- I can present my crew's children's book pages and argument about why my focus figure's accomplishments were remarkable. (SL.6.4, SL.6.5)
- I can delineate my peers' arguments about why their focus figure's accomplishments were remarkable. (SL.6.3)
Focus Standards: These are the standards the instruction addresses.
- SL.6.3, SL.6.4, SL.6.5, SL.6.6, L.6.6
Supporting Standards: These are the standards that are incidental—no direct instruction in this lesson, but practice of these standards occurs as a result of addressing the focus standards.
- W.6.10
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Work Time A: End of Unit 3 Assessment Part I: Present and Delineate Argument: Picture Book Presentation (SL.6.3, SL.6.4, SL.6.5, SL.6.6, L.6.6)
- Work Time A: Optional Peer Assessment: Picture Book Presentation (SL.6.4, SL.6.5, SL.6.6, L.6.6)
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Engage the Learner - W.6.10 (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. End of Unit 3 Assessment Part I: Present and Delineate Argument: Picture Book Presentation (80 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Reflection - SL.6.4 (5 minutes) 4. Homework None for this lesson |
Alignment to Assessment Standards and Purpose of Lesson
Opportunities to Extend Learning
How It Builds on Previous Work
Support All Students
Assessment Guidance
Down the Road
In Advance
- Prepare the End of Unit 3 Assessment (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
- The assessment can be arranged in different ways, depending on the schedule, location, and number of teachers available to complete the Assessment checklist. It is recommended that each crew presents to the entire class, allowing the teacher to fill in the first part of the Assessment checklist, focusing on just one crew at a time. Presentations could also be recorded and revisited to fill in the Assessment checklist later.
- Students will be assessed both on their presentation and their ability to delineate an argument. Decide which students will delineate which crew's presentations. Each student only needs to complete one, but two note-catchers have been provided in case students would benefit from two attempts at delineating. List the order of presentations, and have students delineate the argument of whichever crew is presenting just before them.
- Decide if students will also complete the optional peer assessment and for how many of their peers. This is provided as an option if students would benefit from having an additional task while listening to ensure accountability while also providing their peers with feedback on their presentation skills. If the peer assessment is being used, it is not recommended that students delineate and peer-assess at the same time; divide the tasks so a student is only doing one at a time for a presentation.
- Create and post the presentation order and the listener responsibilities based on the decisions above.
- Review the student tasks and example answers to get familiar with what students will be required to do in the lesson (see Materials list).
- Prepare copies of handouts for students, including entrance ticket (see Materials list).
- Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).
Tech and Multimedia
- Work Time A: Use a recording device to capture all students presenting. Recordings can then be accessed later by the students for self-assessment and reflection and/or for summative assessment after the lesson ends.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 6.I.A.1, 6.I.A.4, 6.I.B.5, 6.I.B.6, 6.I.B.7, 6.I.B.8, 6.I.C.9, 6.I.C.12, 6.II.A.1, and 6.II.A.2.
Important Points in the Lesson Itself
- To support ELLs, these lessons invite students to complete assessment tasks that draw from past learning in the unit. After multiple lessons devoted to preparation and rehearsal, students deliver presentations of their picture book pages, making an argument as to why their focus figure's accomplishments are remarkable. The listeners delineate the arguments they hear, using a note-catcher that is identical to the note-catchers of early lessons that centered on similar tasks. The familiarity of the tasks involved in the end of unit assessment sets ELLs up for success.
- ELLs may find it challenging to independently complete the end of unit assessment without scaffolding. Nurture students' confidence by pointing out that this assessment is very similar to the activities students have successfully completed in class across multiple lessons. Encourage students to do their best, and assure them that they will continue learning together after the assessment.
- N/A
Materials from Previous Lessons
- Performance Task anchor chart (one for display; from Module 4, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Work Time B)
- Work to Become Ethical People anchor chart (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Work Time C)
- Grade 6 Speaking and Listening checklists (Informal Assessment) (see the Tools page)
- Mid-Unit 3 Assessment with feedback (one per student; from Module 4, Unit 3, Lessons 8-9, Work Time A)
- Presentation checklist (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 11, Work Time A)
- Performance Task: Picture Book directions (one per student; from Module 4, Unit 2, Lesson 13, Work Time A)
- Performance Task Picture Book (one per group; from Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 14, Work Time A)
New Materials
- End of Unit 3 Assessment Part I: Present and Delineate Argument: Picture Book Presentation Assessment checklist (for teacher reference; see Assessment Overview and Resources)
- Device to record presentations
- Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 15-16
- End of Unit 3 Assessment Part I: Present and Delineate Argument: Picture Book Presentation (one per student; see Assessment Overview and Resources to end of parenthetical)
- Peer Assessment: Picture Book Presentation (optional; see In Advance)
Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening |
A. Engage the Learner - W.6.10 (5 minutes)
Work Time
Work Time | Levels of Support |
A. End of Unit 3 Assessment Part I: Present and Delineate Argument: Picture Book Presentation (80 minutes)
"I can present my crew's children's book pages and argument about why my focus figure's accomplishments were remarkable." "I can delineate my peers' arguments about why their focus figure's accomplishments were remarkable."
For Lighter Support
For Heavier Support
Closing & Assessments
Closing |
A. Reflection - SL.6.4 (5 minutes)
Homework |
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