Performance Task: Create a Podcast (Lessons 12-13) | EL Education Curriculum

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ELA 2019 G7:M2:U3:L12

Performance Task: Create a Podcast (Lessons 12-13)

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Focus Standards: These are the standards the instruction addresses.

  • SL.7.5

Supporting Standards: These are the standards that are incidental—no direct instruction in this lesson, but practice of these standards occurs as a result of addressing the focus standards.

  • W.7.6, SL.7.4, SL.7.6, L.7.1

Daily Learning Targets

  • I can use multimedia components like music and sound effects to clarify and emphasize points. (SL.7.5)

Ongoing Assessment

  • Opening A: Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12-13 (SL.7.5)
  • Closing and Assessment A: Presentation checklist (SL.7.5)


AgendaTeaching Notes

1. Opening

A. Engage the Learner - SL.7.5 (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Find Sound Effects - SL.7.5 (25 minutes)

B. Sound Edit - SL.7.5 (40 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Self-Assess on Presentation Checklist - SL.7.5 (5 minutes)

B. Chalk Talk - SL.7.5 (15 minutes)

4. Homework

A. Publish the Podcast: If students don't publish their podcast in class and technology allows, they can do so for homework based on school policy and teacher guidance and recommendations for family, friends, and/or social media.

Alignment to Assessment Standards and Purpose of Lesson

  • SL.7.5 – Opening A: On an entrance ticket, students listen to a podcast clip to identify multimedia components they hear and then generate possible components they might use in their own podcast.
  • SL.7.5 – Work Time A: Students find words and key phrases in their script that require multimedia components.
  • SL.7.5 – Work Time B: Students sound edit using dialogue, sound effects, and music to support listeners in understanding their findings and emphasizing salient points.
  • SL.7.5 – Closing and Assessment A: Students self-assess their skills in effectively using multimedia components. 
  • SL.7.5 – Closing and Assessment B: Students record how others effectively use multimedia components.
  • Students focus on working to contribute to a better world by presenting their knowledge in a podcast that will be published to a wider audience. Students also work on being effective learners, as using technology to create a podcast can be difficult. Students will need to practice perseverance and collaboration to succeed at this task.
  • Creating a podcast gives students the opportunity to practice perseverance and collaboration skills that they can apply to many other tasks in and out of school. Using technology and precision may be challenging for students, but they will grow and produce a product of which they can be proud. 
  • The Chalk Talk protocol is used in this lesson. Protocols are an important feature of our curriculum because they are one of the best ways we know to engage students in discussion, inquiry, critical thinking, and sophisticated communication. A protocol consists of agreed-upon, detailed guidelines for reading, recording, discussing, or reporting that ensure equal participation and accountability in learning.
  • Students engage in the following new protocol in this lesson (instructions for which appear at the first point of use in the lesson and in the Classroom Protocols document; see the Tools page):
    • Chalk Talk: A written protocol in which students respond in writing, in a central place (such as a piece of chart paper), to an important, open-ended question—silently. It is a way to promote discussion and awareness of issues, perspectives, or academic challenges. Chalk Talks bypass the social roadblocks that often impede classroom communication, and ensure that all voices are heard. A Chalk Talk is also an excellent way to promote awareness of patterns and problems, as students reflect on the information they have shared.
  • At the end of class, encourage and assist students to publish their podcasts to an audience based on school policy and teacher guidance and recommendations: family, friends, and/or social media. Or, if technology and policies allow, students can publish their podcasts on their own for homework.

Opportunities to Extend Learning

  • Release more responsibility more quickly to students as they comprehend the tasks or concepts. For example: 
    • Allow those students who know how to find sound effects and place them appropriately to do so independently without group discussion.
    • For students who know how to sound edit, have them become class experts and support others with this work.

How It Builds on Previous Work

  • Throughout this unit, students have planned and written their podcasts and practiced their presentations of them in preparation for the performance task.

Support All Students

  • Continue to monitor students to determine if there are issues surfacing as a result of the content of podcasts that need to be discussed as a whole group, in smaller groups, or individually.
  • If students need more time to complete their podcasts, establish a podcast working station with devices that students can visit when they have finished other class work. ▲
  • Students may need additional support figuring out where to place sound effects and music and how to sound edit. Work in small groups with these students, or allocate a student expert to support students with this work. ▲
  • Note there are differentiated versions of Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12–13 used in Opening A and Chalk Talk Questions about Podcasts used in Closing and Assessment B in the supporting materials download. ▲

Assessment Guidance

  • Review student work during and after the lesson either to provide specific feedback and suggestions or to identify common issues that could be used as whole-group teaching points.

