- I can collaborate with my group to strengthen our documentary script by planning and discussing how to focus on purpose and audience. (W.7.5)
- I can write my documentary script with claims and findings, emphasizing important points in a focused, clear manner. (SL.7.4)
- I can write my documentary script with key descriptions, facts, details, and examples. (SL.7.4)
Focus Standards: These are the standards the instruction addresses.
- W.7.4, W.7.5, SL.7.1, SL.7.4
Supporting Standards: These are the standards that are incidental—no direct instruction in this lesson, but practice of these standards occurs as a result of addressing the focus standards.
- W.7.1, W.7.2, W.7.3, L.7.6
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Opening A: Action Plan Progress anchor chart (SL.7.1)
- Work Time A: Documentary Script planner (W.7.5)
- Closing and Assessment A: Documentary Script draft (SL.7.4)
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Engage the Learner - SL.7.1 (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Triad Action Plan - W.7.4, W.7.5 (15 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Draft a Documentary Clip Script - SL.7.4 (25 minutes) 4. Homework A. Action Plan: Students continue to work on their personal action plans. Students record their plans, research, and actions they've taken in their action plan journals, including at least one new note in the final research or results section. B. Complete the Script: Students complete their script as necessary. |
Alignment to Assessment Standards and Purpose of Lesson
Opportunities to Extend Learning
How It Builds on Previous Work
Support All Students
Assessment Guidance
Down the Road
In Advance
- Ensure there is a sticky dot or a sticker at each student’s workspace.
- Display the Action Plan Progress anchor chart.
- Determine whether students will choose the section of the documentary script they will each write or whether they will be assigned a section. Note that the conclusion section is likely the easiest to write, as it is the shortest and simplest. Therefore, it may be necessary to assign this section to students who need more support with writing. ▲
- Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).
Tech and Multimedia
Closing and Assessment A: Students may use a document-sharing platform (such as http://eled.org/0158) to share their sections of the documentary script.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 7.I.A.1, 7.I.B.5, 7.I.C.10, 7.I.C.12, 7.II.B.5, 7.II.C.6, and 7.II.C.7.
Important Points in the Lesson Itself
- To support ELLs, this lesson allows for collaborative planning in triads before independent writing of one section of the documentary script.
- ELLs may find it challenging to draft another portion of the documentary script. In addition to the suggestions below, assign sections according to students' language abilities. For example, newcomers or beginning students can work in pairs on the conclusion, as it requires the least amount of language but still allows students to stretch their cognitive abilities by determining the overall message and a call to action.
- N/A
Materials from Previous Lessons
- Documentary Script Planner (example for teacher reference) (from Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 3, Closing and Assessment A)
- Model Documentary Script: "Lunch, Hold the Plastic" (example for teacher reference) (from Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 1, Work Time B)
- Action plan journal (one per student; from Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 1, Homework A)
- Documentary Script Planner (one per student; from Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 3, Closing and Assessment A)
- Model Documentary Script: "Lunch, Hold the Plastic" (one per student; from Module 4, Unit 3, Lesson 1, Work Time B)
- Texts from Module 4, Units 1 and 2: A Plastic Ocean, Trash Vortex, "Five Weird Materials That Could Replace Plastic," "Five Things You Can Do to End Plastic Pollution," and "Boyan Slat: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Kid" (one of each per student)
New Materials
Action Plan Progress anchor chart (one for display)
Sticky dots or stickers (one per student)
Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening | Levels of Support |
A. Engage the Learner - SL.7.1 (5 minutes)
"Share with your triad where you placed your sticker on the Action Plan Progress anchor chart." (Responses will vary.) "Given that there are two more lessons and days of homework on this assignment, discuss whether or not you are behind schedule, on schedule, or ahead of schedule." (Responses will vary.) "What strategies do you have for completing the steps in your action plan if you are behind schedule?" (Responses will vary, but may include doing additional work on the project in the next two nights.) "What ideas do you have for extending the work of your action plan if you are ahead of schedule?" (Responses will vary, but may include trying out another action plan that is related, such as giving up plastic straws and plastic bags.) "What work do you plan on doing on your action plan for the next two nights?" (Responses will vary, but may include interviewing a restaurateur and journaling about how it felt to use less plastic.)
For Lighter Support
For Heavier Support
Work Time
Work Time | Levels of Support |
A. Triad Action Plan - W.7.4, W.7.5 (15 minutes)
"I can collaborate with my group to strengthen our documentary script by planning and discussing how to focus on purpose and audience."
"What information about the action plan will you include in your documentary film script? What key ideas and details will you include to explain your action plan?" "What is the argument your are making in this documentary film clip about how to solve the problem of plastic pollution? What information from your research do you need to include to make your argument strong?" "What key ideas and reflections do you want to include in the conclusion?"
"What is the purpose of the documentary film clip?" (To convince others to take an action to stop plastic pollution.) "How and where should the purpose be addressed in the documentary film script?" (Responses will vary.) "Who is the audience for our documentary film script?" (Responses will vary.) "How and where should the audience be addressed in the documentary film script?" (Responses will vary.)
For Lighter Support
For Heavier Support
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Levels of Support |
A. Draft a Documentary Clip Script – SL.7.4 (25 minutes)
“I can write my documentary script with claims and findings, emphasizing important points in a focused, clear manner.” “I can write my documentary script with key descriptions, facts, details, and examples.”
For Lighter Support
For Heavier Support
Homework |
A. Action Plan
B. Complete the Script
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