- Opening A: I can use what I know about closed, open, and magic "e" syllables to make and read a two-syllable word. (RF.2.3)
- I can decode (read) two-syllable words by thinking about the syllable type.
- Work Time A: I can read a familiar text fluently (smoothly, with expression and meaning, rereading and self-correcting when necessary). (RF.2.4)
- I can read accurately (with few or no decoding mistakes).
- I can read with expression and meaning.
- Work Time B: I can read a new text fluently. (RF.2.3, RF.2.4)
- I can explain that single vowel letters in one-syllable words usually have short vowel sounds.
- I can explain that in CVCe one-syllable words ending in final "-e," the vowel letter usually has a long vowel sound.
- I can decode (read) two-syllable words by thinking about the syllable type.
- I can read accurately (with few or no decoding mistakes).
- I can read with expression and meaning.
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Observe students during Opening A. Determine whether they can use what they know about the closed, open, and magic "e" syllable types to decode syllables.
- Observe students during Work Time B.
- Determine whether they can quickly and accurately decode one- and two-syllable words using the closed, open, and magic "e" syllable types.
- In addition, determine whether they can read with expression and meaning.
Agenda |
1. Opening (5 minutes) A. Build a Word: Reading and Combining Closed, Open, and Magic "e" Syllables to Make a Two-Syllable Word 2. Work Time (15 minutes) A. Fluency: "A Moment in Time" B. Fluency: "The Storm" 3. Closing and Assessment (3 minutes) A. Reflecting on Learning: How Do You Get to Be a Proficient Reader? 4. Differentiated Small Group Instruction and Rotations (40-45 minutes) |
In Advance
- Prepare:
- Enlarged Build a Word Cards (cut them apart; for use in Opening A)
- Enlarged poem: "A Moment in Time" (write on chart paper or project electronically)
- Poem: "The Storm" (one per student or pair)
- Gather materials for independent work time (see Differentiated Small Group Instruction and Rotations).
Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T)
- accurate, decode, proficient, syllable, vowel (L)
- droplet (T)
- Enlarged Build a Word Cards (one set for display)
- Enlarged poem: "A Moment in Time" (see Teaching Notes, "In advance" above)
- Poem: "The Storm" (one per student or pair)
Opening | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Build a Word: Reading and Combining Closed, Open, and Magic "e" Syllables to Make a Two-Syllable Word
Teacher sings: "Can you build a new word now, a new word now, a new word now? Can you build a new word now? The syllables will show you how." Students sing: "Yes, we'll build a new word now, a new word now, a new word now. Yes, we'll build a new word now. The syllables will show us how."
1. Teacher displays the enlarged Build a Word Cards on the board and says: "We'll use the syllables to build a new word. The syllables will show us how." 2. Teacher asks: "If we see a closed syllable, what does that tell us about the sound of the vowel?" (it will be short) "If we see an open syllable, what does that tell us about the sound of the vowel?" (it will be long) "If we see a magic "e" syllable, what does that tell us about the sound of the vowel?" (it will be long) 3. If needed, teacher models how to read two syllables and put them together to make a new word. Example:
4. Teacher invites a student volunteer to build a word using two cards. 5. Repeat with additional volunteers until all words are built. |
Work Time
Work Time | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Fluency: "A Moment in Time"
Teacher sings: "Can you read a poem now, a poem now, a poem now? Can you read a poem now and tell us what it's about?" Students sing: "Yes, we'll read a poem now, a poem now, a poem now. Yes, we'll read a poem now and tell you what it's about!"
