Building Background Knowledge: What Do Tools Help to Do?, Part II | EL Education Curriculum

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Building Background Knowledge: What Do Tools Help to Do?, Part II

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These are the CCS Standards addressed in this lesson:

  • RI.1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
  • W.1.8: With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
  • SL.1.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. 

Daily Learning Targets

  • I can examine tools through close observation and drawing. (W.1.8)
  • I can ask and answer questions about tools and how they are used. (RI.1.1, SL.1.1

Ongoing Assessment

  • During Work Time A, circulate and observe the classroom discussion norms of listening to and looking at the speaker. Reinforce and support students as needed.
  • During Work Time A, notice students' progress with answering questions about tools. Encourage students to answer questions about tools. If necessary, provide sentence stems to answer questions in complete sentences. Model answering questions using complete sentences by repeating student answers.
  • During Work Time B, circulate and observe students individually drawing and labeling a tool.
  • At the end of Work Time B, collect the Tools Challenge #2 response sheet. Notice each student's drawing of the tool to be sure it captures accurate details. Note each student's encoding skills as represented in the label of the tool. 


AgendaTeaching Notes

1. Opening

A. Noticing and Wondering: Tools for Challenge #2 (5 minutes)

B. Working with Vocabulary: Tools and Work Word Wall (10 minutes) 

2. Work Time

A. Developing Language: Play and Exploration with Math Tools (15 minutes)

B. Recording Our Thinking: Draw and Label the Tool That Was Best for the Job (10 minutes)

C. Reading Aloud: My Math Toolbox (10 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes) 

Purpose of lesson and alignment to standards: 

  • In this lesson, students focus more on using question words. Because Opening B builds off the wonders that students have in Opening A, collect or prompt for "wonders" that include different question words.
  • Opening B introduces the Tools and Work Word Wall. In this first Tools and Work Word Wall lesson, the question words generated during Opening A are added to the wall. Consider placing the Wondering about Tools chart from Opening A, on which the wonders are generated, near the Tools and Work Word Wall to ease the transition between Openings A and B.
  • Words worthy of being featured on the Word Wall hold weight across the module. They are academic or domain-specific words that will be used during speaking and writing and to build content knowledge throughout the module.
  • In Work Time B, as students engage in a small group challenge about tools in Work Time B, they orally rehearse asking questions to provide them with additional practice with SL.1.1.
  • This lesson is the first in a series of three that include built-out instruction for the use of Goal 1 Conversation Cues. Conversation Cues are questions teachers can ask students to promote productive and equitable conversation (adapted from Michaels, Sarah and O'Connor, Cathy. Talk Science Primer. Cambridge, MA: TERC, 2012. Based on Chapin, S., O'Connor, C., and Anderson, N. [2009]. Classroom Discussions: Using Math Talk to Help Students Learn, Grades K-6. Second Edition. Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications). Goal 1 Conversation Cues encourage all students to talk and be understood. As the modules progress, Goal 2, 3, and 4 Conversation Cues are gradually introduced. See the Tools page for the complete set of cues. Consider providing students with a thinking journal or scrap paper. Examples of the Goal 1 Conversation Cues you will see in the next two units are (with expected responses):
    • After any question that requires thoughtful consideration: 
      • Teacher: "I'll give you time to think and write or sketch."
      • Teacher: "I'll give you time to discuss this with a partner."
    • To help students share, expand, and clarify thoughts:
      • Teacher: "Can you say more about that?"
      • Student: "Sure. I think that _____."
      • T: "Can you give an example?"
      • S: "OK. One example is _____."
      • T: "So, do you mean _____?"
      • S: "You've got it./No, sorry, that's not what I mean. I mean _____."
    • As in Lesson 2, students closely observe and then draw a tool during Work Time. When modeling drawing, help students notice the shapes in the object and then the angles in the lines of the object. Consider using a pencil with an eraser, because some lines may need to be erased.
    • As students build their knowledge about tools throughout the module, support a volume of reading on this topic; see the Recommended Texts and Other Resources list. Ensure that students have a variety of informational and narrative texts on this topic (at a variety of reading levels) available during independent reading in the K-2 Reading Foundations Skills Block.

