- I can answer questions using information from the text to learn about plants. (RI.2.1, RI.2.2, RI.2.6)
- I can use text features to efficiently locate information in the text Seed to Plant. (RI.2.5, RI.2.7)
These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:
- RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
- RI.2.2: Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.
- RI.2.5: Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.
- RI.2.6: Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.
- RI.2.7: Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text.
- W.2.7: Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report; record science observations).
- SL.2.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- During the focused reading in Work Time B, use the Reading Informational Text Checklist to track students' progress toward RI.2.1, RI.2.2, RI.2.3, RI.2.4, RI.2.5, RI.2.6, and RI.2.7 (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
- After Work Time B, collect students' Plants and Pollinators research notebook, Part I to review page 3 and measure progress toward RI.2.1, RI.2.2, and RI.2.6.
- During Work Time C, listen for students to provide information for the Plant Frayer Model anchor chart using information from the text Seed to Plant (W.2.7, SL.2.1)
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Introducing the Unit 1 Guiding Question: How Do Plants Grow and Survive? (5 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Engaging the Reader: Text Features in Seed to Plant (15 minutes) B. Focused Partner Reading: Seed to Plant, Pages 1-7 (20 minutes) C. Shared Writing: Plant Frayer Model (10 minutes) 3. Closing and Assessment A. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes) |
Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards:
How this lesson builds on previous work:
Areas in which students may need additional support:
Down the road:
In Advance
- Prepare the Plants and Pollinators Word Wall card for the word plant.
- Strategically pair students for focused reading during Work Time B. Consider partnering students with varying levels of reading proficiency. The students with greater reading proficiency can serve as models in their partnership.
- Pre-divide the class into three groups for working with the Plant Frayer Model anchor chart in Work Time C.
- Pre-distribute Materials for Work Time B at student workspaces.
- Preview the Language Dive Guide and consider how to invite conversation among students to address the language goals suggested under each sentence strip chunk (see supporting Materials).
- Post: Learning targets, Plants and Pollinators Word Wall, and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).
Tech and Multimedia
Consider using an interactive white board or document camera to display lesson Materials.
- Continue to use the technology tools recommended throughout Modules 1 and 2 to create anchor charts to share with families; to record students as they participate in discussions and protocols to review with students later and to share with families; and for students to listen to and annotate text, record ideas on note-catchers, and word-process writing.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 2.I.A.1, 2.I.B.5, 2.I.B.6, and 2.I.C.10
Important points in the lesson itself
- The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs with opportunities to use a graphic organizer to build and consolidate content knowledge about plants.
- ELLs may find it challenging to comprehend the discussion about text features and to answer the questions during the text feature walk. Emphasize the text features by covering them up on one copy of Seed to Plant and then revealing them. Challenge students with conversation cues. (Example: "What if there was no caption?") Consider pasting copies of relevant pages and excerpts from Seed to Plant on the Text Features anchor chart to explicitly illustrate each text feature.
Levels of support
For lighter support:
- During Work Time B, ask probing questions and prompt students to explain exactly why they chose one item instead of the others. (Example: "Why isn't b the answer to Number 2? Plants do have green leaves!")
For heavier support:
- During Work Time C, consider placing students who need heavier support in the group assigned to generate examples. Engaging with a less challenging task may scaffold student participation with the Frayer model.
Universal Design for Learning
- Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): In Work Time B, students listen to Seed to Plant in a focused reading. During this read-aloud, students notice facts about seeds and plants, then use this information to answer questions. This transfer of information into knowledge that students can use requires metacognitive skills and strategies. Some students may need support in summarizing, connecting, and remembering the information presented. Provide scaffolds to students to support diverse abilities in using these strategies, such as manipulatives to guide students in new understandings. (Example: Provide students with index cards of images or words of the key features for understanding the text. Invite students to use these index cards to support their thinking as they answer questions in Work Time C.)
- Multiple Means of Action & Expression (MMAE): In this lesson, students listen to a focused reading of Seed to Plant, then use information from the text to answer questions during shared writing. Continue to support students in setting appropriate goals for their effort and the level of difficulty expected.
- Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): As students engage with the text during the focused read-aloud, some may need additional support in linking the information presented back to the learning target ("I can answer questions using information from the text to learn about plants."). Invite students to make this connection by explicitly highlighting the utility and relevance of the text to the learning target. (Example: Provide an index card with the unpacked learning target for students to reference during the close read-aloud.) Include opportunities to refocus students? attention to the learning target throughout the close read-aloud, and invite students to respond to how the text is supporting their instructional goal.
Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary(T); Vocabulary Used in Writing (W)
text features, efficiently, table of contents, headings, captions, plant, key detail (L)
initiative, gist, main idea (L)
- Unit 1 Guiding Question anchor chart (new; teacher-created; see supporting Materials) ?What Researchers Do anchor chart (begun in Lesson 2)
- Seed to Plant (one per student and one to display; for teacher read-aloud)
- Reading Informational Text Checklist (RI.2.1, RI.2.2, RI.2.5, RI.2.6, and RI.2.7) (for teacher reference; see Assessment Overview and Resources)
- Text Features anchor chart (new; co-created with students during Work Time A; see supporting Materials)
- Text Features anchor chart (example, for teacher reference)
- Plants and Pollinators research notebook, Part I (begun in Lesson 2; page 3; one per student and one to display)
- Pencils (one per student)
- Plants and Pollinators research notebook, Part I (from Lesson 2; example, for teacher reference)
- Language Dive Guide I: Plant Secrets (from Lesson 2; optional; for ELLs; for teacher reference)
- Language Dive Chunk Chart I: Plant Secrets (from Lesson 2; optional; for ELLs; for teacher reference)
- Language Dive Sentence Strip Chunks I: Plant Secrets (from Lesson 2: optional; for ELLs; one to display)
- Language Dive Note-catcher I: Plant Secrets (from Lesson 2: optional; for ELLs; one per student and one to display)
- Plant Frayer Model anchor chart (new; co-created with students during Work Time C; see supporting Materials)
- Plant Frayer Model anchor chart (example, for teacher reference)
- Sticky notes (two to three per pair and one for teacher modeling)
- Plants and Pollinators Word Wall card (new; teacher-created; one)
- Plants and Pollinators Word Wall (new; teacher-created; see Teaching Notes)
Materials from Previous Lessons
New Materials
Each unit in the K-2 Language Arts Curriculum has one standards-based assessment built in. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Introducing the Unit 1 Guiding Question: How Do Plants Grow and Survive? (5 minutes)
Work Time
Work Time | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Engaging the Reader: Text Features in Seed to Plant (15 minutes)
"What chapter is found on page 3?" ("What Is a Plant?")
"How does the Table of Contents help the reader?" (helps you find where to read)
"What do you think this section of the text is about?" (what plants are, what they look like)
"How do headings help the reader?" (tell what a section of text is about)
"What information does this give the reader?" (information about the picture, name of what is in the picture)
"How do captions help the reader?" (give information about the picture)
"How do text features help you as a researcher?" (find information quickly, get more information)
B. Focused Partner Reading: Seed to Plant, Pages 1-7 (20 minutes)
"What is the main topic the author describes on page 4?"
"What is one thing you learned about plants from this text?" (Responses will vary, but may include: Plants are living things. They are important in the world. They stay in one place. They grow and change; description of plants)
"Who can add on to what your classmate said? I'll give you time to think."
C. Shared Writing: Plant Frayer Model (10 minutes)
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes)
"You took initiative to learn new information about plants today. What is one thing you learned?" (Responses will vary.)
"How is what Kasia said the same as/different from what David said? I'll give you time to think." (Responses will vary.)
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