Down the Road

  • In the next lesson, students will launch the third module, on the Harlem Renaissance.

In Advance

  • Ensure there is a copy of Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12-13 at each student's workspace.
  • Prepare
    • Devices for each group to use for sound editing
    • Bookmarked sound-editing websites for students
    • Devices for each student to use when listening to the podcasts
    • Headphones for each student
    • Recordings of student responses to End of Unit 3 Assessment: Present a Podcast Script
    • Chart paper posted around the room with the titles of each podcast
  • Review the Chalk Talk Directions and Norms and the Chalk Talk Questions about Podcasts.
  • Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).

Tech and Multimedia

Supporting English Language Learners

Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 7.I.A.1, 7.I.B.5, and 7.I.C.10.

Important Points in the Lesson Itself

  • To support ELLs, this lesson consists of collaborative tasks in a workshop atmosphere during which students can work at their own pace and get help as needed from peers and the teacher.
  • ELLs may find it challenging to understand and use new technology. However, some ELLs may find that using technology is a strength that they can share with their classmates. Appointing some students experts and encouraging a collaborative workshop atmosphere around the technology use will help those students who are new to technology. Also, teacher modeling (even modeling of learning a new skill from a student or a technology teacher) will help students in their willingness to learn new skills.


  • clarify, emphasize, multimedia components, sound effects (A)


(A): Academic Vocabulary

(DS): Domain-Specific Vocabulary

Materials from Previous Lessons



  • Close Readers Do These Things anchor chart (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 4, Opening A)
  • Academic word wall (one for display; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 2, Work Time A)
  • Performance Task anchor chart (one for display; from Module 2, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Work Time B; see Performance Task download)
  • Model Podcast Script: "Story of the Epidemic of 1994" (one for display; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 2, Work Time A)
  • Work to Contribute to a Better World anchor chart (one for display; from Unit 3, Lesson 5, Work Time A)
  • Presentation checklist (from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 9, Work Time A)
  • Vocabulary log (one per student; from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 2, Work Time A)
  • Model Podcast Script: "Story of the Epidemic of 1994" (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 2, Work Time A)
  • Student response to End of Unit 3 Assessment: Present a Podcast Script (one per triad; from Unit 3, Lesson 11, Work Time A)
  • Presentation checklist (from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 9, Work Time A)

New Materials



  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12–13 (example for teacher reference)
  • How to Sound Edit chart (for teacher reference)
  • Chalk Talk Directions and Norms (for display and posted around the room)
  • Chalk Talk Questions about Podcasts (for display and posted around the room)
  • Chalk Talk Questions about Podcasts ▲
  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12–13 (one per student)
  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12–13 ▲
  • Sticky notes (3 per student; for Chalk Talk)
  • Different-colored pencil or marker (one per student, a different color per student; for Chalk Talk)
  • Performance Task Directions (see Performance Task download)


Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.


OpeningLevels of Support

A. Engage the Learner – SL.7.5 (5 minutes)

  • Repeated routine: Students respond to questions on Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12–13 and Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12–13 ▲, as necessary. The differentiated entrance ticket supports students’ comprehension and written responses with word banks. ▲
  • Once students have completed their entrance tickets, use a total participation technique to review their responses. 
  • Repeated routine: follow the same routine as with the previous lessons to review learning targets and the purpose of the lesson, reminding students of any learning targets that are similar or the same as in previous lessons. 
  • With students, use the vocabulary strategies on the Close Readers Do These Things anchor chart to deconstruct the words multimedia components (the combination of sound, still pictures, and video), sound effects (artificially produced sounds, as of thunder, traffic, or animal noise, for theater, radio, film, or television), clarify (to make easier to understand; make clear), and emphasize (to give particular attention to; stress). Record on the academic word wall with translations in home languages, where appropriate, and invite students to record the words in their vocabulary logs.

For Lighter Support

  • Before students complete the entrance ticket, challenge them to join with a classmate who needs heavier support to act out the adjectives on the Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12–13 . Doing so will ensure that students are aware of the possible adjectives they can use in their responses and that their classmates understand the meanings of the adjectives.

