Preparing for Celebration of Learning, Part II: Reviewing Module 4 Work Products | EL Education Curriculum

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ELA G2:M4:U3:L9

Preparing for Celebration of Learning, Part II: Reviewing Module 4 Work Products

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These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson: 

  • W.2.8: Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
  • SL.2.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
  • SL.2.1a: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).
  • SL.2.6: Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.
  • L.2.2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
  • L.2.2a: Capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names.
  • L.2.2b: Use commas in greetings and closings of letters.
  • L.2.1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
  • L.2.1c: Use reflexive pronouns (e.g., myself, ourselves).

Daily Learning Targets

  • I can write a greeting and closing for the Celebration of Learning welcome letter. (L.2.2a, L.2.2b)
  • I can write and share a reflection on my learning with others. (W.2.8, SL.2.1, SL.2.6, L.2.1c)

Ongoing Assessment

  • When students share in Work Time B, use the Speaking and Listening Checklist to assess student progress toward SL.2.1a, SL.2.1b, and SL.2.6 (for the Unit 3 Assessment) for students who do not require additional practice time to meet these standards (see Assessment Overview and Resources).


AgendaTeaching Notes

1. Opening

A. Shared Writing: Greeting and Closing of Celebration of Learning Welcome Letter (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Revisiting Module 4 Work Products (20 minutes)

B. Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning, Part II (25 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Reflecting on Habits of Character: Working to Contribute to a Better World (5 minutes)

Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards:

  • In this lesson, students complete Part II of their Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebook. In Part II, students reflect on the content they learned in Module 4 and what they learned about themselves as learners. Teachers are invited to continue to use the Speaking and Listening Checklist as part of an ongoing assessment of a few students when they share their reflections in Work Time B. Recall that students will use their reflection as a speaking guide during the Unit 3 Assessment in Lesson 11.
  • In the Opening, students apply their knowledge of comma and capitalization rules to complete a personalized greeting and closure to the Celebration of Learning welcome letter (L.2.2a, L.2.2b).

How this lesson builds on previous work:

  • In Work Time A, students reflect on completed work products from Units 1-3 found in their Module 4 Work Products folder. Students then complete their second reflection in their Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebooks. Reviewing their work ahead of time will help students complete their reflections.

Areas in which students may need additional support:

  • For students who need additional support in finding evidence of their learning for their reflection, consider pulling them for a small group to review their work during the Gallery Walk in Work Time A. Prompt students to answer the Reflection Part II questions orally to provide them with extra processing time before they write their reflections.
  • Some students may have parents who do not speak English or who may appreciate a letter greeting in their home language. Consider looking up common greetings in students' home languages and encourage students to use the greetings in their welcome letters.

Down the road:

  • In Lesson 10, students will complete Reflection Part III in their Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebook. Recall that they will use this reflection during the Unit 3 Assessment.

In Advance

  • Prepare a Module 4 Work Products folder for each student with their:
    • "Bunnyyarl the Flies and Wurrunnunnah the Bees" scene painting
    • My Opinion writing booklet
    • Wildflower seed packet
  • Post: Learning targets and all applicable anchor charts (see materials list).

Tech and Multimedia

Consider using an interactive white board or document camera to display lesson materials.

  • Continue to use the technology tools recommended throughout Modules 1-3 to create anchor charts to share with families; to record students as they participate in discussions and protocols to review with students later and to share with families; and for students to listen to and annotate text, record ideas on note-catchers, and word-process writing.
  • Opening: Show the Celebration of Learning welcome letter in an online format--for example, in a Google Doc. Consider typing in greetings and closings as students share them during the lesson.

Supporting English Language Learners

Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standard 2.I.A.1

Important points in the lesson itself

  • The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs with explicit instruction on the mechanics of writing greetings and closings for letters.
  • ELLs may find it challenging to generate language to complete their reflection sentence frames about work they did several weeks ago. Consider modeling and thinking aloud while completing Part II of the Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebook.

Levels of support

For lighter support

  • During the Opening, challenge students to tell why they use commas and capital letters (to separate the different parts of the letter; to begin a sentence or show that you are using a person's name).

For heavier support

  • During Work Time B, consider working closely with a small group of students who may have trouble articulating and writing their reflections. Guide them through the activity and if necessary, use their work from Module 4 to suggest some things they learned.

