- I can share my Expert Bird Riddle card using a loud and clear voice. (SL.1.4)
- I can answer questions about my Expert Bird Riddle card using complete sentences. (SL 1.6)
These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:
- SL.1.4: Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly.
- SL.1.6: Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation.
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- During Work Times A, B, and C, circulate and observe students as they practice sharing what they have learned and use the Speaking and Listening Checklist to track their progress toward SL.1.4 and SL.1.6 (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Song and Movement: "Amazing Birds" (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Speaking and Listening: Preparing to Share Our Work (15 minutes) B. Speaking and Listening: Reflecting on Our Learning as Researchers (15 minutes) C. Developing Language: Playing the Riddle Matching Game (15 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Musical Mingle Protocol: Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes) |
Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards:
How this lesson builds on previous work:
Areas in which students may need additional support:
Down the road:
In Advance
- Pre-distribute Materials for the Opening at student workspaces.
- Prepare individual copies of the Riddle Card Reflection Questions anchor chart for each student for Work Time B.
- Shrink students' Expert Bird Riddle card to a 4" x 4" size and copy on cardstock, if possible, in preparation for the riddle matching game in this lesson. Also consider laminating final game pieces beforehand.
- Post: Learning targets, "Amazing Birds" song, and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).
Tech and Multimedia
Consider using an interactive white board or document camera to display lesson Materials.
- Opening A: Create the Ways We Share Our Work anchor chart in an online format, such as a Google Doc, for display and for families to access at home to reinforce these skills.
- Work Time B: Video-record students as they practice sharing their Expert Bird Riddle card to watch with them to evaluate strengths and areas for improvement. Post it on a teacher web page or on a portfolio app such as Seesaw for students to watch at home with their families. Most devices (cellphones, tablets, laptop computers) come equipped with free video and audio recording apps or software.
- Work Time C: Video-record students as they play the riddle matching game to watch with them as they prepare for the end of module celebration. Post it on a teacher web page or on a portfolio app such as Seesaw for students to watch at home with their families.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 1.I.C.9, 1.II A.1, and 1.II A.2
Important points in the lesson itself
- The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs through the opportunity to build their oral language and presentation skills in a structured way, and through the opportunity to practice sharing with a peer and a small group before the end of module celebration in Lesson 12.
- ELLs may find it challenging or intimidating to speak in front of an audience (see "Levels of support" and Meeting Students' Needs).
Levels of support
For lighter support:
- Invite a volunteer to read the Ways We Share Our Work anchor chart during the end of module celebration. Consider sending home a copy of the chart for the student to practice reading it with a loud and proud voice, saying words clearly so that others can understand him or her.
For heavier support:
- Consider offering choice in terms of what group students will be presenting with and/or which order they will present in.
- If needed, allow extra opportunities to rehearse reading their riddles and focusing on fluency and intonation. Practicing sharing with a peer or small group before sharing with visitors provides a safe, low-risk environment for students as they build oral language and presentation skills.
Universal Design for Learning
- Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): Continue to support comprehension by activating prior knowledge and scaffold connections for students. Continue to provide visual displays of questions and student responses on a chart or the board during discussions.
- Multiple Means of Action & Expression (MMAE): During the Opening, students are invited to sing along to "Amazing Birds" with you. Students may not feel confident and may benefit from modeling and supported practice. Provide differentiated mentors by seating students who may be more confident with singing along near students who may not feel as confident.
- Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): Continue to provide prompts and sentences frames for those students who require them to be successful in peer interactions and collaboration. Also support students in sustaining effort and/or attention by restating the goal of the activity.
Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T); Vocabulary Used in Writing (W)
- interview, reflection (L)
- adjective (L)
- Expert Bird puppets (completed in Lesson 8; one per student)
- "Amazing Birds" (from Lesson 9; one to display)
- Expert Bird Riddle card (complete in Lesson 10; one per student)
- Expert Bird Scientific Drawing cards (from Lesson 6; one per student)
- Ways We Share Our Work anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
- Riddle Card Reflection Questions anchor chart (example, for teacher reference)
- Riddle Card Reflection Questions sheets (one per student)
- Expert Bird Riddle Matching Game Rules (one per group and one to display)
- Musical Mingle Protocol anchor chart (begun in Unit 2, Lesson 16)
Each unit in the K-2 Language Arts Curriculum has one standards-based assessment built in. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Song and Movement: "Amazing Birds" (5 minutes)
Work Time
Work Time | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Speaking and Listening: Preparing to Share Our Work (15 minutes)
"I can share my Expert Bird Riddle card using a loud and clear voice."
"Why is it important to use a loud, proud voice?" (Visitors will be able to understand what they are saying; they will get to learn about their bird.)
"Who can add on to what your classmate said? I'll give you time to think."
B. Speaking and Listening: Reflecting on Our Learning as Researchers (15 minutes)
"I can answer questions about my Expert Bird Riddle card using complete sentences."
C. Developing Language: Playing the Riddle Matching Game (15 minutes)
"What went well?" (Responses will vary.) "What might we need to remember when we play with visitors during our Celebration of Learning?" (Responses will vary.)
"Who can add on to what your classmate said? I'll give you time to think." |
"Can you please repeat what you said?" "Can you please speak more slowly?" |
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Musical Mingle Protocol: Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes)
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