- I can listen to and learn with my group as we create our magnificent thing. (SL.1.1, SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, SL.1.1c)
These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:
- SL.1.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
- SL.1.1a: Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).
- SL.1.1b: Build on others' talk in conversations by responding to the comments of others through multiple exchanges.
- SL.1.1c: Ask questions to clear up any confusion about the topics and texts under discussion.
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- During the Closing, track students' progress toward SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c using the Speaking and Listening Checklist (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Chant and Movement: Responsibility Chant (5 minutes) B. Engaging the Learner: Responsibility (10 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Modeling: Working on a Magnificent Thing (15 minutes) B. Small Group Practice: Working on a Magnificent Thing (20 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes) |
Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards:
How this lesson builds on previous work:
Areas in which students may need additional support:
Down the road:
In Advance
- Set up a document camera to display the Responsibility Chant. If not using a document camera, copy the Chant onto chart paper.
- Prepare:
- Responsibility Chant (see supporting materials).
- Tools and Work Word Wall card for the word responsibility. Write or type the word on a card and create or find a visual to accompany it (see supporting materials).
- Consider pre-determining and preparing a few students to model with you during Work Time A.
- Consider placing Magnificent Thing notebooks in each group's designated workspace for a smoother transition. Set up a table with various materials and tools that students can easily access for Work Time B. Consider limiting the amount of building materials available so students can focus and complete their work.
- Designate a place to safely store the groups' magnificent things and the tools and materials for the following lesson.
- Review the Think-Pair-Share protocol. (Refer to the Classroom Protocols document for the full version of the protocol.)
- Post: Learning targets, Responsibility Chant, "Learning Target" song, Classroom Discussion Norms anchor chart, How to Make a Magnificent Thing anchor chart, Responsibility anchor chart, and Think-Pair-Share anchor chart.
Tech and Multimedia
Consider using an interactive whiteboard or document camera to display lesson materials.
- Opening A: Record the whole group singing the "Responsibility Chant" and post it on a teacher webpage or on a portfolio app like Seesaw for students to listen to at home with families. Most devices (cell phones, tablets, laptop computers) come equipped with free video and audio recording apps or software.
- Work Time A: If you recorded students singing the "Learning Target" song in Unit 2, play this recording for them to join in with.
- Work Time B: Video record students creating their magnificent thing to watch with students to evaluate strengths and areas for improvement in collaborative work. Post it on a teacher webpage or on a portfolio app like Seesaw for students to watch at home with families. Most devices (cell phones, tablets, laptop computers) come equipped with free audio recording apps or software.
- Closing and Assessment A: Create the Responsibility anchor chart in an online format, for example a Google Doc, to display and for families to access at home to reinforce these skills.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 1.I.A.1 and 1.I.B.5
Important points in the lesson itself
- The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs through the practice of collaborative work, and through engaging in experiential learning.
- ELLs may find it difficult to understand how to show responsibility as the concept may seem abstract to some students. Guide students in brainstorming concrete things they can do to show responsibility. (Examples: I can help a friend; I can pay attention to my work; I can apologize if I hurt someone's feelings.) During reflection, invite students to identify specific things from the list that they did.
Levels of support
For lighter support:
- During the Mini Language Dive in Work Time A, invite advanced and intermediate proficiency students to generate verbs to express things they will do as they create magnificent things. Invite beginning proficiency students to act out the verbs that the students generate.
- Encourage students to use Conversation Cues with other students to promote productive and equitable conversation and to enhance language development.
For heavier support:
- Use a Frayer Model graphic organizer to discuss responsibility. Invite students to briefly act out situations in which they are or are not taking responsibility. Create a chart of "things we say when we are showing responsibility." (Examples: "I'm sorry," "Thanks for teaching me how to do a better job," and "Let's fix the problem.")
- Reread a page from The Most Magnificent Thing in which the girl shows responsibility. Discuss how responsibility helped the girl make her magnificent thing.
Universal Design for Learning
- Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): The Closing activity of this lesson is designed for students to reflect on the term responsibility. To maximize generalization, invite students to practice sharing a definition of this term. Provide explicit feedback to ensure students have an accurate understanding of this word and its meaning.
- Multiple Means of Action & Expression (MMAE): During the Opening activity, students learn the Responsibility Chant. You can provide additional options for physical action by creating hand gestures to accompany the lyrics.
- Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): In this lesson, students have time to begin building their magnificent things in small groups. Some students are likely to become very engaged in this hands-on activity. To support an efficient transition and clean up from this work, you can use a visual timer. This will help students with planning and self-regulation.
Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T); Vocabulary Used in Writing (W)
- responsibility (L)
- Document camera (optional)
- Responsibility Chant (new; written on chart paper; one to display)
- Tools and Work Word Wall card (teacher-created; one for each word; see supporting materials)
- Tools and Work Word Wall (begun in Unit 1, Lesson 3; added to in Opening B; see Teaching Notes)
- "Learning Target" song (from Unit 2, Lesson 2; one to display)
- Classroom Discussion Norms anchor chart (begun in Unit 1, Lesson 2)
- How to Make a Magnificent Thing anchor chart (begun in Lesson 1)
- Magnificent Thing notebook (from Lesson 2; one for teacher modeling)
- Various materials and tools for making a magnificent thing (for groups to create their magnificent thing in Work Time B; see supporting materials in Lesson 2)
- Magnificent Thing notebook (from Lesson 2; one per student)
- Responsibility anchor chart (new; co-created with students during Closing; see supporting materials)
- Think-Pair-Share anchor chart (begun in Unit 1, Lesson 1)
- Speaking and Listening Checklist (Assessment Overview and Resources)
Materials from Previous Lessons
New Materials
Each unit in the K-2 Language Arts Curriculum has one standards-based assessment built in. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Chant and Movement: Responsibility Chant (5 minutes)
B. Engaging the Learner: Responsibility (10 minutes)
"What is responsibility?" (to take ownership of your actions, words, and learning)
"I show responsibility by taking care of my things and accepting my mistakes when I make them."
"How can we take responsibility during our group work?" (I can use scissors safely around my group.)
"What do you take responsibility for at home?" (I take responsibility for doing my homework; for cleaning up; for being nice to my sister or brother.) |
Work Time
Work Time | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Modeling: Working on a Magnificent Thing (15 minutes)
"Which part do you think we should start with?" "I'd really like to draw the leaves. Maybe you could cut them out?"
"What would you do if your group member wanted to do the job you're doing?" (I would take a turn and let them take a turn.) "What would you do if you noticed your group member doing something incorrectly?" (Ask them why they are doing it that way.) "What did you notice me doing to work with my group nicely?" (sharing the work)
B. Small Group Practice: Working on a Magnificent Thing (20 minutes)
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes)
"How did you take responsibility today?"
"Can you give an example?" (Responses will vary.)
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