How this lesson builds on previous work: 

  • In Lesson 1, students were introduced to the Mission Envelope and Mission Letter #1. This is the second lesson in a series of three in which students complete challenges in order to complete their mission.
  • This lesson builds upon the speaking and listening discussion norms from Lessons 1 and 2.
  • Continue to reinforce routines established in Lessons 1 and 2: Think-Pair-Share, cold call.

Areas in which students may need additional support: 

  • Students may need additional support orally asking questions. Support these students throughout the lessons before the assessment in Lesson 8 by prompting with question stems and modeling.

Down the road:

  • During this lesson, students are encouraged to use question words (who, what, when, where, why, and how). Continue to note students? skill level with asking questions, and provide modeling and question stems as needed. In Lesson 6, the Unit 1 Assessment Speaking andListening Checklist is formally introduced, and students will begin to be formally assessed on SL.1.1 over the course of Lessons 6-8.
  • Throughout this unit, students return to the Tools anchor chart as they continue to identify tools, how they are used, and what they do. In Lesson 2 and in this lesson, students are building their understanding of this definition through the challenges and the read-aloud texts. In Lesson 4, a definition of tools will be added to the Tools anchor chart.

In Advance

  • Prepare:
    • Tools and Work Word Wall. Consider: accessibility for students and a classroom space large enough to accommodate the growing Word Wall.
    • Tools and Work Word Wall Word Cards. Write each word on an index card and, where appropriate, draw a corresponding image to support students' understanding of the word.
  • Gather materials for Tools Challenge #2.
  • Consider placing each set of long and short colored numbered rods, such as Cuisenaire, in a plastic baggie, one for each student. Individual students will have a set of rods, and small groups of three students will share the Tools Challenge #2 Materials Set 2.
  • Set up a document camera to display the Tools Challenge #2 response sheet in Work Time B and My Math Toolbox in Work Time C.
  • Post: Learning targets, Classroom Discussion Norms anchor chart, "Learning Target" poem, Tools anchor chart.

Tech and Multimedia

Consider using an interactive whiteboard or document camera to display lesson materials.

  • Opening A: Create the Wondering about Tools chart in an online format, for example a Google Doc, to display.
  • Opening B: Create the Word Wall in an online format like Padlet to share vocabulary words with families.
  • Work Time A: Tools Challenge Note #2 could be an email. 

Supporting English Language Learners

Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 1.I.A.1, 1.I.A.3, 1.I.B.5, 1.I.B.6, and 1.I.C.10 

Important points in the lesson itself 

  • The basic design of this lesson supports ELLs by incorporating opportunities to discuss classroom tools and their practical applications. This will give students a chance to use language with an authentic purpose, as well as deepening their knowledge of the unit's content.
  • This lesson may be challenging for some ELLs because it incorporates a lot of technical information related to grammar, science, and math. Particularly, students may not be advanced enough in math to use or understand some of the math tools. As a result, some may feel lost or overwhelmed. Remind students that it is okay if they do not understand everything. Remind them to focus on the learning targets and to think about how tools help people do work.
  • Explain the purpose and goals of Conversation Cues to students and that they should listen closely for them, as they will respond to Conversation Cues throughout this curriculum.

Levels of support

For lighter support:

  • During Opening B, ask intermediate and advanced proficiency students to generate examples of sentences that use question words correctly.

For heavier support:

  • Provide explicit instruction for using comparative adjectives. Create a small chart with lines labeled long, longer, and longest as well as short, shorter, and shortest. Briefly review the chart while discussing Tools Challenge #2.
  • Before the first reading of My Math Toolbox, prompt students to put a thumb to the side when there is something that confuses them. When choosing sentences to read closely, consider focusing on parts that seemed to confuse students the most.

Universal Design for Learning

  • Multiple Means of Representation (MMR): Throughout this lesson, embed support for unfamiliar vocabulary by providing explanation and visual examples. This will help students make connections and support comprehension.
  • Multiple Means of Action & Expression (MMAE): This lesson focuses on questioning skills. Some students may need additional scaffolds to determine the grammatical structure for asking a question. Provide students with options for expression and communication by using sentence starters for asking and answering questions. Examples: "I wonder why____?" or "I wonder how___?" or "I think _________ because ________.
  • Multiple Means of Engagement (MME): This lesson continues the use of cold calls. Being called on without warning may increase anxiety or frustration for some students. During the cold calls, it may help individual students participate more successfully if you alert them that you are going to call on them next.


