Unit-at-a-Glance Detail | EL Education Curriculum

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ELA G1:M1:U3

Writing to Show Understanding: Creating a Magnificent Thing

Each unit is made up of a sequence of between 5-20 lessons. The “unit at a glance” chart in the curriculum map breaks down each unit into its lessons, to show how the curriculum is organized in terms of standards address, supporting targets, ongoing assessment, and protocols. It also indicates which lessons include the mid-unit and end-of-unit assessments.

Lesson 1Speaking and Listening: Starting the Plan to Create a Magnificent Thing

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Engaging the Learner: Mission Letter #5 (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Reading Aloud: The Most Magnificent Thing, Pages 1–29 (15 minutes)

B. Developing Language: Using Pictures (10 minutes) 

C. Pinky Partners: Brainstorm Classroom Needs (15 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Structured Discussion: Deciding What to Build (10 minutes) 

  • I can describe steps used in The Most Magnificent Thing to build a magnificent thing. (RL.1.3)
  • I can participate in a discussion with my classmates about the needs of the classroom. (SL1.1, SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, SL.1.1c
  • Use the Speaking and Listening Checklist to track students' progress toward the lesson's standards (SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c) (see Assessment Overview and Resources). 
  • Think-Pair-Share
  • Pinky Partners

Lesson 2Noticing and Describing: Looking at Models of a Magnificent Thing

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Engaging the Learner: How We Collaborate (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Modeling: Describing a Magnificent Thing (10 minutes)

B. Small Group Practice: Describing a Magnificent Thing (10 minutes)

C. Modeling and Guided Writing: Describing a Magnificent Thing (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes) 

  • I can use describing words to explain how our magnificent thing will look. (SL.1.1, SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c)
  • I can write details about my magnificent thing using describing words. (W.1.8
  • During the Closing, track students' progress toward SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c using the Speaking and Listening Checklist (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
  • Think-Pair-Share

Lesson 3Discussing and Recording: Tools and Materials to Build a Magnificent Thing

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Back-to-Back and Face-to-Face: How Can You Show Initiative? (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Modeling: Planning to Build a Magnificent Thing (10 minutes)

B. Small Group Practice: Planning to Build a Magnificent Thing (10 minutes)

C. Modeling and Guided Writing: Planning to Build a Magnificent Thing (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes)

  • I can listen to and talk with my group about the tools and materials we will need for our magnificent thing. (SL.1.1, SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, SL.1.1c)
  • I can record the tools and materials that my group agreed to use to build our magnificent thing. (W.1.8)
  • During the Opening and Closing, track students' progress toward SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c using the Speaking and Listening Checklist (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
  • Back-to-back and Face-to-Face
  • Think-Pair-Share

Lesson 4Speaking and Listening: Working on a Magnificent Thing

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Chant and Movement: Responsibility Chant (5 minutes)

B. Engaging the Learner: Responsibility (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Modeling: Working on a Magnificent Thing (15 minutes)

B. Small Group Practice: Working on a Magnificent Thing (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes)

  • I can listen to and learn with my group as we create our magnificent thing. (SL.1.1, SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, SL.1.1c
  • During the Closing, track students' progress toward SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c using the Speaking and Listening Checklist (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
  • Think-Pair-Share

Lesson 5Discussing and Writing: Working on a Magnificent Thing

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Engaging the Learner: Reviewing Yesterday's Work (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Modeling: Working on a Magnificent Thing (10 minutes)

B. Small Group Practice: Working on a Magnificent Thing (15 minutes) 

C. Modeling and Guided Writing: Working on a Magnificent Thing (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Back-to-Back and Face-to-Face: How I Used Tools (10 minutes)

  • I can listen to and talk with my group about the work that needs to get done on our magnificent thing. (SL.1.1, SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, SL.1.1c)
  • I can record what I did to complete our magnificent thing. (W.1.8
  • During the Opening and Closing, track students' progress toward SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c using the Speaking and Listening Checklist (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
  • Back-to-back and Face-to-Face

Lesson 6Examine and Document: Identifying Revisions for a Magnificent Thing

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Engaging the Learner: Revision (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Modeling: Identifying Revisions for a Magnificent Thing (5 minutes)

B. Small Group Practice: Identifying Revisions for a Magnificent Thing (10 minutes)

C. Modeling and Guided Writing: Identifying Revisions for a Magnificent Thing (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Reflecting on Learning (15 minutes)

  • I can examine our magnificent thing to identify ways to make it better. (SL.1.1, SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, SL.1.1c)
  • I can document the changes my group will make to our magnificent thing. (W.1.8)
  • During the Closing, track students' progress toward SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c using the Speaking and Listening Checklist (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
  • Think-Pair-Share

Lesson 7Discussing and Writing: Finishing a Magnificent Thing

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Pinky Partners: How Did Revision Go? (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Modeling: Finishing a Magnificent Thing (5 minutes)

B. Small Group Practice: Finishing a Magnificent Thing (15 minutes)

C. Modeling and Guided Writing: Finishing a Magnificent Thing (15 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Reflecting on Learning (15 minutes)

  • I can discuss and agree on the finishing touches for our group's magnificent thing. (SL.1.1, SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, SL.1.1c)
  • I can sketch and write about my group's finished magnificent thing. (W.1.8)
  • Use the Speaking and Listening Checklist to track students' progress toward the lesson's standards (SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c) (see Assessment Overview and Resources).
  • Pinky Partners

