Unit 3 Assessment, Part II: Revising and Editing a New Narrative | EL Education Curriculum

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ELA G2:M2:U3:L12

Unit 3 Assessment, Part II: Revising and Editing a New Narrative

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These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:

  • W.2.5: With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic and strengthen writing as needed by revising and editing.
  • SL.2.5: Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
  • L.2.1d: Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs (e.g., sat, hid, told).
  • L.2.6: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe (e.g., When other kids are happy that makes me happy).

Daily Learning Targets

  • I can make improvements to my narrative using the Revising and Editing Checklist. (W.2.5, L.2.1d, L.2.6)
  • I can draw pictures to show details from my narrative. (SL.2.5)

Ongoing Assessment

  • At the end of Work Time C, collect student narratives and use the W.2.5 Revising and Editing Rubric to monitor students' progress toward W.2.5 (see Assessment Overview and Resources).


AgendaTeaching Notes

1. Opening

A. Engaging the Learner: Reviewing Our Work (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Unit 3 Assessment, Part II: Revising and Editing Our Narratives (20 minutes)

B. Mini Lesson: Adding Important Details (5 minutes)

C. Independent Drawing: Adding Important Details (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Song and Movement: "Celebration of Learning" Song (5 minutes)

Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards:

  • This lesson is the last of three lessons during which students planned, drafted, and now revise their new narrative. This lesson includes Part II of the Unit 3 Assessment to track students' progress on the standard W.2.5. It is crucial that each student has completed his or her narrative story and has an individual Revising and Editing Checklist filled in by the teacher before beginning this lesson.
  • Students receive another mini lesson on drawing to learn how to add important details to their illustrations. This is the second of three days during which students create and add to their drawings as a part of their performance task.
  • Students continue to practice the "Celebration of Learning" song in preparation for sharing their learning on the last day of the module. In this lesson, students add movements.

How this lesson builds on previous work:

  • Students use their completed narrative from Lesson 11 and a teacher-annotated Revising and Editing Checklist to help them make improvements to their narrative.

Areas in which students may need additional support:

  • For students who encounter a high level of frustration with writing, consider offering support before the assessment or in a private location during the independent writing time of the assessment. Invite these writers to orally process each sentence aloud, and, if needed, take dictation for all or part of the piece. Although not a valid measure of students' ability to write a narrative, this scaffolded assessment will provide valuable evidence of students' ability to apply what they have learned in this module.

Down the road:

  • Students will complete their illustrations in Lesson 13 and include a presentation of their booklet to visitors during the Celebration of Learning in Lesson 15. 

In Advance

  • Use students' Narrative Booklets to complete a Revising and Editing Checklist for each student. Evaluate student writing using the checklist and check off criteria that the student has included in his or her writing. Then, circle two criteria that the student could revise or edit. Include suggestions that are specific to the student's narrative. Refer to the Revising and Editing Checklist (example, for teacher reference) in the supporting materials in Lesson 9 as necessary.
  • Post: Learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see materials list).
  • Consider sending home a newsletter to remind families about the Celebration of Learning, or having students write letters inviting their families and other relevant guests to the Celebration of Learning. 

Tech and Multimedia

Consider using an interactive white board or document camera to display lesson materials.

  • Work Time C: Students use drawing apps or software to draw their illustrations for their narrative--for example, Kids Doodle plug-in for Google or app for Apple products.
  • Closing: If you recorded students singing the "Celebration of Learning" song in Lesson 11, play this recording for them to join in with.

Supporting English Language Learners

Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 2.I.A.1, 2.I.A.2, 2.I.A.4, 2.I.C.10, 2.I.C.12, 2.II.A.1, 2.II.A.2, and 2.II.A.3

Important points in the lesson itself

  • The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs with opportunities to demonstrate their content and language knowledge in a process-writing format based on their preparation and practice in previous lessons.
  • ELLs may find the Unit 3 Assessment challenging as it may be a big leap from the heavily scaffolded classroom interaction. Before they begin, encourage students to do their best and congratulate them on the progress they've made learning English. Point out some specific examples.
  • Make sure that ELLs understand the assessment directions. Answer their questions, refraining from supplying answers to the assessment questions themselves. See additional support in the lesson.
  • After the assessment, ask students to discuss which assessment task was easiest and which was most difficult, and why. In future lessons and for homework, focus on the language skills that will help students address these assessment challenges.
  • Invite students to work with families and in home language groups to translate all or parts (e.g., the tools) of the Celebration Day song into home languages. Finally, students can share and teach the translated version in this lesson and the remaining lessons, singing it to "A Tisket, a Tasket" or a more suitable home language tune.