Key: Lesson-Specific Vocabulary (L); Text-Specific Vocabulary (T)

  • close observation, examine, how, prove it, what, when, where, who, why (L) 


  • "Learning Target" poem (from Lesson 1; one to display)
  • Classroom Discussion Norms anchor chart (begun in Lesson 2)
  • Tools Challenge #2 Materials Set 1: measuring cup, calculator, 30 interlocking colored cubes, such as Unifix cubes (one set per small group and one set to display)
  • Wondering about Tools chart (new; co-created with students)
  • Tools and Work Word Wall (new; teacher-created; see Teaching Notes)
  • Tools and Work Word Wall Word Cards (teacher-created; one for each word; see supporting materials)
  • Mission Envelope (from Lesson 1; for Tools Challenge Note #2)
  • Tools Challenge Note #2 (one for teacher)
  • Tools Challenge #2 Materials Set 2: two Cuisenaire rods of different lengths (one set of rods per student)
  • Document camera
  • Tools Challenge #2 response sheet (one per student and one to display)
  • My Math Toolbox (book; one for teacher read-aloud)
  • Tools anchor chart (begun in Lesson 2 and added to in Closing A; see supporting materials)


Each unit in the K-2 Language Arts Curriculum has one standards-based assessment built in. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize their understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.


OpeningMeeting Students' Needs

A. Noticing and Wondering: Tools for Challenge #2 (5 minutes) 

  • Gather students together whole group in a circle.
  • Invite students to sit with their partners from Lesson 1 in a circle on the whole group area. For each pair, designate a partner A and a partner B.
  • Share with students that today they are going to learn more about tools and what they do.
  • Direct students' attention to the posted learning targets and read the first one aloud:

"I can examine tools through close observation and drawing."

  • Remind students that a learning target is a goal for them to reach. Invite students to take out their "magic bows" and take aim at the target while chorally reciting the "Learning Target" poem.
  • Tell students they are going to use the Think-Pair-Share protocol again today. Remind them that they used this protocol in Lessons 1 and 2. Review as necessary. (Refer to the Classroom Protocols document for the full version of the protocol.)
  • Invite students to Think-Pair-Share:

"What does it mean to examine?" (study, look closely at, investigate)

"What does it mean to do a close observation of something?" (look hard at the small details and notice the shape, color, texture, size, etc. of something)

"What does the word through mean in this sentence?" (It means by. I can examine tools by studying and drawing them. Close observation and drawing help me examine tools.)

  • Draw students' attention to the Classroom Discussion Norms anchor chart and read it aloud. Remind them that they have been paying attention to these when they talk to one another.
  • Display Tools Challenge #2 Materials Set 1 in the center of the circle so all students can have a clear view. Name each tool for the students.
  • Provide 20-30 seconds of silent viewing of the tools.
  • Invite students to Think-Pair-Share:

"What do you notice about these tools?" (Responses will vary. Model as necessary: "The calculator has lots of buttons and numbers on it.")

  • Cold call on two to three B partners to share what they noticed. If necessary, provide the sentence stem "I notice that ___." (name of tool)
  • Invite students to Think-Pair-Share:

"What do you wonder about these tools?" (Responses will vary. Model as necessary: "I wonder why the Unifix cubes are all the same size?")

  • Cold call on two to three A partners to share what they wondered with their partner. Record each wonder as a question on a Wondering about Tools chart. (Responses will vary.) Be sure to gather responses representing several different question words.
  • Throughout this portion of the lesson, support students? notices and wonders with prompting questions. Examples: "Look closely at the details of the tool." "How would you describe the tool?" "How might people use this tool?" "Who might use this tool?" "What can this tool be used for?"
  • If productive, use a Goal 1 Conversation Cue to encourage students to expand the conversation about tools:

"Can you say more about that?" (Responses will vary.) 

