- I can share information about living things and their needs with others. (SL.K.4, SL.K.6).
- I can read my writing aloud using a strong and clear voice. (SL.K.6)
These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:
- SL.K.4: Describe familiar people, places, things, and events and, with prompting and support, provide additional detail.
- SL.K.6: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.
Daily Learning Targets
Ongoing Assessment
- Circulate and observe as students practice sharing their work with a partner during Work Time B and the Closing. Use the Speaking and Listening Checklist to document progress toward SL.K.4 and SL.K.6 (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
Agenda | Teaching Notes |
1. Opening A. Song and Movement: "We Depend on Trees" and "A Tree Is a Living Thing" (10 minutes) 2. Work Time A. Shared Reading: Ways We Share Our Work Anchor Chart (10 minutes) B. Pinky Partners Protocol: Sharing Our Informational Collages (20 minutes) C. Preparing to Present: Living Things Research Notebook (10 minutes) 3. Closing A. Back-to-Back and Face-to-Face Protocol: Sharing Our Living Things Research Notebook (10 minutes) |
Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards:
How this lesson builds on previous work:
Areas in which students may need additional support:
Down the road:
In Advance
- Prepare students' informational collages by typing student writing from the Performance Task Writing booklets completed across Lessons 10-13 and affixing to each student's collage; attach Popsicle sticks to students' completed animal puppet templates; create a pocket using an index card or small piece of cardstock on students' collages to house the animal puppet (see Performance Task Overview).
- Display students' completed informational collages in various places around the room.
- Distribute Materials for Work Time C at student workspaces.
- Post: Learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).
Tech and Multimedia
Consider using an interactive white board or document camera to display lesson Materials.
- Continue to use the technology tools recommended throughout Modules 1-2 to create anchor charts to share with families; to record students as they participate in discussions and protocols to review with students later and to share with families; and for students to listen to and annotate text, record ideas on note-catchers, and word-process writing.
Supporting English Language Learners
Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards K.1.B.5, K.1.B.6, and K.I.B.9
Important points in the lesson itself
- The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs by providing structured practice presenting their informational collages and Living Things research notebook in preparation for the celebration in Lesson 15. Students demonstrate mastery of frames, syntax, and content-specific Vocabulary as they practice the riddles, chants, and songs of the module and share their informational collages with a partner.
- ELLs may find it challenging to synthesize all their learning into two presentations. During Work Time A, as students review the Ways We Share Our Work anchor chart, surface their feelings about the presentations (e.g., excited, nervous, uncertain) and offer strategies to address doubts.
Levels of support
For lighter support:
- During Work Times B and C, circulate and jot down especially descriptive and rich conversations to share as examples with the class afterward, without attributing them to specific students. Also consider sharing miscues or ways students struggled to brainstorm how to solve them.
For heavier support:
- During Work Times A and B, consider modeling how students can use the artwork in their informational collages and Living Things research notebook to jog their memories and as references to explaining their learning during the presentations. If needed, spend additional time to help any struggling students practice one more time with you or a helpful peer.
Universal Design for Learning
- Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): Continue to support comprehension by activating prior knowledge and scaffolding connections for students. Continue to provide a visual display of questions and student responses on a chart or the board during discussions.
- Multiple Means of Action & Expression (MMAE): Continue to support students in setting appropriate goals for the task and difficulty expected.
- Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): Continue to remind students of the goal of the work they are doing in this lesson. Returning to the learning goals lifts up their value and relevance to students.
Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T); Vocabulary Used in Writing (W)
- N/A
- "We Depend on Trees" (from Unit 2, Lesson 8; one to display)
- "A Tree Is a Living Thing" (from Unit 1, Lesson 8; one to display)
- Ways We Share Our Work anchor chart (begun in Module 1)
- Model of Informational Collage (from Lesson 1; one to display)
- Pinky Partners Protocol anchor chart (begun in Module 2)
- Informational collage (completed in Lesson 13; one per student)
- Speaking and Listening Checklist (for teacher reference; see Assessment Overview and Resources)
- Living Things research notebook (from Unit 1, Lesson 2; example, for teacher reference)
- Living Things research notebook (completed in Unit 1, Lesson 6; one per student)
- Sticky notes (two per student and one for teacher modeling)
- Back-to-Back and Face-to-Face protocol anchor chart (begun in Module 2)
Each unit in the K-2 Language Arts Curriculum has one standards-based assessment built in. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.
Opening | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Song and Movement: "We Depend on Trees" and "A Tree Is a Living Thing" (10 minutes)
Work Time
Work Time | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Shared Reading: Ways We Share Our Work Anchor Chart (10 minutes)
"I can share information about living things and their needs with others."
"What work have you done during this module that you could share with visitors so that they learn about living things and their needs?" (Living Things research notebook, informational collages)
B. Pinky Partners Protocol: Sharing Our Informational Collages (20 minutes)
"I can read my writing aloud using a strong and clear voice."
"When you are sharing your informational collages, what is important to remember to do so that your visitors can learn from you?" (Speak clearly and loudly, make eye contact with visitors, and listen as others share.)
"What did you notice I did while I presented? What is one thing I did well while I presented?" (Responses will vary, but may include: You spoke loudly and clearly. You made eye contact with the audience. You pointed to the part of your collage that matched your writing.)
"What part of your informational collage are you most proud and most excited to share with a visitor?" (Responses will vary.)
C. Preparing to Present: Living Things Research Notebook (10 minutes)
"What should you keep in mind while you are selecting entries from your Living Things research notebook to share? What criteria should those entries meet?" (neat writing, accurate information, entries that show different information about living things)
"Who can add on to what your classmate said? I'll give you time to think."
Closing & Assessments
Closing | Meeting Students' Needs |
A. Back-to-Back and Face-to-Face Protocol: Sharing Our Living Things Research Notebook (10 minutes)
"What is the first entry in your Living Things research notebook that you want to share? What does this entry describe?" (Responses will vary.) "What is the second entry in your Living Things research notebook that you want to share? What does this entry describe?" (Responses will vary.)
There are no new supporting materials for this lesson. |
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