For Heavier Support

  • Invite students to use the Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lessons 12–13 . This resource supports students’ comprehension and written responses with word banks. Ensure students understand the adjectives in the word bank by acting them out with students or asking students who need lighter support to act them out with a partner who needs heavier support. 

Work Time

Work TimeLevels of Support

A. Find Sound Effects - SL.7.5 (25 minutes)

  • Review the appropriate learning target relevant to the work to be completed in this section of the lesson:

"I can use multimedia components like music and sound effects to clarify and emphasize points."

  • Focus students on the Performance Task anchor chart, and remind them of the criteria for an effective podcast. Remind students that in this lesson, they will create their podcasts from their scripts and recordings.
  • Also remind students of the goal for the work they are doing with their podcasts: creating a story that teaches others about an epidemic in the local community and how to respond in crisis.
  • Display the Model Podcast Script, and have students retrieve their copies. Model the process of reading for key details, pausing on specific parts of the model and assessing whether those spots need highlighting with sound effects. Read aloud the first paragraph of the Model Podcast Script. Explain that certain words will require emphasis with sound effects and to clarify their meaning. Discuss how placing sound effects before words like panic and caution tape provides emphasis and meaning to the words. Those words are also important to the main idea of the story: Surat, India, was in a state of panic.
  • Discuss how placing frightening, jarring music at the very start of the podcast provides emphasis and clarifies the feelings of panic and fear. The music builds meaning.
  • Invite students to work in their podcast triads to figure out where they would put sound effects and music in the next few paragraphs, from "'But why?' probed Divya," to, "In 2002 they would have another chance to react."
  • Using a total participation response, discuss students' decisions. Remind them that sound effects and music are placed in podcasts to add emphasis and to clarify meaning. If students add sound effects and music to words that do not require it, explain that sometimes less is more. The important thing is to add emphasis to key words and phrases.
  • Have students retrieve their student response to End of Unit 3 Assessment: Present a Podcast Script. Invite them to begin annotating to indicate where to add sound effects, which sound effects to add, where to add music, and what kind of music to add.
  • Invite students to search for the sound effects and music they have chosen. Remind them of their time limit, and explain that it is important to work quickly to find a sound effect or music, and then move on to the next one. Remind students of how to write search terms for the best possible outcome. Consider timing students on this work, so that they move efficiently and effectively through this process. Highlight times aloud or on the board, and encourage students to work in a focused manner.
  • Depending on time, students can also work on designing a title image for their podcasts. If they were able to create images for homework, students can work on transferring them (by scanning them). If not, consider guiding students through an image search using a free online source. See Technology and Multimedia for suggestions.
  • If there is no time to find pictures or illustrations, have students generate ideas for what picture they would add to their podcast and why.
  • Repeated routine: invite students to reflect on their progress toward the relevant learning target.

For Lighter Support

  • In Work Times A and B, challenge students to explain the steps for how to find sound effects and how to sound edit. Doing so will ensure they understand the steps themselves and also will allow them the opportunity to use challenging language structures and vocabulary.

For Heavier Support

  • In Work Times A and B, work slowly, recording instructions on the board or chart paper and repeating each step orally several times to ensure students understand how to find sound effects and how to sound edit. If feasible, encourage students to work in homogeneous home language groups during teacher modeling to translate the instructions in each step. Finally, before releasing students to work independently, repeat each step, model it, and wait while students perform the step, circulating to provide support. Repeat this process, releasing students only when they are able to perform steps easily.

B. Sound Edit - SL.7.5 (40 minutes)

  • Inform students that the appropriate learning target relevant to the work to be completed in this section of the lesson is the same as in the previous section:

"I can use multimedia components like music and sound effects to clarify and emphasize points."

  • Remind students of the academic mindset, "This work has value for me." Ask:

"What value does sound editing have for me?" (Responses will vary, and may include: I can learn a valuable skill that will serve me in school and potentially even in a career down the line.)

"Does this work have value for me even if I do not want a career in technology?" (Responses will vary, and may include: yes, working hard on something will help me to produce something I can be proud of.)