1. Teacher displays the enlarged poem: "A Moment in Time." 2. Teacher says: "This is the poem we read and fixed the other day. Now that we've fixed the spelling, it is a lot easier for us to read. When we read it, we know the right sounds to make because the words are written with the right syllable patterns (spelling patterns)." 3. Teacher says: "One part of being a proficient reader is being able to decode (read) words accurately. We know the closed, open, and magic 'e' syllable types really well, so we can read this accurately. Another part of being a proficient reader is thinking about the meaning of what is being read. Let's read this poem together, and then I want you to turn to an elbow partner and tell him or her what it's about." 4. Teacher and students read the poem aloud together. 5. Teacher invites students to turn to an elbow partner and tell each other what the poem is about. 6. Teacher invites one or two student volunteers to share with the group (example: "A Moment in Time" is about when the author was hiking in the woods). 7. Teacher says: "That's right. The author of this poem was out for a hike on this splendid path in the woods. She wrote this poem because she wanted to capture a moment in time. She wanted to describe what was happening in one particular moment during her hike. She wants us, her readers, to understand what was going on in that moment on her hike." 8. Teacher says: "We're reading this poem pretty proficiently. We can read the words accurately, and we know what it's about. Another part of reading proficiently is to make the way we read it match the feeling or meaning of the words." 9. Teacher reads the first stanza aloud: "A pale insect rests in the shade while a frog hops along singing a song. His music makes me smile wide." 10. Teacher asks: "What kind of feeling do these words communicate to us? Happy? Scared? Sad?" (happy, calm) "What makes you think that?" (the words "rests," "singing a song," "smile wide") 11. Teacher says: "That's right--the feeling in this part of the poem is calm and happy, so let's read it that way." 12. Teacher and students read the first stanza aloud together, making it sound calm and happy. 13. Repeat steps 9-12 with the second stanza and then again with the third. 14. Teacher says: "Now we're reading this accurately, and we're also reading it in a way that matches the meaning or feeling of the poem. We're doing some proficient reading." | |
B. Fluency: "The Storm"
Teacher sings: "Now can you do that on your own, on your own, on your own? Now can you do that on your own, using what you've learned?" Students sing: "Yes, we'll do that on our own, on our own, on our own. Yes, we'll do that on our own, using what we've learned."
1. Teacher says: "It's your turn to use what you've learned to read on your own. You'll work with a partner to read a poem: 'The Storm.' This poem has words with the closed, open, and magic 'e' syllables so you can practice decoding words. You can either read it together or take turns." 2. Teacher asks: "With a title like 'The Storm,' I wonder what kind of feeling we should read it with?" (stormy, scary) 3. Teacher distributes copies of the poem "The Storm" to each student or pair. 4. Partners may take turns (by page or whole text), read in unison, or both. 5. Teacher circulates, supporting students with decoding or fluency as needed. 6. If time allows, consider inviting one or two students to read the poem aloud. |
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Reflecting on Learning: How Do You Get to Be a Proficient Reader?
"What does it mean to be a proficient reader?" "What does it look like or sound like to be a proficient reader?" (Answers will vary. Examples: "Proficient readers notice how vowels are spelled and use that to figure out what the word says," or "Proficient readers think about the meaning or feeling of what they are reading and make their voices match that.")
"What do people do to get good at reading?" |
Independent Work Rotations
Suggested Plan: This first cycle provides time for students to practice what it means to work independently. A brief introduction is made to materials and expectations for work habits, and social interactions are established.
Note: Three suggestions for independent activities are given. Consider using any or all of these. For example, you may want to have all students working on the same activity or you may want to have two or three activities happening simultaneously for a set time, and then rotate students through. By Cycle 2, students are expected to be engaged in purposeful independent rotation work while one group meets with the teacher for differentiated small group instruction. Refer to Independent and Small Group Work Guidance document for more information.
Independent Reading:
- Students spend time looking at their own individual book(s).
Word Work:
- Consider repeating an activity from previous lessons in the cycle. Example: Build a Word from Lesson 1.
- Activity Bank suggestions:
- Making Words with Silent "e"
- Silent "e" Changes
- Magic "e" Wands
- Additional Supporting Materials:
- Word Cards page (one per student)
- Handwriting paper
Responding to Text:
- Students read the poem "The Storm" to themselves and illustrate it. They then add lines of their own to the poem.
- Additional Supporting Materials:
- Copies of the poem "The Storm" (one per student)
- Blank paper and writing utensil (one per student)
- Drawing supplies
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