Universal Design for Learning

  • Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): To set themselves up for success for the drawing task in Work Time C, students need to generalize the skills they learned from the previous lessons in this unit. Before the drawing task, activate prior knowledge by recalling learning from previous lessons. Offer directions for drawing both visually and verbally.
  • Multiple Means of Action & Expression (MMAE): During the mini lesson in Work Time B, some students may benefit from sensory input and opportunities for movement while they are sitting. Provide options for differentiated seating (e.g., sitting on a gym ball, a move-and-sit cushion, or a chair with a resistive elastic band wrapped around the legs).
  • Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): As students work on their drawing to match the words of their narrative, support sustained motivation and effort by providing mastery-oriented feedback that is frequent, timely, and specific. (Example: "I can see that you are working hard to draw a picture of digging up a fossil, which matches the words in your narrative! Keep up the great work!")


Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L): Text-Specific Vocabulary (T): Vocabulary Used in Writing (W): 


  • improve, improvement (L)


  • revise, edit, detail (L)


  • Narrative Booklets (begun in Lesson 11; added to during Work time A; one per student)
  • Unit 3 Assessment prompt (from Lesson 10; one to display)
  • Compelling Narrative about Discovering a Fossil anchor chart (begun in Lesson 5)
  • Revising and Editing Checklist (from Lesson 9; one to display)
  • Revising and Editing Checklist (one per student; distributed with feedback during Work Time A)
  • Purple colored pencils (one per student)
  • W.2.5 Revising and Editing Rubric (for teacher reference; see Assessment Overview and Resources)
  • Narrative Booklet: Teacher Model (from Lesson 5; one to display)
  • Tools Paleontologists Use anchor chart (begun in Unit 1, Lesson 10)
  •  "Celebration of Learning" song (from Lesson 11; one to display)


Each unit in the K-2 Language Arts Curriculum has one standards-based assessment built in. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.


OpeningMeeting Students' Needs

A. Engaging the Learner: Reviewing Our Work (10 minutes)

  • Gather students whole group.
  • Direct students' attention to the posted learning targets and read the first one aloud:

"I can make improvements to my narrative using the Revising and Editing Checklist."

  • Using a total participation technique, invite responses from the group:
  • "Why do we use the Revising and Editing Checklist?" (to improve our writing and make it even better)
  • Point out the word improvements.
  • Using a total participation technique, invite responses from the group:

"What word do you see inside the word improvements?" (improve)

"What does the word improve mean?" (to make better)

"What might the word improvements mean?" (changes that make something better than it was)

  • Remind students that they have used the Narrative Planner to organize ideas for writing, and have drafted a narrative in their Narrative Booklet. Today, they will use teacher feedback to revise and edit their narrative.
  • Distribute Narrative Booklets and invite students to take a couple minutes to whisper-read their story to remember what they wrote.
  • Invite students to massage their writer brains and writing hands to prepare for revising and editing.
  • When using total participation techniques, minimize discomfort and/or perceived threats and distractions by alerting individual students that you are going to call on them next. (MME)
  • For ELLs: Ask:

"What is the difference between the words improve and improvement?" (Improve is a verb that means to make an improvement. An improvement is a noun or a thing. It is the word for a change that makes something better than it was.)

"What improvements did you make to your Holly narrative? Use this sentence frame in your response: 'I improved my Holly narrative by _____.'"

Work Time

Work TimeMeeting Students' Needs

A. Unit 3 Assessment, Part II: Revising and Editing Our Narratives (20 minutes)

  • Display the Unit 3 Assessment prompt and read it aloud:

"Look at this picture of a fossil. Imagine that you are a paleontologist, and you have just discovered this fossil! Write a narrative about the moment you made this discovery. Make sure your narrative includes a beginning that introduces the reader to where you are and what tools you had, details to describe actions, thoughts and feelings, and an ending that brings a sense of closure to the narrative. Your narrative should also include detailed illustrations that match the beginning, middle, and end of the narrative."

  • Focus students' attention on the Compelling Narrative about Discovering a Fossil anchor chart and review it as necessary.
  • Follow the same routine from Lesson 9 to display and talk students through a completed Revising and Editing Checklist.
  • Transition students back to their workspaces and invite them to sit next to their writing partners.
  • Distribute students' individual Revising and Editing Checklists and purple colored pencils.
  • Guide students through the same routine from Lesson 9 to read through their feedback and make changes to their narrative.
  • Circulate to support students as they revise and edit. Do not provide additional support to students unless they are reaching a level of frustration. Note any support given to a student on their W.2.5 Revising and Editing Rubric.
  • Give students a 2-minute warning to finish up their improvements. Assure students who have not yet finished that they can come back to their writing at a designated time to complete it.
  • Invite students to do a quick dance or take a stretch break.
  • To support self-regulation and independence when giving students a warning before the transition, provide a clear routine for what to do with unfinished work and utilize a visual timer. (MME)
  • For ELLs: Ensure that ELLs clearly understand all assessment directions. Rephrase directions for them. Monitor during the assessment to see that students are completing the assessment correctly. Stop students who are on the wrong track and make sure they understand the directions.