Universal Design for Learning

  • Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): Continue to support memory and listening skills by providing visual display of directions and questions in this lesson.
  • Multiple Means of Action and Expression (MMAE): Continue to support expressive fluency by providing sentence frames or sentence starters for written and verbal expression.
  • Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): Continue to support sustained interest and engagement by providing opportunities for breaks (e.g., stretching) as appropriate during this lesson.


Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T); Vocabulary Used in Writing (W)


  • greeting, closing, evidence (L)


  • Celebration of Learning welcome letter (from Lesson 8; one per student and one to display)
  • Amanda's letter (from Lesson 1; one to display)
  • Module 4 Work Products folder (one per student and one for teacher modeling)
    • "Bunnyyarl and Flies and Wurrunnunnah the Bees" scene painting (from Unit 1, Lesson 8; one per student and one to display)
    • My Opinion writing booklet (from Unit 2, Lesson 8; one per student and one to display)
    • Wildflower Seed Packet: Bee Model (from Lesson 1; one to display)
    • Wildflower seed packet (assembled in Lesson 8; one per student)
  • Equity sticks (optional; one per student)
  • Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebook (begun in Lesson 8; added to during Work Time B; pages 4-5; one per student)
  • Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebook (from Lesson 8; example, for teacher reference)
  • Unit 3 Guiding Questions anchor chart (begun in Lesson 1)


Each unit in the K-2 Language Arts Curriculum has one standards-based assessment built in. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.


OpeningMeeting Students' Needs

A. Shared Writing: Greeting and Closing of Celebration of Learning Welcome Letter (10 minutes)

  • Gather students whole group.
  • Remind students that they will give a welcome letter to visitors at the Celebration of Learning.
  • Direct students' attention to the posted learning targets and read the first one aloud:

"I can write a greeting and closing for the Celebration of Learning welcome letter."

  • Review the meaning of the greeting of a letter (opening) and the closing of the letter (ending) and share that they will be adding those parts to personalize the letter today.
  • Display the Celebration of Learning welcome letter and invite students to read the body of the letter chorally.
  • Point to the top line of the letter. Remind students that their letter will formally welcome their visitors to their celebration, so their letter opening and closing should be formal rather than informal English.
  • Turn and Talk:

"What are words we can use in the greeting?" (Responses will vary, but may include: Dear, Hello, Good morning, and Good afternoon.) 

"What are some words in your home languages you could use as greetings?" (Responses will vary, but may include: Buenos dias.)

"Who are some people we might invite?" (Responses will vary, but may include: parents, teachers, administrators, and community members.)

  • Invite students to share out; capture their ideas on the letter or the board.
  • Think aloud by saying:

"Hmm, I know I put the greeting and name of visitor on the top line, but I forget what should be capitalized and where the comma goes."

  • Display Amanda's letter. Invite students to notice the grammar and punctuation rules used in her letter.
  • Turn and Talk:

"What rules can we learn from Amanda's letter to use in our welcome letter?" (Capitalize the first word and name of the person [proper noun]. Add a comma after the person's name.)

  • Focus students on the bottom line of the letter, and Turn and Talk:

"What words can we use for the closing?" (Responses will vary, but may include: From, Sincerely, Love, and Thank you.)

"What comes after the closing?" (student's name)

  • Invite students to share out; capture their ideas on the letter or the board.
  • Turn and Talk:

"What are the capitalization and comma rules for the closing?" (Capitalize the closing word and name of the writer [proper noun]. Place a comma after the closing word.)

  • Distribute copies of the Celebration of Learning welcome letter to all students. Instruct students to personalize the letter by inviting a person of their choice to the Celebration of Learning.
  • Circulate and support students as they work.
  • For students who may need additional support with information processing: Before the Turn and Talk, direct students to the anchor charts that may be helpful as they answer questions in discussion. (MMR, MMAE)

Work Time

Work TimeMeeting Students' Needs

A. Revisiting Module 4 Work Products (20 minutes)

  • Gather students together whole group.
  • Direct students' attention to the posted learning targets and read the second one aloud:

"I can write and share a reflection on my learning with others."

