minutes)

A. Reflecting on Learning

4. Differentiated Small Group Instruction and Rotations (40-45 minutes)

In Advance

  • Prepare possible silly sentence examples (students may also generate their own; optional): "The bird poked the shark with a fork." "A stork perched on a porch makes a short fart."
  • Copy and cut apart Words Rule Word Cards for Work Time A (one set to display; one set per pair).
  • Gather materials for differentiated small group instruction (see Differentiated Small Groups: Work with Teacher).


Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T)

  • interact, interactive, proficient, pattern (L)


  • Words Rule Word Cards (one set to display; one set per pair)
  • White boards or sheet protectors with white cardboard inside (one per student or pair)
  • White board markers (one per student)
  • White board erasers (or tissues, socks, etc.; one per student)

Materials from Previous Lessons

New Materials


OpeningMeeting Students' Needs

A. Words Rule Review: Two-Syllable r-Controlled Words: "for-bid," "trans-form," "pat-tern," "oc-cur," "whim-per," "ant-ler," "dis-turb," "sub-urb," "con-firm," "trac-tor," "in-tern," "blis-ter"

  • (Suggested transition song, sung to the tune of "The Muffin Man"):

Teacher: "Can you take a closer look, a closer look, a closer look? Can you take a closer look at these words today?"

Students: "Yes, we'll take a closer look, a closer look, a closer look. Yes, we'll take a closer look to group the words today."

  • Begin the Words Rule instructional practice:

1. Teacher displays Words Rule Word Cards on the board and reads aloud two-syllable words with r-controlled vowels in random order: "forbid," "transform," "pattern," "whimper," "antler," "disturb," "suburb," "confirm," "tractor."

2. Teacher says: "Talk to an elbow partner about the rule we have learned about these r-controlled vowels." (vowels followed by the letter "r" are r-controlled or bossy "r" sounds)

3. Teacher says: "Right! So we can say that any vowel that is followed by the letter 'r' is an r-controlled syllable. So if we know it's an r-controlled syllable type, we can know if the word is spelled with an 'ar,' 'or,' 'ur,' 'er,' or 'ir' pattern."

4. Teacher says: "Now you will partner up and practice identifying which syllable is r-controlled and which syllable is not in the two-syllable words. Each partner will take a turn reading the words then writing the words they hear. Underline the part of the word with the r-controlled syllable."

5. Teacher says: "Within the word 'forbid,' there are two syllables. I will underline the 'for' because the 'o' is followed by the letter 'r.' 'for' is r-controlled. 'Bid' is a closed syllable and not r-controlled, so I will not underline it."

6. Teacher distributes Words Rule Word Cards and white boards, white board markers, and white board erasers to students as they partner together.

7. Students divide Words Rule Word Cards equally with their partner and take turns reading words:

      • Student A reads word.
      • Student B identifies part of word based on syllable type and writes the word on his or her white board.
      • Student B underlines the part of word that is r-controlled and reads word aloud.

8. Students switch roles.

  • Consider providing support as students make connections between spelling patterns and syllable types with sentence frames. Example:
    • "I notice the word 'suburb' is a _____ syllable word. The 'urb' part of the word is r-controlled."

Work Time

Work TimeMeeting Students' Needs

A. Interactive Writing: Writing a Silly Sentence with /ər/, /ar/, and /or/ Words

  • (Suggested transition song, sung to the tune of “The Muffin Man”):

Teacher: “Do you know the words we’ll write, the words we’ll write, the words we’ll write? Do you know the words we’ll write on our boards today?”

Students: “Yes, we know the words we’ll write, the words we’ll write, the words we’ll write. Yes, we know the words we’ll write on our boards today!”

  • Begin the Interactive Writing instructional practice:

1. Teacher says: “Today we will use the words we know to make a silly sentence. We will use the words with the r-controlled pattern (/or/, /ar/, /ər/). Let’s think of words we can use!”

2. Teacher asks:

“Who can think of a word with an r-controlled vowel with the /or/ sound?”

3. Teacher records words on three-column chart in the /or/ column and repeats the word.

4. Teacher says: “Yes, ‘born’ fits the pattern!”

5. Teacher asks:

“What do you notice about the word?” (The vowel sound is made with the letters “or” to make the sound /or/.)

6. Teacher says: “Great job! Now it’s time to use your white boards to record the words with me.”

7. Students draw the same three-column chart on their own white boards.

8. Teacher says: “After we make our list, we will write a silly sentence together. The sentence has to have at least one or each /or/, /ar/, and /ər/ word in it. If we want our sentence to be really silly, we want to have lots of words to choose from. So, we are going to work together to think of as many r-controlled words as we can. You will think of as many r-controlled words as you can and write them on your white board in the correct column.”

