- I can find the gist of chapter 9 of Two Roads.
- I can analyze Pop's point of view in chapter 9 and how it is developed by the author. (RL.6.6)
Focus Standards: These are the standards the instruction addresses.
- RL.6.1, RL.6.6, RI.6.2
Supporting Standards: These are the standards that are incidental—no direct instruction in this lesson, but practice of these standards occurs as a result of addressing the focus standards.
- RL.6.10, W.6.10, SL.6.1
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Opening A: Entrance Ticket (RI.6.2)
- Work Time A: Gist on sticky notes
- Work Time B: Analyze Point of View: Two Roads note-catcher (RL.6.1, RL.6.6)
- Closing and Assessment A: QuickWrite: Pop's Point of View (RL.6.1, RL.6.6, W.6.10)
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Engage the Learner - RI.6.2 (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Read Two Roads, Chapter 9 - RL.6.1 (20 minutes) B. Analyze Point of View - RL.6.6 (15 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. QuickWrite: Pop's Point of View - RL.6.6 (5 minutes) 4. Homework A. Preread Anchor Text: Students preread chapters 10 and 11 in Two Roads in preparation for studying these chapters in the next lesson. |
Alignment to Assessment Standards and Purpose of Lesson
Opportunities to Extend Learning
How It Builds on Previous Work
Support All Students
Assessment Guidance
Down the Road
In Advance
- Preread chapter 9 of Two Roads and the selected excerpts from the Afterword. Identify potentially challenging vocabulary or plot points.
- Review the Read-Collect-Connect mnemonic used in Work Time B to teach point of view. Think of possible hand motions that could be used to represent each of the steps and ingrain learning.
- Review the Roving Reporters activity from Work Time B. Determine in advance which students are best equipped to choose the strongest evidence of Pop's point of view and assign them as the Roving Reporters.
- Review the new materials used in this lesson to ensure clarity about what students will need to know and be able to do.
- Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).
Tech and Multimedia
- Work Time A: Primary source photographs of American Indian boarding schools can provide a visual aid to accompany the descriptions provided in chapter 9. Gather appropriate images from a digital archive, such as http://eled.org/0196 to help students visualize the scenes in this chapter.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 6.I.B.6, 6.I.B.7, and 6.I.B.8.
Important Points in the Lesson Itself
- To support ELLs, this lesson supports ELLs by scaffolding a return to the anchor text at chapter 9. The lesson illuminates key connections across the texts students have read and across the skills they have practiced. For example, in chapter 9, Cal's father, Pop, references the Meriam Report, and students are asked to explain how Pop's point of view toward the Meriam Report is indicated in the text. This overlap of content and revisiting of skills-work is very supportive of ELLs as they develop deeper understandings of critical ideas in the module.
- ELLs may find it challenging to understand a key moment in the plot of the anchor text, which emerges in chapter 9: Pop's decision to send Cal to Challagi Indian Industrial School. Since students have, by this point in the unit, learned a great deal about the emotional, physical, and identity damage inflicted by American Indian boarding schools, Pop's decision may be confusing for students and, for developing readers, lead to other misunderstandings about the nature of Pop's character or of Pop's relationship with Cal. A QuickWrite in Closing and Assessment A aims to help students make sense of Pop's choice using textual evidence. If time allows, create space for students to discuss their ideas aloud in small groups as well.
- deliberately, roving (A)
(A): Academic Vocabulary
(DS): Domain-Specific Vocabulary
Materials from Previous Lessons
- Academic word wall (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Opening A)
- Text Guide: Two Roads (for teacher reference) (from Module 3, Unit 1, Lesson 2, Work Time A)
- Gist anchor chart: Two Roads (one for display; from Module 3, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Work Time C)
- Gist anchor chart: Two Roads (example for teacher reference) (from Module 3, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Work Time C)
- Domain-specific word wall (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Work Time B)
- Author's Methods anchor chart (one for display; from Module 2, Unit 1, Lesson 2, Work Time B)
- Two Roads (text; one per student; from Module 3, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Opening A)
- Vocabulary logs (one per student; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 2, Work Time B)
New Materials
- Entrance Ticket: Unit 1, Lesson 8 (answer for teacher reference)
- Analyze Point of View: Two Roads note-catcher (example for teacher reference)
- QuickWrite: Pop's Point of View (example for teacher reference)
- Entrance Ticket: Unit 1, Lesson 8 (one per student)
- Synopsis: Two Roads, Chapter 9 (one per student and one for display)
- Sticky notes (two per student)
- Analyze Point of View: Two Roads note-catcher (one per student)
- QuickWrite: Pop's Point of View (one per student)
Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening |
A. Engage the Learner - RI.6.2 (5 minutes)
"What does deliberately mean? What context clues help us to understand this word?" (Deliberately means intentionally or purposely. The context helps because it first explains all the bad things about the boarding schools and then gives two examples of fathers who sent their sons there anyway. The author also uses words like "yet" and "even though" to show a contrast between Thorpe and Blackbird's choice and what was described in the previous sentence: "taken by force.")
Work Time
Work Time |
A. Read Two Roads, Chapter 9 – RL.6.1 (20 minutes)
“What is the gist of chapter 9?” (Pop shares some of his memories of Indian boarding school —some good, some bad. He hopes that the school will have improved since the publication of the Meriam Report.)
“What habits of character are displayed by the characters in this chapter?” (Answers will vary, but may include: Pop shows compassion towards Cal when he reassures Cal that he will be fine at school, giving Cal advice and filling him in on what to expect.)
“How does our reading of the actual Meriam Report add to our understanding of this excerpt from the text?” (We now have the background information we need to understand the references that Pop is making.) “What is Pop’s point of view toward the Meriam Report?” (He assumes that it will have made a difference at American Indian boarding schools because it highlighted the awful conditions of the schools.)
B. Analyze Point of View - RL.6.6 (15 minutes)
"What is Pop's point of view towards Challagi Indian Industrial School?"
"Connect all of this evidence together. What is Pop's point of view towards Challagi?"
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Levels of Support |
A. QuickWrite: Pop's Point of View - RL.6.6 (5 minutes)
For Lighter Support
For Heavier Support
Homework | Levels of Support |
A. Preread Anchor Text
For Lighter Support
For Heavier Support
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