  • Tell students that they will continue to reflect on their work and learning from Module 4 by looking at work products from across the module. This will help prepare them for their Unit 3 Assessment.
  • With excitement, show students a Module 4 Work Products folder and dramatically display its contents:
    • "Bunnyyarl and Flies and Wurrunnunnah the Bees" scenic painting
    • My Opinion writing booklet
    • Wildflower Seed Packet: Bee Model
  • Using a total participation technique, invite responses from the group:

"What do you notice about this work?" (Responses will vary, but may include: It is all work we completed about pollinators; they are all high-quality work we worked hard on.)

  • Remind students that some of this work was completed weeks ago, so it is important to refresh their memories about what they learned.
  • Tell students that they will each receive their own folder with these same materials (except with their own wildflower seed packet), and they will have 5-7 minutes to revisit their Module 4 work silently. They should look closely at their artwork and read their writing.
  • Transition students to their workspaces, point out the pre-distributed folders and work products, and invite students to begin reviewing.
  • After 5-7 minutes, instruct students to stop what they are doing and Think-Pair-Share with a partner to answer the following questions.
  • Post and review the following sentence starters as needed:
    • "One important thing I learned about pollinators is _________."
    • "A ______ (work product) I am most proud of is ____________."

"What is one important thing you learned about pollinators?"

"Where is the evidence in your work?"

"What work product are you most proud of? Why?"

"Where is the evidence in your work?"

  • As time permits, use equity sticks to select students to share out.
  • Invite students to stand and stretch their arms like a butterfly and take a deep butterfly breath before transitioning back to the whole group.
  • For ELLs: (Previewing Reflection Questions) Before students review their work, consider displaying and reading aloud the Think-Pair-Share questions students will consider. This gives them more time to process the questions and formulate responses.
  • For students who may need additional support with organizing ideas for verbal expression: During the Think-Pair-Share, invite students to write down their responses before sharing with a partner. (MMAE)

B. Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning, Part II (25 minutes)

  • Give students an air high-five and give them specific, positive feedback on completing so much high-quality work in Module 4.
  • Tell students that they will continue to reflect on the work and learning completed across the module to prepare for the Unit 3 Assessment. In this work time, they will identify one important thing they learned about pollinators in Module 4.
  • Display the contents of the Module 4 Work Products folder again.
  • Turn and Talk:

"What work products have evidence of learning about pollination?" (My Opinion writing booklet, wildflower seed packet)

"What did you learn about pollination when completing these products?" (Responses will vary, but may include: I learned that pollinators are in danger and need our help. I learned people can help pollinators by planting butterfly gardens.)

  • Distribute Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebooks.
  • Use the same routine from Work Time B of Lesson 8 to guide students through completing the second reflection on pages 4-5 in their notebooks:
    • Think about what you learned about pollinators in Module 4.
    • Think about evidence, or proof, that you can show from your work products.
    • Write notes as words and phrases.
    • Complete the sentence frames using your notes.
  • Circulate to support students needing additional support to reflect on what they learned about pollination. Refer to Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebook (example, for teacher reference) as necessary.
  • Invite students to share their reflection with a partner by reading the completed sentence frames and sharing evidence of what they learned.
  • After 10-12 minutes, invite students to go back to whole group meeting area with their Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebooks.
  • For ELLs: (Noticing Gerunds) Focus students on the sentence frame from Part II of the Reflection on Module 4 Work and Learning notebook: "I did this by ____." Tell students that actions after the word by usually have an -ing. Brainstorm some -ing words students might use in their reflections (e.g., reading, writing, painting, creating).
  • For students who may need additional support with working memory: Invite students to first verbally share their ideas, then draw a line for each word they intend to write as they state their ideas a second time. (MMAE)

Closing & Assessments

ClosingMeeting Students' Needs

A. Reflecting on Habits of Character: Working to Contribute to a Better World (5 minutes)

  • Direct students' attention to the posted Unit 3 Guiding Questions anchor chart and read the second question aloud:
    • "How does reflecting help me grow as a learner?"
  • Turn and Talk:

"What work and learning did you reflect on today?" (one thing I learned about pollination in Module 4)

"How do you think reflection on this work will help you learn in the future?" (Responses will vary, but may include: Reflecting helps me know myself better as a learner so I can do better in the future.)

  • Give students specific, positive feedback on their reflection work today. Tell them they will have more opportunities to reflect on their work and learning in the next lesson.
  • For students who may need additional support with oral language and processing: Allow ample wait time as students respond during the discussion. (MMAE, MME)

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