9. Students write words individually or with partners for 1–2 minutes.

10. Volunteers share out words from their list, specifying which column the word should go under in the chart. If a student identifies the incorrect column (incorrectly spells the word), teacher guides student to correct the mistake. Example:

      • If a student spelled “turn” as “tern,” teacher says: “Great word! Remember: ‘turn’ is spelled with ‘ur’ and ‘er.’ This is tricky because it has the same sound. The more you read and write this word, the easier it will be to read it.”

11. Students correct on their whiteboards.

12. Teacher adds the words to his or her white board in the correct column.

13. Repeat steps 10–12 with several more words, if necessary (enough from which to choose to create a silly sentence). Students follow along by circling words on their own white board that were shared by others.

14. Teacher says: “Wow! Look at all the words we’ve come up with that match our pattern! Now we are ready to write a silly sentence! We need a few high-frequency words to make our sentence, too. So I will be looking at the Interactive Word Wall to find some more words to finish our sentence.”

15. Teacher says: “A silly sentence makes us laugh because we use words that don’t usually go together or give us a funny picture in our head.”

16. Teacher says silly sentence. Example (use student-generated words): “The bird poked the shark with a fork.”

17. Teacher asks:

“How many words are in the sentence?” (eight)

18. Teacher says: “Yes! We will write an eight-word sentence together.”

19. Teacher repeats the sentence, tapping out each word on the chart paper or white board.

20. Teacher and students share pen to take turns interactively writing sentence (see Interactive Writing lessons in Grade 1, Modules 1–2 for more details).

21. Teacher stops to review punctuation rules as needed

22. When sentence is finished, teacher says: “Let’s read our silly sentence we came up with from the words we know.”

23. Students and teacher read sentence together.

  • Observe students as they write. Encourage them to fix the spelling of their sentences as they review what the teacher has written.
  • Consider providing students with pre-determined partners to work with.
  • If time is a consideration, shorten the lesson by calling on students to brainstorm words instead of having them write on their own individual white boards.
  • Depending on students' needs, allow them to air-write words instead of write on their white boards.
  • Consider providing students who need support with a sentence frame to help them generate a silly sentence.
  • Consider coming up with a structure for celebrating the silly sentences. As the classroom generates more silly sentences, consider making them into a silly poem.

Closing & Assessments

ClosingMeeting Students' Needs

A. Reflecting on Learning

  • Emphasize that successful learners take responsibility for their own learning. Invite students to reflect on ways they took responsibility for their learning during whole group instruction or how they plan to take responsibility during differentiated small group instruction. Example:
    • "I'm going to rewrite this r-controlled word with a different vowel to see if it looks right."
  • For students who need additional support organizing their ideas: Provide sentence frames. Examples:
    • "When I spelled _____, I _____."
    • "When I thought of the silly sentence _____, I _____."

Differentiated Small Groups: Work with Teacher

Suggested Plan: Teacher works with students in the Partial Alphabetic and Full Alphabetic groups. If possible, teacher should also meet with the Consolidated Alphabetic group at least once per week.

Note: Groups not working with the teacher at a given time should be engaged in purposeful independent rotation work. Refer to the Independent and Small Group Work Guidance document for more details (see K-2 Skills Resource Manual).

All Groups

A new routine should be introduced to every group today or another day this week: The Reader's Toolbox. Teacher may also choose to use a flex day to teach the routine in whole group. See Supporting Materials for full routine and Reader's Toolbox Planning and Recording Template. See Independent and Small Group Work document for more details.

Partial Alphabetic:

  • Students complete exit ticket:
    • Students work with teacher to interactively create a new silly (or normal) sentence, possibly using CVC, CCVC, and CVCC words instead of r-controlled patterns.
  • Use the Assessment Conversion chart to determine appropriate Grade 1 lessons and Activity Bank ideas to use in daily small group instruction.

Full Alphabetic:

  • Students complete exit ticket:
    • Students work with teacher or in pairs to interactively create new silly (or normal) sentences, using words with the spelling patterns "or," "ar," "ir," and "er." Teacher provides immediate feedback and support.
    • Consider using a Writing Checklist (modified for the needs of this group). Encourage students to peer or self-edit their sentences based on the Checklist criteria (see supporting materials for Lesson 27).
  • Additional Supporting Materials:
    • Writing Checklist (one per student; from Lesson 27)

Consolidated Alphabetic:

  • Students complete exit ticket:
    • Students write their own silly (or normal) sentences using words with the spelling patterns "or," "ar," "ir," and "er." Students use the Writing Checklist to peer or self-edit their writing (see supporting materials for Lesson 27).
    • Consider keeping these sentences to be used for fluency practice with the Full and Partial Alphabetic students during differentiated small groups for the Fluency lesson (Lesson 29).
  • Use leveled readers for fluency practice. Refer to the Independent and Small Group Work guidance document (see K-2 Skills Resource Manual).
  • Additional Supporting Materials:
    • If silly sentences are being used for fluency practice in Lesson 29, have students write the sentences on chart paper or sentence strips.
    • Writing Checklist (one per student; from Lesson 27)

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