  • For ELLs: Offer alternatives for visual information by allowing children to feel the physical tools (e.g., measuring cup, calculator, Unifix cube) and then pass them to share with peers. (MMR)
  • For ELLs: To prepare students for the work ahead, remind them about the challenge they completed the day before. Call on students to recall what they did and inform them that today?s task will be similar. (MMR)
  • As you review the "Learning Target" poem, vary methods for response by inviting students to generate movements for particular phrases. Engage the entire class in these movements as you read the poem. (MMAE)
  • To help learners anticipate and prepare for sharing their thinking with a partner, provide all students with index cards that designate whether they are partner A or B. (MME)
  • For ELLs: Review the meanings of notice and wonder. Think aloud while modeling notices and wonders. Example: "When I can see something interesting, I notice it. Hmmm, I am looking at the calculator and I notice that it has a lot of these ... What are they? Buttons. Lots of little buttons. I notice the calculator has a lot of little buttons."

B. Working with Vocabulary: Tools and Work Word Wall (10 minutes) 

  • Direct students? attention to the posted learning targets and read the second one aloud:

"I can ask and answer questions about tools and how they are used."

  • Share with students that earlier when they wondered about the tools on display, that meant they had some questions about the tools. For example, one wonder was, "Why are the Unifix cubes different colors?"
  • Briefly explain that there are certain words that questions often start with.
  • Explain that there is a special place in the room where the class is going to collect important words that they can use when they are speaking and writing about tools. This special place is called the Tools and Work Word Wall.
  • Display the wonders that were recorded on the Wondering about Tools chart in Opening A near the Tools and Work Word Wall.
  • Refer to the wonders that were recorded in Opening A, select a question word from the wonders, and display the corresponding Tools and Work Word Wall Word Card.
  • Read each question word aloud, and invite students to read it after you chorally as a group. Then place it on the Word Wall. 
  • Briefly share with students when to use each question word:
    • Who: to ask questions about people
    • What: to ask questions about information
    • When: to ask questions about time
    • Where: to ask questions about places
    • Why: to ask questions about reasons
    • How: to ask questions about how something works
  • Explain to students that the Word Wall is a place in the room where they will collect and display words that are important to use when speaking and writing. They can use this Word Wall to help them remember the words.
  • Redirect students' attention to the second posted learning target. Invite students to take out their magic bow and take aim at the target.
  • As you introduce each question word, enhance perceptual features by displaying corresponding pre-printed or hand-drawn images. Examples: who = image of person; what = image of nonfiction text; when = image of clock. (MMR)
  • Provide differentiated mentors by pairing developing readers with stronger readers. (MMAE)
  • For ELLs: Prompt students to notice that the words do and be often appear after question words. Example: "Look at the question 'Why are the Unifix cubes different colors?' Notice the word are in the sentence. I can?t just say, 'Why the Unifix cubes different colors?'"

Work Time

Work TimeMeeting Students' Needs

A. Developing Language: Play and Exploration with Math Tools (15 minutes) 

  • Remind students that it is important to listen with care and to look at the speaker when asking and answering questions.
  • Remind students of Mission Letter #1, which they read in Lesson 1. Tell them that today they are going to work on their second challenge in an effort to complete their mission.
  • Invite students to do a drumroll on their laps as you take out the Mission Envelope. With excitement, remove the Tools Challenge Note #2 from the envelope.
  • Invite students to whisper to their partner: "It's challenge time!"
  • Read aloud Tools Challenge Note #2: "Your challenge today is to decide which rod is longest, which rod is shortest, and to prove it using the best tool for the job."
  • Ask:

"What does it mean to prove it?" (to show or tell why something is true)

  • Display the Tools Challenge #2 Materials Set 2. Place Sets 1 and 2 of the Tools Challenge #2 materials at each student workspace for the small groups.
  • Invite students to Think-Pair-Share with their partner:

"What questions do you have about these materials?" (Responses will vary.)

  • While gesturing toward the rods and tools, restate that the challenge is to decide which rod is long and which is short and to prove it using the best tool. Ask:

"What are you wondering about this challenge?" (Responses will vary.)

  • Prompt student pairs to ask questions about the challenge using questions words (who, what, when, where, why, and how). Remind students to listen and look at their partner when he or she is speaking.
  • Cold call on two to three B partners on to share their questions, prompting students to use the question words (who, what, when, where, why, and how).
  • Ask students to Think-Pair-Share using the sentence stem: "I think the best tool for the job will be _____ because ____________.":

"Which tool will be the best tool for the job?" (Responses will vary.)