  • Focus students on the Work to Contribute to a Better World anchor chart, specifically on the habit of using strengths to help others grow. Remind students that some of them have strengths in working with technology, and some need help growing in their use of technology.
  • Invite student experts to teach the basics of sound editing using an online tool such as If students do not volunteer to do so, take the lead on this until noticing student experts, and provide them with this opportunity. Model the process, and record steps on the How to Sound Edit chart (see sample modeling below and on the chart for teacher reference). These steps may vary depending on the podcast software used:
    1. Upload the recording of your script. Listen to it, and rerecord as necessary. The script becomes the main track. Music and sound-effect tracks will then be layered above or below the main track.
    2. Add sound effects and music by uploading, recording, or selecting sound effects from the program. 
    3. Insert the sound effect or music clip where it belongs in your script. Listen to the script, and place the clip just below or above that spot. Drag and drop clips and/or shorten them as needed. Adjust the volume of the clip as needed. Consider volume so that listeners can hear the script over the sound effects and music.
    4. For sound effects or music to interrupt the script, record the script in pieces. Then add the sound effects or music in between the pieces.
  • Some students may choose to re-record their podcast from Lesson 10. If they choose to do so, remind them of the time limit, and consider only one or two more shots at recording before moving on to sound editing.
  • Invite student experts to support groups with splicing together narration, sound effects, and music to create a completed podcast.
  • Repeated routine: invite students to reflect on their progress toward the relevant learning target.

For Lighter Support

  • In Work Times A and B, challenge students to explain the steps for how to find sound effects and how to sound edit. Doing so will ensure they understand the steps themselves and also will allow them the opportunity to use challenging language structures and vocabulary.

For Heavier Support

  • In Work Times A and B, work slowly, recording instructions on the board or chart paper and repeating each step orally several times to ensure students understand how to find sound effects and how to sound edit. If feasible, encourage students to work in homogeneous home language groups during teacher modeling to translate the instructions in each step. Finally, before releasing students to work independently, repeat each step, model it, and wait while students perform the step, circulating to provide support. Repeat this process, releasing students only when they are able to perform steps easily.

Closing & Assessments

ClosingLevels of Support

A. Self-Assess on the Presentation Checklist - SL.7.5 (5 minutes)

  • Students note their strengths and learning opportunities on the Presentation checklist, self-assessing their podcasts, especially their use of multimedia components to emphasize important points. (SL.7.5) If students feel comfortable doing so, they may share with a partner one star and one stair from the checklist.
  • N/A

B. Chalk Talk – SL.7.5 (15 minutes)

  • Explain that they will have the opportunity to share their podcasts and respond to others’ podcasts through a protocol called Chalk Talk. Post a piece of chart paper for each triad, and ask them to write the title of their podcast at the top of the chart paper. Distribute three devices and three headphones to each triad, and ask them to cue up their podcast so that others can listen to it at that station. If there are not enough devices in the classroom, students can listen to the podcasts together at a station, but the volume will have to be low enough so as not to distract other groups. Also, near the chart paper, post the Chalk Talk Directions and Norms and the Chalk Talk Questions about Podcasts—also the Chalk Talk Questions about Podcasts ▲, as necessary. The differentiated questions handout supports students in writing responses with sentence starters. ▲ Read aloud the Directions and Norms, modeling each step on the board for students who need more visual support. ▲ Then read aloud each question and cold-call on a number of students to ensure understanding with questions such as:

“What should you notice in the podcast you listen to?”

“What does it mean to celebrate a group’s podcast?”

  • Release students to begin the Chalk Talk, ensuring that students respond to at least one of the posted questions at every station they visit in the allotted amount of time.
  • During the Chalk Talk, circulate. Walk around, read, and gently point students to interesting comments. Remind students of the norms, if needed, particularly that of silence.
  • Using a total participation technique, invite students to share patterns and themes that emerged from the Chalk Talk.
  • Ask:

“What can we celebrate about these podcasts?”

For Lighter Support

  • Prior to the Chalk Talk in Closing and Assessment B, challenge students to read aloud and explain the directions and norms, pantomiming each step of the protocol for their classmates who need heavier support. Doing so will ensure they understand the directions and norms themselves and also will allow them the opportunity to use challenging language structures and vocabulary.

For Heavier Support

  • In Closing and Assessment B, invite students to use the Chalk Talk Questions about Podcasts . This resource supports students’ written responses to their peers’ podcasts with sentence frames. Also, ask students who need lighter support to help review and pantomime the steps of the Chalk Talk protocol to support students’ comprehension of and successful participation in the new protocol.



A. Publish the Podcast

  • If students don't publish their podcast in class and technology allows, they can do so for homework based on school policy and teacher guidance and recommendations for family, friends, and/or social media.

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