- Classroom Magnificent Thing: Planning and Building
- Informational Writing: Planning and drafting
- Reflecting on learning and using habits of character
- Classroom Magnificent Thing: Revising, finishing, and presenting
- Informational Writing: Drafting, revising, and publishing
- Reflecting on learning and using habits of character
- RL.1.3
- W.1.2
- W.1.8
- SL1.1
- SL.1.1a
- SL.1.1b
- SL.1.1c
- SL.1.6
- L.1.2
- Unit 3 Assessment: Writing to Show Understanding: Describing a Habit of Character (W.1.2)
- Performance Task: Experience-Based Informational Writing: A Magnificent Thing for the Classroom (W.1.2, SL.1.1)