  • Tell students they are going to work on the challenge in groups of three.
  • Explain that the classroom discussion norms of listening with care and looking at the speaker are still important when working in a small group.
  • Direct students' attention to the Tools Challenge #2 Materials Sets 1 and 2 on each workspace. Have students notice that each student will work with two Cuisenaire rods (one long and one short) and that they will need to take turns using the measuring cup, calculator, and Unifix cubes when they are deciding on the best tool to prove which rod is the longest and which is the shortest.
  • Regroup students into small groups of three and transition each small group to a workspace.
  • Using a document camera, display Part 1 of the Tools Challenge #2 response sheet and walk through the following steps with students:

1. Decide which tool is the longest.

2. Put the longest tool in the top box and trace it.

3. Decide which tool is the shortest.

4. Put the shortest tool in the lower box and trace it.

5. Prove which tool is longest and shortest by using the best tool for the job.

  • Circulate and support students as needed. Prompt students to circle the picture of the best tool for the job.
  • Refocus students whole group.
  • Using a total participation technique, invite responses from the group:

"What happened? Which tool was the best for the job? How do you know? How did the Unifix cubes help you prove which rod was the longest and which one was the shortest?"

  • If productive, use a Goal 1 Conversation Cue to encourage students to clarify the conversation about the best tool for the job:

"So, do you mean _____?" (Responses will vary.) 

  • For ELLs: Ask students about the sentence from Tools Challenge #2: "Your challenge today is to decide which rod is longest, which rod is shortest, and to prove it using the best tool for the job." Examples:
    • "What is challenge? What is challenge in our home languages?" (a difficult task; meydan okuma in Turkish) Invite all students to repeat the translation in a different home language.
    • "What is another word for decide?" (choose) "What did you decide to wear this morning?"
    • Say: "Pretend you have a string in your hand. Show me a string that is long." Invite students to move their fingers far apart from one another horizontally. "Now show me a string that is even longer." Invite students to move their fingers even farther apart. Invite students to show an imaginary string that is short.
    • "What does longest mean? What does the -est at the end of the word tell me?" (The longest rod is the one that is longer or more long than all the other ones.)
    • "If we are going to pick which rod is longest, how many rods will we pick? How do you know?" (one rod; only one can be the longest; there is no -s after rod, so that tells me it is just one.)
    • "What does the sentence mean by using the best tool for the job?" (We need to use the tool that makes it easy to tell which rod is the longest.)
  • As you introduce the terms long and short, clarify vocabulary by using string or (another classroom material that won't be used in Tools Challenge #2) to demonstrate length. (MMR)
  • For ELLs: Invite students to use their home languages during the challenge. This will make them more comfortable engaging with the content, and it will facilitate the transfer of language skills across languages.
  • For ELLs: When grouping triads, create mixed proficiency groups with at least one beginning proficiency student and one advanced proficiency student who speak the same home language, if possible.
  • For ELLs: Foster collaboration and community by proactively providing prompts for how to ask peers and/or teachers for help during small group work. (MME) 

B. Recording Our Thinking: Draw and Label the Tool That Was Best for the Job (10 minutes) 

  • Direct students' attention to the posted learning targets and reread the first learning target aloud, emphasizing the word drawing:

"I can examine tools through close observation and drawing."

  • Share with students that now they will get a chance to show what they know about the tools from the challenge by drawing a tool. 
  • Model how to look closely at a tool, draw the details, and label the tool. Consider using a pencil with an eraser to draw.
    • Say:  

"First, I need to find the shapes in the object I want to draw."

    • Ask:

"What shapes do you notice in the Unifix cube?" (A Unifix cube is made up of a square and small rectangle.)

    • Say:

"Now let's think about the lines of the square."

    • Ask:

"What do you notice about the lines on the cube?" (The lines are the same length.)

"What do you notice about the lines on the small rectangle above the square? (The top and bottom lines are longer than the sides; the top and bottom lines are the same length and the lines on the side are the same length.)