B. Mini Lesson: Adding Important Details (5 minutes)

  • Remind students that their Narrative Booklets will be a part of the learning they share with visitors, so they will need to continue working on their beautiful drawings.
  • Invite students to put on their artist toolbelt to prepare for drawing.
  • Direct students' attention to the posted learning targets and read the second one aloud:

"I can draw pictures to show details from my narrative."

  • Tell students that they have already drawn pictures to match their words, and today they are adding important details to their pictures. Later, they will add color!
  • Display the Narrative Booklet: Teacher Model.
  • Post and walk through the steps you will follow to add details to the illustrations in the booklet:
  1. Reread the words on the page.
  2. Think about what is important in this part of the story.
  3. Choose an event from the text to draw.
  4. Reread the words on the page for details about the setting, characters, and plot.
  5. Add details to the illustration that is already on the page.
  • Read aloud page 1 of the Narrative Booklet: Teacher Model:

"It was a beautiful day on the beach. I was with my dog. I had my hammer with me. I was thinking about the interesting creatures that had lived a long time ago."

  • Remind students that, yesterday, you drew a picture of you thinking on the beach to match the text.
  • Think aloud to model brainstorming an important detail to add to the picture:

"My story mentions the setting and some details about the tools I was carrying. Those details will help the reader see my story better. I can draw the sun because it said it was a beautiful day. I could also draw a hammer in my hand or on my belt."

  • Remind students that part of being an artist is understanding that everyone has a different idea of what things may look like. As we try our best to draw, we should use kind words when talking about each other's drawings and acknowledge how hard each artist has worked.
  • Using only a pencil, begin to add onto the drawing box on the first page of the Narrative Booklet: Teacher Model.
  • Think aloud as you model drawing important details in the picture:

"I have seen people draw a sun with rays, so I'll draw that. I have seen waves and seagulls at the beach in pictures, so I will add that. I can use the Tools Paleontologists Use anchor chart to help me draw the hammer."

  • Using a total participation technique, invite responses from the group:

"What kinds of details did I think were important to add?" (setting, weather, details about tools)

"What can help you draw things you may not know how to draw?" (thinking about what you've seen somewhere else, using resources around the room)

  • For students who may need additional support with oral language and processing: Allow ample wait time as students respond to questions during the mini lesson. (MME, MMAE)
  • For ELLs: When students draw details, encourage them to provide think-alouds, too, describing the details using the language from their narrative booklet. Model this process as you draw. Example: "My narrative says: I had my hammer with me. So now I'm drawing a hammer with me."

C. Independent Drawing: Adding Important Details (20 minutes)

  • Tell students it is their turn to add important details to their pictures!
  • Guide students through the steps used above to add details to their drawing.
  • Circulate to support students by brainstorming ideas of what to add or resources to draw their picture. Encourage students to try their best to draw things on their own. Remind them that they will come back to these pictures again to add color. Ensure students add details for all of the pictures in the booklet.
  • Give students a 2-minute warning to finish up their drawing. Encourage them not to rush to finish.
  • Collect the Narrative Booklets to review for students' revisions using the W.2.5 Revising and Editing Rubric and return in Lesson 13. 
  • For students who may need additional support with fine motor skills: Provide supportive tools for writing (e.g., offer pencil grips, slanted desks, or alternate writing utensils). (MMAE)
  • For ELLs: As students draw details, remind them to provide think-alouds, describing the details using the language from their narrative booklet. 

Closing & Assessments

ClosingMeeting Students' Needs

A. Song and Movement: "Celebration of Learning" Song (5 minutes)

  • Transition students to a whole group area.
  • Display the "Celebration of Learning" song.
  • Sing through the song once as a model.
  • Invite students to sing the song the second time through.
  • Read the first stanza aloud.
  • Invite students to stand and offer movements to go with each line or important words within the lines (e.g., for the first stanza, students can show "small," "large," and "colossal" with their arms).
  • Try the song a couple of times together with the new movements.
  • Before beginning the "Celebration of Learning" song, offer an alternative representation of information by introducing a physical gesture for keywords or phrases. This physical act will scaffold a connection for comprehension. (MMR, MMAE)
  • For ELLs: Increase the opportunities for students to notice and engage with the language of the song by inviting them to sing in call-and-response, with "Group A" students singing the first verse (or line) and "Group B" students repeating after the first group. Repeat for the remaining verses (or lines).

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