Lesson 8Performance Task: Informational Writing: Analyzing a Model and Drafting a Focus Statement

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Launching the Performance Task: Part II (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Analyzing a Model: My Magnificent Thing Description (15 minutes)

B. Drafting a Focus Statement: My Magnificent Thing Description (15 minutes)

C. Revising and Editing a Focus statement: My Magnificent Thing Description (15 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Reflecting on Learning (5 minutes) 

  • I can identify what makes a high-quality description of a magnificent thing. (W.1.2)
  • I can write the focus statement for my description of our magnificent thing. (W.1.2, W.1.8, L.1.2
  • Collect students' Magnificent Things Writing booklets to gather evidence on their progress toward W.1.2 to inform instruction.
  • Think-Pair-Share

Lesson 9Performance Task: My Magnificent Thing: Drafting Detail Sentences

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Introducing the Magnificent Thing Notebook as a Writing Resource (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Drafting Detail Sentences: My Magnificent Thing Description (25 minutes)

B. Revising and Editing Detail Sentences: My Magnificent Thing Description (15 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Pinky Partners: Sharing Our Writing (10 minutes)

  • I can write details in my magnificent thing description about how I used tools. (W.1.2, W.1.8, L.1.2)
  • I can plan for my writing by using my Magnificent Thing notebook. (W.1.2)
  • Collect students' Magnificent Things Writing booklets to gather evidence on their progress toward W.1.2 to inform instruction.
  • Pinky Partners

Lesson 10Performance Task: My Magnificent Thing: Drafting a Conclusion and Revising

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Shared Writing: Writing an Invitation to Guests (10 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Drafting a Conclusion: My Magnificent Thing Description (15 minutes)

B. Revising and Editing a Conclusion: My Magnificent Thing Description (10 minutes)

C. Revising: My Magnificent Thing Description (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Pinky Partners: Sharing Our Writing (5 minutes) 

  • I can write a conclusion for my magnificent thing description. (W.1.2, W.1.8, L.1.2)
  • I can revise My Magnificent Thing Description using the Revising and Editing Checklist. (W.1.2, L.1.2
  • Collect students' Magnificent Things Writing booklets to gather evidence on their progress toward W.1.2 to inform instruction.
  • Circulate and observe how students are using the Revising and Editing Checklist to revise their writing in Work Times B and C. (W.1.2, L.1.2)
  • Think-Pair-Share
  • Pinky Partners

Lesson 11Performance Task: My Magnificent Thing: Editing and Reflecting

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Reviewing Steps to Write My Magnificent Thing Description (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Editing: My Magnificent Thing Description (20 minutes)

B. Editing with My Writing Partner: My Magnificent Thing Description (15 minutes)

C. Reflecting with My Writing Partner: My Magnificent Thing Description (10 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Pinky Partners: Sharing Our Writing (10 minutes) 

  • I can edit and publish my writing using the Revising and Editing Checklist for my magnificent thing description. (W.1.2, W.1.8, L.1.2)
  • I can reflect with my writing partner. (W.1.8)
  • Collect students' Magnificent Things Writing booklets to gather evidence on their progress toward W.1.2 to inform instruction.

  • Circulate and observe how students are using the Revising and Editing Checklist to edit their writing.
  • Pinky Partners

Lesson 12Unit 3 Assessment: Writing to Show Understanding: Describing a Habit of Character

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. Letter from Headquarters: Habits of Character (5 minutes)

2. Work Time 

A. Unit 3 Assessment: Describing a Habit of Character I Used (25 minutes)

B. Preparing for Our Celebration of Learning: Designating Roles (20 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment

A. Introducing Effective Learners Anchor Chart (10 minutes) 

  • I can write and draw to describe how I used a habit of character to make my magnificent thing. (W.1.2, W.1.8, L.1.2)
  • I can prepare for our celebration of learning by speaking clearly and using complete sentences about our magnificent thing. (SL.1.6
  • During Work Time A, circulate and support students only by prompting them to use the classroom supports, such as the Tools and Work Word Wall, anchor charts, etc. Do not provide additional supports, because this is an opportunity for students to show what they know. (W.1.2 and L.1.2)
  • Circulate to observe students speaking clearly and in complete sentence during Work Time B. (SL.1.6)

Lesson 13Reading Aloud: Sharing and Celebrating Our Magnificent Things

Agenda Daily Learning Targets Ongoing Assessment Anchor Charts & Protocols

1. Opening

A. It’s Time for the Celebration! (5 minutes)

2. Work Time

A. Celebration of Learning (35 minutes)

B. Reflecting on Learning (10 minutes)

3. Closing and Assessment 

A. Shared Writing: Letter to Headquarters (10 minutes) 

  • I can present my group's magnificent thing by speaking clearly and using complete sentences. (SL.1.6)
  • I can name the magnificent things other groups have created and how they are helping the classroom. (SL.1.1)
  • Students demonstrate speaking skills as they use complete sentences and speak clearly as theyshare their magnificent thing. (SL.1.6)
  • Students demonstrate their listening skills as they pay close attention to the magnificent things other groups have made and how these things will help the classroom. (SL.1.1)
  • Use the Speaking and Listening Checklist to track students' progress toward SL.1.1a, SL.1.1b, and SL.1.1c (see Assessment Overview and Resources).

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