    • Model drawing the Unifix cube for students.
  • Explain to students that now it is their turn to draw and label a tool from today's challenge. Point out that the tools from which they may choose are on display.
  • Direct students' attention to Part 2 of the Tools Challenge #2 response sheet and the writingutensils at their workspaces.
  • Invite students to draw a tool from the Tools Challenge #2 and label the tool. Circulate and support students as needed.
  • Collect students' Tools Challenge #2 response sheets. 
  • Before students begin drawing and labeling, maximize transfer by providing individual checklists with words and pictures that include (MMR):
    • Draw
    • Label
    • Add details
  • As students begin writing and drawing, vary methods for fine motor response by considering alternative writing utensils (e.g., fine-tipped markers vs. pencils) and/or pre-printed images that students can select to glue down. (MMAE)
  • As students draw and write, vary demands and optimize challenge by inviting students who finish early and have added sufficient detail to select a second tool to draw and label. (MME)
  • For ELLs: Allow students to choose the tool they want to draw and to tell their partners before transitioning to their seats. This will allow them to verbalize their plans and will foster a sense of direction and autonomy. (MMAE) 

C. Reading Aloud: My Math Toolbox (10 minutes) 

  • Give students specific positive feedback on their ability to draw and label a tool from Challenge #2.
  • Using the document camera, display My Math Toolbox. Share with students that they can learn about other math tools from this book. Draw students' attention to the title of the book and read the title aloud.
  • While still displaying the text, complete a first read of the text, reading slowly, fluently, with expression, and without interruption.
  • Using a total participation technique, invite responses from the group:

"What was this book mostly about?" (how people use different math tools)

  • Tell students they are going to read and discuss a few pages from the book.
  • Review the Think-Pair-Share protocol as needed. Focus students on their partner. Tell them that you are going to read several pages from the text. After each page they are going to Think-Pair-Share, and partner A will speak first, then partner B. Remind students to take turns speaking.
  • Invite them to use the sentence starter, "A (name of tool) helps to ______" to Think-Pair-Share:

"What tool is this? How is it used?"

  • Repeat this process with the next page.
  • Synthesize the read-aloud by having students Think-Pair-Share:

"Name one new math tool you learned about today. What job does this tool help to do?" (Responses will vary.)

  • Before reading My Math Toolbox, activate background knowledge by previewing the question you will ask. Example: "What was this story mostly about?" (MMR)
  • Provide alternatives in expectations for the rate at which children might answer questions. Example: Extend wait time. (MMAE)
  • After the first reading, optimize relevance by prompting students to make connections to previous experiences. Example: "Give a thumbs-up if you have used this math tool before." (MME)
  • For ELLs: To reinforce awareness of question syntax, ask students to identify the question on page 3. (What is in my toolbox?) 

Closing & Assessments

ClosingMeeting Students' Needs

A. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes) 

  • Share that in the previous lesson students learned about cooking tools, and today they learned about math tools.
  • Direct students' attention to the posted Tools anchor chart.
  • Remind students that they will be learning about more tools and what these new tools do, and that they will be using this anchor chart to keep track of all the tools they learn about.
  • Using a total participation technique, invite responses from the group:

"Which tool did we need to get the job done in the challenge?" (Unifix cubes; add to the left side of the Tools anchor chart.)

"What job does the tool help to do?" (The Unifix cubes help to measure the length of each rod; add to the right side of the anchor chart.)

"Why do we need tools?" (Tools make our lives easier; they help us do work. Note:This definition of tools will be added to the Tools anchor chart in Lesson 4.)

  • If productive, use a Goal 1 Conversation Cue to encourage students to expand the conversation about tools:

"Can you give an example?" (Responses will vary.)

  • Give students specific, positive feedback on their work during Tools Challenge #2. Tell them that tomorrow, they will get to work on another challenge to help them understand even more about what tools do.
  • As you prepare the Tools anchor chart, offer ways of customizing the display of information by varying the text size, visual contrast, and layout based on students' needs. (MMR)
  • As students discuss tools they used to measure the Cuisenaire rods, offer options for physical action by inviting children to do the following: "Using your hands, show me the size of the short Cuisenaire rod. What about the long Cuisenaire rod?" (MMAE)
  • Optimize autonomy by involving students in setting their own academic and behavioral goals regarding math tools. Example: "Whisper to your shoulder partner one kind of math tool you hope to use in first grade." (MME)

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